Li Heng lay on the spaceship, recalling the dream just now.

The power of the Knower allows him to remember every detail of his dreams.

"The white-haired ... Maiden, is she Kiana? Li Heng didn't know why, when he thought of the white-haired girl, Li Heng thought of Kiana.

"No, it's not her, at this time, Kiana has not yet been born... Bah, Makiana was born, K423 was not born yet. Li Heng shook his head.

"Who would that be... Also, are these gemstones also related to her... Well...... Lean, headache.

Li Heng really couldn't think of the identity of the girl in his dream.

There are also these gems that appear out of thin air, and it is strange that every Li Heng can be fused and used.

"Hiss... Forget it, the brain hurts, I don't want to. Li Heng looked at the map.

Well, at the current speed, it should be twenty minutes.

Li Heng looked at the scenery outside the window and suddenly felt a pang of loneliness.

Suddenly he left his own world, his own family, his own friends, and came to this place that is familiar but unfamiliar.

I don't even have a friend to talk to, so I can only endure it alone.

"Haha, is this the loneliness that crossers have to endure?" Li Heng smiled self-deprecatingly

, "Wait for the master to save Celine, chat with her in Hyperion every day, see if the master is still lonely."

"Hey... I don't know if Celine will forgive me if she knows what I did. Li Heng sighed, and then put away his expression of loss.

"Take it one step at a time, if Celine doesn't forgive me, then it's fine... Hey, hey, hey..." Li Heng's smile gradually changed.

Twenty minutes later, the spacecraft arrived on the outskirts of Novosibirsk.

Li Heng glanced down and suddenly frowned.

Many refugees gathered below, some walking aimlessly, others leaning together to warm themselves.

The ship passed over them, and they all looked up.

Li Heng looked at Novosibirsk in the distance.

The whole of Novosibirsk is wrapped in black fog, and it is impossible to see what is going on inside.

"Gotta go from below." Li Heng was not sure if the ship could resist the black fog, depending on the situation, the black fog was the product of the power of the person who seemed to be the law of death.

Li Heng thought about it, hovered the spacecraft, and then took out the communicator and sent a communication to the head of the Mandate of Heaven branch in Novosibirsk.

"Head of the Mandate of Heaven branch in Novosibirsk? Well, yes it's me, the vicarpant. "

You guys are ... Eh, east? Li Heng held the communication in his hand and opened the map, well, he came from the west.

Yes, you have to go around.

"Do you have a place to park the spaceship over there?" Ah, no? If not, help me clean up a piece.

Li Heng thought for a moment and added.

"Don't drive it by force, my spaceship is not big."

Li Heng drove the spaceship to the east, and sure enough, he found a clearing, he parked the spaceship, carried the hellish judgment, and came down from above.

A middle-aged man with Mediterranean hair greeted him with a smile.

"Welcome the Vice-Bishop to command the battle!" The man smiled and saluted Li Heng, and the people who followed him also saluted Li Heng.

Looking at this posture and voice, it is undoubtedly the branch head who was chatting with Li Heng just now.

"You guys worked hard." Li Heng returned the favor like the politicians he had seen.

Li Heng looked around and found that there were still some people in the distance, but they couldn't see here.

"Please don't be surprised by the Lord Vice-Bishop, because the incident happened suddenly, and the branch was also very close to the place of the incident, so there were not many people who withdrew, plus you are not allowed to drive away by force..."

The branch leader saw that Li Heng's face changed a little, and immediately explained.

Just kidding, he is the vice-bishop of destiny, second only to Otto's existence on the surface, or he is now a savior, if he is angry, then he will be completely finished.

Depend, what is this called! The branch chief complained in his heart.

He was obviously leisurely fishing in the branch, but his subordinates suddenly reported that they had found a black fog, which was extremely corrosive, and even the slag would not be left when touched by people, spreading and scattering blocks.

If he hadn't run fast, he would have accounted for it inside.

"It's okay, tell me about the situation." Li Heng smiled, what those people did had nothing to do with him, he just wanted to solve things early.

The head of the branch breathed a sigh of relief and immediately described the situation.

Li Heng was still smiling and listening, listening and listening, he suddenly looked in one direction.

"Lord Vice-Bishop, what's wrong?" The branch chief looked suspiciously in the direction Li Heng was looking, but saw nothing.

"Nothing, you go ahead." Li Heng withdrew his gaze, not knowing what he was thinking.

Mandate of Heaven headquarters.

Otto watched Li Heng glance in the direction of the drone and smiled.

"It's very perceptive."

After Otto finished debugging his body, he felt a little bored, so he asked a branch near Novosibirsk to launch a drone and fly to Novosibirsk, wanting to see how Li Heng operated.

Unexpectedly, just approaching, Li Hengxian felt it.

"Interesting, such a keen perception, stronger than Walter, and the big sniper on the back, it is not simple to see."

Otto smiled mysteriously.

"My good captain~ how much have you hidden..." The

perspective returns to Novosibirsk.

The branch chief looked at Li Heng, who was pondering after listening to his story, and couldn't help but say: "Lord Vice-Bishop, take the liberty to ask, when will the Valkyrie troops arrive?" "

Otto did say that the vice-master church fought side by side with them, but didn't he think that the noble vice-lord church of the Mandate of Heaven went to the front line to fight, and commanded in the rear also fought side by side?

Therefore, he estimated that Li Heng would only come here first to stabilize people's minds, and then the troops would come to solve the problem.

"You may have made a mistake, I am the support." Li Heng said, smiled, and then revealed the face around his waist.

The scene suddenly fell into deathly silence.

Everyone stared at Li Heng's face on his waist, revealing a shocked expression.

No one knows what it means, and the sword of Moscow has long been spread around the world.

Although it did not save Moscow, it is understood which hero has done his best.

And now, Li Heng appeared here with a noodles, what it meant, everyone naturally knew.

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