"Should I call you God of Collapse, or Honkai Consciousness, or..."

The man in front of him didn't seem to have changed, but with the help of the core of the Law of Knowledge, Li Heng still noticed her slight single emotional change.

The man's body fluctuated instantly, and in a few breaths, it became the appearance of a girl.

"I didn't expect it to really look like a duck."

After Li Heng saw this scene, he secretly said.

Prometheus and Bronia have some differences in eye color, the same twin turbines

, the same if this guy changes into Bronia's clothes, Li Heng may really confuse the two.

"I prefer you to call me Prometheus, Outsider."

Prometheus looked at Li Heng with cold eyes.

"Oh, so I hope you can also call me - Captain, Dr. May's artificial intelligence assistant."

Li Heng bowed slightly, but it seemed that in retaliation for Prometheus's phrase 'outsider', the artificial intelligence assistant bit very hard.

As for Prometheus knowing the identity of his traverser, Li Heng is not surprised, after all, they are all people who are almost standing above the world, and Otto's guy is also aware of it.

The key is which step they guessed, Li Heng was curious.

"Knowing the past and the future, I am curious about who you really are, what your purpose is, and what your purpose is."

Prometheus' red eyes didn't seem to show a trace of emotion.

But Li Heng knew that this guy had feelings, and he was very strong, so strong that he even gave Kevin a big fight.

"Purpose?" Li Heng smiled, this was the second time he had heard this question.

"Make this imperfect world what I want it to be."

"Is that an answer?"

Prometheus looked at him, and the icy mechanical voice sounded again.

"I don't know where your courage came from, relying on those few quasi-lawyer cores in your body?"

"Quasi-Lawyer Core?"

Li Heng was stunned, and then laughed.

"Haha, you just established a conversation with me, right?"

Speaking of which, the power he showed before is basically the power of the imitator, as for later, the link between Prometheus and Celine was cut off by Fu Hua's too virtual sword god, and this guy didn't know the ability of the Houye.

In addition, Prometheus in front of him seems to be the same as the previous 'Kevin', but he has established communication with him, and consciousness has not come here.

Naturally, he could not perceive Li Heng's current strength.

This led to an error in the information, making Prometheus think that he had only those few quasi-lawist cores.

And this led to her inevitable failure.

"Your existence is a variable for the world."

Prometheus saw that Li Heng had not spoken, and spoke.

"Although, judging by your previous attempts to save Moscow, you seem to have some shadow of a savior, but that's about it."

"You should know very well that Celine became a lawyer because of your 'death', so to speak, it was you who prompted the second collapse."

"So, you want to me?"

Hearing this, Li Heng spread his hands.

"I admit, I did it, and I never thought I was a good person."

"To save or not to save, just look at my inner thoughts, I will not carry the task of saving the world on my body, and I will not carry the responsibilities that are imposed on me."

"Those are just too heavy."

Li Heng didn't know why, Li Heng thought of the hero who carried the name of salvation, and thought of the question he had always wanted to get an answer.

'Why do birds fly?

Li Heng didn't know why birds flew, and he didn't want to know.

"I don't have that much ambition, I don't have that much ability, I don't have that much courage."

"Inadvertently, make up for those hurts, those regrets."

Saying that, Li Heng's emotions became excited, and the entire space was affected by Li Heng's emotions and fluctuated.

"Then, while cleaning the Hyperion, I could see their smiles and hear them call me captain."

Li Heng also seemed to realize that he was a little too extreme, then paused, and then said calmly.

"That's all."

Prometheus did not react to Li Heng's statement, she looked around, her brows frowned,

"Consciousness space? When..." This

is not the space she just came, but the space of consciousness superimposed on top of the original space.

"When I guessed that you were deliberately delaying time, I already brought you here with the core of the Law of Knowledge."

Li Heng's tone was calm, as if the guy who yelled just now had nothing to do with him.

What he said was true, otherwise it would not have caused fluctuations, but it was just to cover the consciousness of Cecilia and Celine.

Now that the consciousness of the two has entered the consciousness crystallization and sleep, he does not have to pretend.

"You don't seem to care what answers I give, you just want to solve me with the help of Otto's three big babes."

Prometheus did not answer Li Heng, she did think so.

No matter what answer Li Heng g, it could not erase her idea of wanting to eliminate Li Heng's uneasy factor.

How could the planning of tens of thousands of years of previous civilizations be possible to fail because of Li Heng, a sudden uneasy factor.

Before coming to Li Heng, she was ready.

She has the ability to trap Li Heng here for a short time, so that he will be attacked by the incoming Collapse Fission Missile.

But this is only the space of consciousness, or the space of consciousness controlled by Li Heng, and the speed of time flow is definitely faster than reality.

Even if she trapped it here for a few days, only a few seconds had passed outside, and she would consume a lot of energy herself.

"To be able to quietly pull me into the space of consciousness, what you have should be the core of the true law of knowledge."

Prometheus looked at Li Heng with burning eyes.

"I didn't expect you to have a true Law of Knowledge core, which you brought from outside the world, right?"

Li Heng was silent, he himself was a little confused about the origin of the gemstone, so he told Prometheus.

Prometheus also did not talk nonsense, and his figure began to blur, and he was about to cut off contact with Li Heng.

Li Heng smiled and muttered after the connection was broken.

"Prometheus, after everything is over, I wonder if you will be interested in helping me manage Hyperion."

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