"Nope... No way! How can you have the core of the Law of Flame, your one is obviously fake! It has always been with the Queen!

Benares looked at the core in Li Heng's hand incredulously.

"What she has in her hand is real, and what I have in my hand is also true."

Li Heng brought the core close to his chest, and a stream of heat flowed out from the core, beginning to guide the collapse energy in Li Heng's body.

Although no one would notice here, Li Heng did not dare to expose too much.

His pupils slowly turned blue, his eyes appeared to represent the pattern of the lawyer, and his hair grew a little.

His clothes also began to change, from a shirt to a trench coat.

"This is... Do gemstones really have power? "

Li Heng holds this hell judgment in his hand, and some collapse can flow into the gun from the body, forming a wonderful connection with the hell trial.

Li Heng felt that the hell trial was like a part of his body now, and he could clearly feel the excitement of the hell trial.

In the past, he was only using the core roughly, and sometimes even limiting the core.

Because of these cores of unknown origin, Li Heng always had some precautions against them.

Never before has a core been used without restrictions.

Why? After coming out of the Yudu Dust Illusion Realm, his defenses against these cores seemed to have disappeared.

What happened in that vague dream?

Li Heng shook off those thoughts, transformed into a weapon form, and stood in front of Bella with a gun.

"I... Won't let you pass! "

Bella is crazy and condenses the Honkai energy, and she vows to protect the queen in her heart.

However, Li Heng flashed and came behind Bella.

"Sorry." Li Heng whispered softly in her ear, raised his left hand, and slashed towards Bella's already injured left wing.

"Boom!" Bella felt a black in front of her eyes, and a strong force poured in from her left shoulder, straight to the core of the lawyer in her body.

"Not good! If there is no lawyer core..."

Bella's consciousness was blurred

, she was just a broken beast before, she couldn't think, and she had no feelings.

At that time, she had only two thoughts in her mind, loyalty to the queen and the extermination of all humanity.

During the battle with Walter, she suffered serious injuries that could not be healed, and she used her last ounce of strength to save Celine and send her to the moon.

She thought her life was over.

But Celine healed her, gave her a new body, and created a mimic core for her to think.

It can be said that Celine recreated Benares and recreated Bella.

"I'll call you Bella in the future, and you'll always be by my side!"

Celine also gave her the cherished name 'Bella'.

Until this time, she still remembered Celine's happy smile.

But now, she's going to lose that.

Once the core of the lawyer is broken, she will once again turn into a broken beast that only acts instinctively.

Forgetting one's name, unable to think, consciousness will fall into a deep sleep.

She desperately tried to stop the core from shattering, to save it all.

However, the destructive power of the Law of Flame is extremely powerful.

She had also been wounded in a previous battle and was powerless to stop it.

She could only do it before her core was completely shattered, before her consciousness was completely asleep.

Apologize to her supreme queen who deserves to be protected with everything.

"Sorry, Queen... My lord... Bella can't keep her promises, guard... You're here..."


Li Heng stood by the side, waiting for Bella to apologize to Celine, and then channeled her consciousness into a small red crystal.

Her consciousness because of the core of the lawyer is sleeping inside, and this crystallization can isolate the probing of others, and in the eyes of others, Bella is like a normal consciousness dissipating.

Of course, if the treasure is here, you will definitely be able to see through him.

It's a pity, the treasure man... The girl has not yet been born.

Looking at the crystallization in his hand, Li Heng smiled and said in a flat tone.

"From now on, there is no judgment-level Collapse Beast Benares in the world, only the Hyperion maid-Bella."

To save people, you need to kill people first.

Haha, that's interesting.


Celine originally wanted to use the power of Yuduchen to create a sad dream, so that Cecilia and Ziegfried could also feel their pain.

But because she can't use Hado Dust, she has a good dream.

Although she didn't want to admit it, even Celine herself was immersed in this dream.

Here, she experienced the warmth of her long-lost maternal love, the taste of bread, and the warmth of family.

Hado feels her longing for the captain, so he even meets the 'captain', in this dream, the fake captain plays her boyfriend.

The familiar feeling even made her think that the 'captain' in front of her was real, and he was really alive.

Looking at the message sent by the captain on the communicator, Celine smiled sweetly.

If he really is alive, if my mother has not left me, if the collapse has not happened... Can I live this kind of life?

Celine asked herself in a muffled voice.

She shook her head and put down the communicator.

Fake, after all, still fake.

"He's dead. I, nor is it her daughter. "

But... In this dream, there is also a real existence.

She picked up a puppet that resembled Bella, as if asking the real Bella.

"What the hell should I do... How to do it..."

Celine was a little confused.

However, the puppet in front of him suddenly burned, and a strange feeling appeared in Celine's heart.

"Sorry, Queen... My lord... Bella can't keep her promises, guard... You're here..."

"Please... Lord Queen, don't let me... 's departure and sadness..." At

this point, Bella's last message arrived.

"Bella! Bella, what's wrong with you!

As if struck by lightning, Celine hurriedly called Bella.

However, Bella did not give her any response.

She could only feel that Bella's consciousness was disappearing.

"Celine, what's wrong with you, Celine, I heard you yelling."

Ziegfried heard the voice and hurriedly knocked on the door to ask about Celine.

Under the influence of Yu Duchen, he has taken Celine as his own daughter.

Hearing Celine shouting, I was immediately afraid that something had happened to Celine.

"It's this man, he broke Bella's wings!"

Celine looked at Zigfei outside the door with hatred

, "It must be their trick to confuse me with a happy life, and then kill Bella!"

The Spear of Arkon condensed in Celine's hands.

Dream, it's time to wake up.

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