"Well, this is the identity card of the vice alliance master of the anti-entropy."

Tesla generously said the meaning of the card.

"Don't look at me, it was the head of the chicken nest and the alliance who decided to give it to you, it has nothing to do with me."

Of course, Li Heng did not believe this, if Tesla objected, he would definitely not personally come to send her this card.


Li Heng smiled and put it in his pocket.

He suddenly thought of something, if he went to the World Snake to stay for a while, would he get the identity card of the deputy lord?

Hiss...... It's exciting to think about.

Yes, the composition of the master is complicated.


Li Heng sat on the plane to the headquarters of Destiny as he wished, Tesla did not bother him too much, so everything he imagined appeared in front of his eyes,

but he couldn't help but take out the identity card of the vice alliance master of anti-entropy again.

At the same time, he also took out the identity card that Otto gave him as an auxiliary bishop, and in contrast, Li Heng suddenly found the difference between the two.

The auxiliary bishop's identity card is golden, embellished with dark red patterns, wanders on the surface of the card, and finally converges on the front into two large characters of "Mandate of Heaven", which has a sense of sacredness and majesty.

The identity card of the anti-entropy vice alliance is more inclined to the sci-fi style, with a sassy atmosphere of hiding a knife behind the scenes.

Li Heng took out the certificate of captain Hyperion given to him by the staff of the Mandate of Heaven, and compared with the two, he instantly looked a lot more exaggerated.

Compared with these two, Li Heng felt that the captain's certificate was as monotonous as the old age card.

A little embarrassed to put away a card that could shock a large number of people, Li Heng looked at the clouds that kept drifting outside the window and thought.

The position that Walter gave him as a deputy alliance master really wouldn't sit.

Unlike destiny, anti-entropy is completely an organization dedicated to saving the world, and becoming the deputy leader of anti-entropy brings not only power, but also great pressure.

"I will not carry the responsibilities you have imposed on my shoulders."

Li Heng shook his head, he would only save the people he wanted to save, save the world, and overcome the task of collapse, in his opinion, it was not something he could do.

As he said, whether it is the deputy bishop or the deputy alliance master, it is just a vest for convenience, and he is only the Hyperion captain after all.

Should...... Right?

He put the card away carefully and looked out the window.

Unfortunately, it was already dusk when Li Heng came out of Einstein's room, and now it was dark, and there was not much to see.

The plane shuttles alone in the dark night, that is, it is dark, and in a purposeful situation, under the guidance of others, it will eventually get where it wants to go.

But Li Heng could not find his goal, and no one could guide his path.

He has no system, no relatives, and can only rely on these cores of unknown origin.

Leaving aside Li Heng, who was sitting in the plane, an anti-entropy plane can fly at will within the territory of the Mandate of Heaven, obviously Otto has signaled.

The plane soon arrived at its destination.

After Li Heng got off the plane, he did not go to Otto, but went directly to Hyperion.

Although he didn't think Otto had slept.

With the assistance of the core of the Law of Knowledge, after a while, Li Heng said that he found Hyperion.

Looking at the magnificent Hyperion in front of him, Li Heng sighed without thinking.

"The gold nest and the silver nest are not comparable to your own kennel."

Just as he was about to board the ship, Li Heng suddenly glanced at a small boat next to Hyperion.

Compared with Hyperion, it is idle and insignificant, but Li Heng is extremely familiar.

"I didn't expect Otto to park his grandfather's boat here."

Li Heng said with some surprise, and then came to the boat and opened the hatch.

Familiar driver's seat, familiar display....

Well...... Well? Wait, what about the rabbit?

Li Heng was shocked, jumped in, and pulled out a rabbit full of wisdom eyes.

"No, why are you alone? What about your brother?

Li Heng dropped the rabbit on the back seat and began to look for another rabbit.

But he searched for a long time, but he never saw the rabbit.

"No, what about a rabbit my size?!"

"Wouldn't it really be served by Otto?"

Li Heng came up with an outrageous idea, but it was immediately dismissed.

If it's really a drink, why is there one left?

And this one is fatter than the one that is missing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! A

strange sound sounded in

the back seat, Li Heng looked back at the back seat, and suddenly found that the rabbit was banging its head against the inner wall of the cockpit.

Li Heng: ......

Well, the case was solved, the rabbit was drunk by Otto, and it was just afraid that eating it would affect IQ.

Someone who had finished fooling his granddaughter to rest suddenly sneezed twice for no reason.


Li Heng took this rabbit that did not look very smart into Hyperion.

If you put it outside, if Otto takes it again, it will not be good to drink and dish.

"Ask Otto guy again tomorrow, I lost a rabbit for no reason, I'm really speechless."

Li Heng held the rabbit and sat on the elevator leading to the captain's room.

The rabbit was held by Li Heng, and it actually quieted down, closed its eyes, and slept.

Listening to the mechanical sound of the elevator running, Li Heng felt extremely peaceful.

This kind of voice, he listened to for a long, long time.


"Captain on the bridge"

As the elevator doors open, the familiar mechanical sound sounds.

Hearing this, for some reason, Li Heng was a little sore in his liver.

"Ah, after waving for so long, it's still the most cordial here."

Li Heng smiled, Hyperion is also the only place in this world that can give him the feeling of home.

Coming to the captain's driver's seat, Li Heng laid it flatter, and then lay down comfortably.

Touching the furry rabbit, Li Heng also fell into a deep sleep.

In the huge ship, only the sound of Li Heng's breathing remained.


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