"Here it is... Infinity Cloister?

Li Heng looked at the weird space around him.

He stretched out his hand and touched the block of space under his feet.

"The power of the Law of Emptiness? It can be offset by the power of gems, but..." Li

Heng thought about it, he didn't know if this guy Otto would launch a Collapse Fission Missile, so he had to stay and run away with the power in the core of the Void Lawyer.

The power of the core of the Knowing Law must be used to transfer the consciousness of Cyrin and Cecilia, and perhaps it will have to separate Celine's consciousness, separating the personality of the Lawyer who has been fabricated in her body from the master's personality.

The core of the Law of Reason has to be used for emergencies, in case he is injured again, he will be embarrassed if he does not have the strength to rebuild his body.

Instead, you can use the power of the Law of Flame and the judgment of hell to break through here, after all, the original Zigfei used the Heavenly Fire Saint Cut to break through the infinite corridor.

"Hmm... Forget it, it's not bad to stay here.

Li Heng thought about it, he couldn't help if he went out now.

After Ziegfried took the drug, one person was able to kill Celine alone.

He couldn't do anything but fire a few shots when he went out, and he had to consume strength.

It's better to wait here, waiting for Siegfried to defeat Celine, then the main thing.

Li Heng thought so, and directly sat down on the ground with a big grin, waiting.


On the other side, the infinite corridor where Siegfried is located.

"Damn, after looking for so long, where is the exit!"

Ziggy ran quickly along the path beneath his feet, in stark contrast to someone who was already rotten.

But no matter how he advances, the environment around him remains the same.

"Wasting too much time here, Cecilia and Teresa will be in danger..." said Siegfried.

As for Li Heng, in Zigfei's opinion, that guy can come out by himself.

"That's it."

Zigfei stopped, lifted the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor, and aimed it at the road ahead.

"Since I can't find it, then I'll make one myself!"

"Bang! Bang! Strange

things happened, Ziegfried was clearly shooting at the ground, but the bullet grazed his shoulder, wiping the down feathers around his waist.

"The ground is pierced, that's right..."

he looked at the marks of the bullet on his shoulder.

"This scorched mark is also an attack by heavenly fire... Damn, what the hell..."

"There's no way, I'll tell you."

A voice sounded behind Ziggy Fei, and Ziggy looked back sharply.

A young man was standing behind him, watching him.

"Are you...!?"

Zigfei felt a little puzzled, who could come here through this strange space?

"That's right, it's indeed a bullet you shot yourself, and this is the infinite corridor created by the Void Law-"

The young man saw that Siegfried noticed him and said to himself.

"This cloister is a circular sphere, and if you attack towards the ground, the attack will be transferred to the other end of the sphere."

"What are you talking about?"

"Hey, don't ignore me!"

Zigfei looked confused, this guy ignored him at all! Only know what is self-talking.

"The Void Law of this era can actually evolve this ability..." At this, the young man paused, as if he was a little emotional about this situation.

"I didn't expect it."

"Who the hell are you and why are you here!"

The young man smiled, raised his hand, and pointed it at Zigfei's head

, "Time is running out, I have to go and talk to that person, so let's give you a strong hint like last time."

After ordering, the young man looked at Zigfei and said calmly.

"Goodbye, my successor."

The young man disappeared here in Siegfried.

Zigfei's eyes were confused for a moment, and he randomly recovered his clarity.

"What's going on, I just saw..."

he wondered, touching his head, as if forgetting something.

Zigefei looked at the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor in his hand and suddenly realized.

"I remembered that I had to use the Heavenly Fire Holy Tailor..."

On the other side, Cecilia fumbled for a while, also to no avail.

If she walks, it's like going in circles.

"Siegfried, Teresa, you must be fine..."

muttered Cecilia, very worried.


The infinite corridor where Li Heng is.

is boring to fiddle with hell trials.

"If you get a Yan Law Core inserted into it, can this thing also have a third form?"

Li Heng thought about the third form of hell trial.

Although he knew that it was impossible, his own gemstone must be more useful in the body than in the body, and the insect on Celine's body still had to be used, so he couldn't cut the Heavenly Fire Saint apart, right?

Kevin must not hunt him to the ends of the earth.


A figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Heng, which frightened him.

He fixed his eyes and was instantly stunned.


The figure was none other than 'Kevin Kaslana'.

Li Heng was stunned, didn't he just think about it, Kevin came to the door? It's so petty!

"No, at this time, you should be in the Quantum Sea... Oh yes, you're not Kevin, you're the consciousness of Kaslana Stigmata Space.

Li Heng reacted and immediately deduced the true identity of Kevin's phantom in front of him.

"Wait, how did you find me?"

Li Heng looked puzzled, I am not from the Kaslana family, how did you locate me?

Kevin was silent about this, he stretched out his right hand, and a crimson alien sword appeared in his hand.

It was the calamity form of the Heavenly Fire Saint Judgment.

"You, have you used the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor?"

'Kevin' wondered.

"Yes, I used it."

Li Heng glanced at 'Kevin' and said without thinking.

'Kevin' fell into deep thought.

"You don't care about Zigfei?"

Li Heng looked at Kevin, who was brainstorming, and said suspiciously.

"It was through the breath above the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor that I found your location, plus some of the Collapse Energy."

'Kevin' replied as he asked.

Li Heng: "cool."

"So you're looking for me for something?"

Li Heng asked, he wanted to know more why this guy appeared here.

Honkai can do anything, right?

And shouldn't this guy hide after giving Siegfried hints? What are you looking for him for?

Li Heng didn't know that 'Kevin' explained some things less than the original.

"My successor, I have given him hints of depth of heart. Leave him alone for now.

"Why are I looking for you..."

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