Changing the hellish trial from a spear to a sniper rifle, Li Heng showed a timid look and slowly retreated.

"Why, you're scared?" Celine looked at the timid Li Heng, and suddenly felt a burst of relief.

She slowly approached Li Heng, and Li Heng was also slowly retreating.

Until Li Heng retreated to the edge of the top of the tower.

"Haha, ant, you have no way back!"

Celine laughed, as if she had won a victory.

"I'm in a good mood today, if you kneel down and beg me, I will let you go."

"That is, if I kneel down and beg you, I will die, right?"

Li Heng looked behind him and said to Xilin.

"Yes, so, get on your knees..." "

But I refuse!"

Li Heng lifted the hellish trial and aimed it at Celine.

"Still want to do death throes?" Celine said disdainfully.

"Death throes?" Li Heng suddenly laughed, the palm of his right hand unfolded, and the core of the Flame Law appeared in his hand, and he slammed the core into the hell trial.

Jumping backwards, he aimed at Celine in the air.

"You fooled Celine! This is my escape route!

"Judgment, come!"

The fire dragon flew out of the Hellish Trials again, roaring and crashing into Celine.

And Li Heng used the reverse thrust to fall into the distance like a cannonball.

"Damn, how can you ant still have such strong power! Wait, do you say..." Celine

recalled that Li Heng had slapped into the core of the Hell Trial

, and the hem of her skirt lit up and began to resist Li Heng's attack.

This attack is exactly the same as the last time, only the thrust does not hurt.

Prepared, Celine quickly defused the attack.

Cylin looked in the direction Li Heng left.

"Huh? The breath actually disappeared, hmph, forget it, anyway, he is already wasted, this madman actually burned the core of the lawyer. "

That's right, with Li Heng no longer having the slightest trace of collapse energy, Li Heng can only squeeze the core of the Quasi-Flame Law that was separated before.

Anyway, it's just a quasi-lawyer core, and it can still be divided without it.

But Xi Lin didn't know ah, in her opinion, Li Heng had no lawyer core, and he was shot at the spear of Yakong, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to survive.

"Hehe, let the Honkai Beast eat you, as for the gifts you left behind..."

Celine played with the golden feather dust in her hand.

That's right, golden, Otto made it out of the Void.

"You invaded my consciousness with this feather, so now, these remaining feathers belong to me."

Celine opens a window where Cecilia and Siegfried are.

"Just use you guys, try my new toys~"


The other side.

Li Heng looked back and was relieved to make sure that Celine had not caught up with Hou.

He found a hidden place and sat down.

He looked at the Arkon Spear on his chest and fell into deep thought.

In his current state, he can't use the power of the Law of Reason to repair the wound, that is, pull this thing out now, and the preservation is a blood hole.

"I just... As if in a fantasy realm... Had a dream..."

Li Heng recalled the thick sadness in his heart when he left the illusion.

He tried his best to recall what had happened, but it was blurred for a long time, and he could only feel the faint sadness.

"I forgot my dreams? Is it because of the Void Sword God? Or was it because of the excessive consumption of forces at that time?

Li Heng was a little confused, and the sadness in his heart made him sure of one thing.

That's what he seems to have forgotten.

Very important... Person? Stuff? Or something?

Or... All of them?

"Shhh! Backbite! Backbite!

While Li Heng was brainstorming, his communicator suddenly rang, interrupting his thinking.

He saw the familiar option and knew who was calling.

Otto's face appeared on the screen with his signature smile, and he was driving Li Heng's spaceship towards the headquarters of Heavenly Destiny.

Fu Hua was placed in the back seat, and the two rabbits seemed to be very dissatisfied with someone occupying their place, jumping around on Fu Hua's body.

"Oh, my dear captain, you..."

Otto was polite as soon as he came up, but he was stunned halfway through the words.

He saw the Yakong Spear on Li Heng's chest.

"You are..." Otto felt the headache that had just dissipated a little bit begin again.

Li Heng looked down, and then said with a smile

: "It's okay, it's just that I was plugged in by the second lawyer, it's not a big deal."

Are you sure you're okay? The part of the special Yakong Spear that passed through the body was almost piercing the communicator! You call this okay?

"You know... I communicated with the broken god in the consciousness of the Second Law, and when I asked about His method of resurrecting Karen, He 'committed suicide' in front of me, is there any point in this act of your God? Otto

tried to ignore the Spear of Arkon and asked the question he had wanted to ask for a long time.

"I don't know much about that."

Li Heng thought about it and said.

"All I know is that you fooled everything in order to save Kalien, and finally gave your life to open up a future that belongs only to her in the past."

"Fool everything... Paying with your life... Open up the future..."

Otto refined the key words in Li Heng's words, repeated, and then lowered his head to think.

He vaguely grasped something, something very important.

"It's nothing, I'll hang up first."

Li Heng shrugged his shoulders and was about to hang up the communication.

Otto raised his head, looked at Li Heng on the screen, suddenly smiled, and said.

"O my good captain... Why do I ask about a strange smell as soon as I get on board?

After that, Otto also made a gesture and sniffed.

Li Heng's face froze, of course he knew what that smell was.

But he couldn't tell Otto that

Grandpa had been blown up as a black man before, and Grandpa had retreated a layer of skin on the spaceship.


Looking at Li Heng, who hurriedly hung up the communication, Otto smiled.

He was a little happy when he got the answer, and actually made a joke with Li Heng.

In a trance, the once kind Otto seemed to return.

Otto shook his head, and the smile on his face gradually converged.

Its powerful aura even made the two rabbits behind him a little more honest.

No, that kind, well-meaning Otto is dead.

What is alive now is just a walking dead who lives for Kalien.


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