Inside the world bubble at the bottom of the Quantum Sea.

Kevin was looking at Li Heng in front of him.

Because of Kevin's words, Li Heng's consciousness entered the memory.


Kevin called Sue softly, not loudly, but he knew that Sue could indeed hear it.

"It worked, Kevin."

Su [foresees] Li Heng several times and finds that he will fall into a fantasy because of a few words from Kevin.

After Sue's voice fell, there was silence immediately.

Both seem to be thinking about what to say.

After a while, Li Heng still didn't wake up.

"Sue, this is the first time we've talked in this way in a thousand years."

Kevin looked up, and although he couldn't see Sue, he knew that Sue could see him.

"Indeed, I didn't expect us to contact again because of this situation."

Sue nodded, then sighed.

"Kevin, I've always wanted to say something to you..."

Kevin interrupted him as if he knew what Sue was going to say.

"You don't have to apologize, Sue, I just want to know, did you find it."

"Through continuous [foresight], combined with three thousand small worlds for comparison and screening, I have found it."

Kevin was silent, he looked at Li Heng and said.

"He, what is it."

Su also looked at Li Heng, thought for a while, and spoke.

"He appeared in this world out of thin air, carrying a core of law that does not belong to this world, and according to my observations and inferences, he seems to know what will happen in the future."

"Know the future..."

Kevin repeated this sentence, and then came to Li Heng.

"It's useless, Kevin, you only do this to make him wake up faster."

Sue sighed.

"The power of the lawyer he holds is very strange, and its source does not seem to be in imaginary space."

Kevin looked at Li Heng, who was still immersed in the illusion, and said calmly.

"A person of unknown origin, unknown identity, unknown purpose, unknown ability, but who has the power to change the world and knows the direction of the world, this kind of person is too dangerous."

"Hey... Kevin, you still haven't changed.

Su sighed, watching her once sunny and cheerful friend when she was a student gradually turned into a cold salvation machine.

Fifty thousand years have brought a lot of changes to a person.

"You throw it up, I'll try to communicate with him."

Su thought for a moment, in his rapid [foresight] of Li Heng, once he tried to sink the world bubble into the quantum sea, Li Heng would choose to bounce it back.

It can be seen that it attaches great importance to the maintenance of the world line.

Kevin didn't speak, just held Li Heng's shoulder with his hand.


Just as Kevin was about to throw it up, he was surprised to find that Li Heng's bare back had a small sword pattern.

"This is ... The engraving of salvation?

Kevin looked at Li Heng's looming pattern, and his calm heart seemed to have some fluctuations.

"Have you already received his approval?"


When Li Heng opened his eyes, he found that he was on a grassy field.

He had just had a sweet dream.

What was in the dream, he woke up and forgot a lot, but unlike before, he could be sure that it was a good dream.

He sat up and looked around.

"Captain, you're awake."

Su's voice sounded, Li Heng followed the sound and found that Su was sitting on a fallen leaf with his back against a tree.

His eyes closed again, as if they had never been opened.

"Well, hello, Dr. Su."

"Please sit,"

Sue said with a smile.

Li Heng came to Su and meditated like him.

Neither of them spoke, so they were silent.

Su didn't know what he was thinking, and Li Heng was frantically analyzing the situation.

Although he didn't know why this guy Su was suddenly willing to talk properly, and how he got back here from the bottom of the Quantum Sea.

But it's certainly good to be able to sit down and have a good chat without fighting.

Suddenly, Sue spoke.

"I wonder if I can borrow the captain's lawyer core to take a look."

"Is the Law Practitioner Core..."

Li Heng hesitated, and then his right hand shook, and a black-red core appeared in his hand, which was the Rock Lawyer Core.

While he guessed that Sue wouldn't do anything indescribable to the core, ...

You must not have a harmful heart, and you must not have a defensive heart.

The core of the Law of Reason and the core of the Law of Knowledge must not go wrong, and these are the two cores that he must use to save people.

The core of the Void Law must be used to run, and it cannot be out.

The core of the Law of Flame is used to make up for the output, and the core of the Law of Death must be used to ensure the safety of health and hair, and there can be no accidents.

I can only grievance the core of the Rock Law.

Sue results in the core, elevating it high.

"This core seems to be far from the core of this life."

Sue observed for a moment and came to a conclusion.

"Its energy is completely embedded, and its full energy state is already equivalent to the energy of half a lawyer, and it is impossible for the core of a lawyer in this world to reach this level."

"Moreover, its energy source is not imaginary space, but directly absorbs the collapse energy in the air to charge itself, which is detached from the existence of imaginary space."

The more Su looked at it, the more frightened he was, compared with the core of the Rock Lawyer in this world, it can be said that it is the Promax Supreme version of the Rock Lawyer Core Core.

It's as if the core of this world is more like a key, and the core can open the door to imaginary space, allowing the lawyer to gain energy use power.

And this thing, he directly kicked the imaginary space away, can contain most of the energy in the core, have it, use, if not, absorb the collapse energy supplement.

It's outrageous, well, how did this thing come about?

Although Li Heng didn't understand very well, he could also judge that these cores he obtained were a bit hanging.

"So, Captain, since you came here, you must have something important to do with Su, can you say a word?"

After returning the core to Li Heng, Su looked... Sensing Li Heng, he slowly spoke.

The corner of Li Heng's mouth twitched, it would be nice if you had this idea earlier, instead of shouting something as soon as you came up

, "Then, accompany me to follow this world bubble and sink to the bottom of the quantum sea, Captain."

How scary!

"I think Dr. Su has also guessed that my origin is extraordinary, but in fact, I myself am not very clear about my origin."

Li Heng took a deep breath and said.

"I want to ask Dr. Su to step into the depths of my consciousness and bring out that forgotten secret."

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