"Traveling through the sea of stars sounds quite interesting, and when everything is over, it seems quite interesting to take them on an adventure to another world."

"I just don't know how Xi'er will react when she sees herself many times taller, haha

" "However, the terrifying and violent power, can you say..."

When the two left, Li Heng leaned on the iron guardrail, looked at his hand, and muttered.

At first, he thought that the mints were talking about the power of the core of the lawyer, but he quickly reacted, there was no bit of collapse on his body that could leak out, how could he find out?

Moreover, just the power of the lawyer cannot be called berserk, right? Walter guy can get in.

"In your body, you have the same root and origin power as the fusion warrior."

Li Heng recalled what Su had said to him in the end, and combined with the current situation, it suddenly became clear.

The violent and terrifying power should be the hidden Collapse Beast gene in his body.

This gene, like the Collapse Beast gene in Zigfei's body before, is hidden in the bloodline and will not awaken unless it is specially stimulated.

"Death threats? Great pain? Or do you say..."

"I can't do anything?"

Li Heng pondered, Li Heng was very curious about the so-called power in his body that had the same root and origin as the fusion warrior.

He wouldn't know when he fused the genes, and Su didn't tell him what genes were fused in his body, causing him to be very confused about this aspect.

However, when he first came to this world, Otto also had some taboos about him, and I think it should also be taboo about the same root and origin as the fusion warrior.

What is your own caving state like? Will there be any side effects of activating the gene?

These are all things that Li Heng wants to know.

If after becoming a fusion warrior, like Kevin, his body temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius all the time, it will be uncomfortable.

However, one thing is for sure, the power that has six cores, plus the artificial collapse, is absolutely powerful and even destroying.

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much, if you really have so much power, you can't do anything, and now the power is enough for me to change a lot of things."



Just when Li Heng and Li Heng made up his mind and stopped thinking about it, there was a sudden loud noise in the living room downstairs, as if something fell heavily on the ground.

"What sound... Misty grass, Himeko!

Li Heng slammed his head and instantly came to the living room.

Himeko was lying in the living room with her eyes closed, trembling constantly, and her hand was a plate that had been broken.

"Hey, poor

Himeko..." Li Heng sighed, he knew that Himeko would be attacked, but he didn't react too much to this, because he also knew that nothing would happen to Himeko.

Li Heng took out the communicator and told Einstein about the attack.

Einstein first expressed surprise at attacking herself, and then asked Li Heng to bring Ji Zi to her side for treatment.

After hanging up the communication, Li Heng left a small note for Lao Yang and Infinite Talonsuke, then picked up Himeko and rushed to the place given by Einstein.


Soon after, the inverse entropy base was among them.

Walter and Talosuke left the world of Huggers and came here as soon as they saw the note.

"All blame me, their target was originally me, all because I was not there, Himeko will ...!"

Taronsuke covered his face and sat in his chair in disappointment, he seemed to regret it very much.

Walter's eyes flickered, and Taronsuke reminded him of something from the past.

"Okay, it's useless to say that now."

Li Heng threw the plan one by one to Infinite Talosuke and said.

"I discussed with the doctors, and although Himeko's situation is stable now, she can only last for three days."

"Combined with the information provided by you and Lao Yang, we found that asteroid 439 is the scout of the heavenly people, and if it is shot down, Himeko will still have the possibility of survival."

"However, it takes a minimum of five days for reverse entropy to mobilize silver bullets for attack, and the effect of scouting on ballistics is also considered, so I recommend a risky method..." Li

Heng came word by word, and after saying this, he quietly waited for the reaction of Infinite Talosuke.

"It's okay! As long as I can save my daughter, no matter how much risk I am willing to! After

hearing Li Heng's words, Infinite Talosuke immediately understood what he wanted to express, and replied with a firm look in his eyes.

Li Heng glanced at Walter again and found that the latter was looking at him with a smile, and then Walter said

, "Don't worry about me, I naturally won't be indifferent to the situation of my students, let alone ignore the threat of humanity."

"Well said, old Yang, Dr. Tesla asked me to bring you a word."

Li Heng took out the communicator and clicked on a recording.

"If he wants to go, let him go! Big! Big fool! Sooner or later, pit yourself to death! "


"Haha, since everything is decided, then come with me, my oars are parked outside."

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