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[Bianca Yulandel Atajina]

[Original name: Kiana Kaslana]

[The strongest S-class Valkyrie in active service, the strongest Valkyrie team "Immortal Blade" Captain of the Sixth God Key, the current owner of the Black Abyss White Flower]

[Daughter of Cecilia Shaniat and Siegfried Kaslana]

[She left to protect her father and sister when she was young , unfortunately she was hit on the head by a flying machine and fell from a height of several thousand meters]

[She was later rescued by Otto, but she also lost her memory. Otto was impressed by her talent and decided to make her the Destiny Valkyrie, hide her original identity and give her a new name: Bianca Yulandel Atajina]

[Kiana] "My original name is Kiana Kaslana. She is Kiana, so who am I?"

[Raiden Mei] "No matter who you are, you will always be the Kiana I know."

[Bronya 】"Sister Mei is right, so Kiana, you don't have to care who you are."

【Kiana】"Mei, Bronya, you are right. If you think about it carefully, your stinky dad should have thought that your sister was We sacrificed ourselves to fall like that. Now I will tell him that his sister is still alive. He must be very happy. "

[Traveler Ying] "But your sister is really amazing. She didn't die after falling from a height of several thousand meters! At that time, she He should not be that old."

[Captain] "I can't imagine it at all. At least I can't find it now."

[Xilin] "That Otto killed Kiana's mother, but saved Kiana's sister and trained her. What on earth does he want to do?"

[Stargazing] "Everyone, I have a guess."

[Captain] "Stargazing What is a star?"

[Stargazing] "The current Kiana was captured when she was a child, and I remember you said she was in a nutrition chamber, right?"

[Kiana] "Yes, in my This is exactly what I remember, is there any problem? "

[Stargazing] "I think it was the man named Otto who captured you and conducted some experiments on you."

[Raiden Mei] "Why is this happening? Think?"

[Stargazing] "It feels like a coincidence. He was hit on the head and fell from a height of a thousand meters. No matter how lucky you are, it's impossible. He must be in a dying state. If he is not treated in time, he cannot be saved. So Otto must be nearby, or that is his territory, the headquarters of destiny. ”

[Kiana] “You mean, this Everything was planned by Otto?"

[Stargazing] "It's very possible."

[Raiden Mei] "So why did Otto want to capture Kiana?"

[Stargazing] "That should be because of the Special physique or something like that, just like your father and your sister, they wouldn't be able to do this kind of thing without some talent. Kiana, do you forget what happened in the past?"

[Kiana] "Yes I don’t know anything about anything before I was eight years old. My father gave me the name Kiana Kaslana on my birthday.”

[Captain] “It’s probably because Siegfried missed his daughter too much. I'm so crazy that I think of you as my sister."

[Kiana] "Does that mean I'm just a substitute for my dad? "

[Captain] "Don't let your imagination run wild. I believe Siegfried loves you."

[Stargazing] "Yes, I guess he disappeared because he wanted to protect you. Maybe he was with you while you were wandering. I will secretly help you in the dark."

[Kiana] "You are right, I am me, she is her, I am unique, not just anyone."

[Bronya] "Kiana becomes I have become more determined. "

[Kiana] "Of course, I am very powerful."

[Raiden Mei] "It is still the same Kiana."

[Play video below]

Pieces of memory fragments appeared one after another, That was the memory of the original Kiana.

The scene changed, and on a sunny day, a blonde girl looked at the familiar scene in front of her.

Suddenly, a young white-haired girl ran past her. , until she ran into Cecilia's arms.

"Mom! ”

Cecilia hugged the little girl, "Kiana is amazing, she learned to run so quickly~"

Siegfried next to her praised, "Kiana is awesome! This child looks like you, and she will have She is the strongest Valkyrie of destiny."

Cecilia "That kind of thing is not important. As long as she can grow up safely, it is better than anything else."

Yulan Dell silently behind


The little girl took a comic book to Siegfried, "Dad, I want to listen to "Brave King Hom"!"

Siegfried "You've listened to it 30 times. You can recite it by yourself, right?"

The little girl "I like Dad to read it to me! I want to be as strong as King Hom!"

Siegfried "Okay, okay, I'll read it to you. You have to go to bed after I finish reading it."

The little girl stretched out her hand and made a pinky promise with Siegfried, "Yeah, it's a deal!"

Then the little girl put on a cloak and threw an umbrella as a lance, "Hey, ha, Black Abyss White Flower, come with me to save the world! I want to be more powerful than mom and dad!"

Then the little girl handed the umbrella handle in her hand to Youlan Dell.

"I'm ready to go, how about you?"

Cecilia "Rely on mom's power appropriately, my child."

Youlan Dell took the umbrella, and then the umbrella turned into a real knight's lance, the memory fragments shattered, and the virtual tree god skeleton attacked her.

Yulan Dell emits a dazzling light, "Let's go, Krishna."

A black horse appears, and Yulan Dell rides on it. "We must win this battle"

[Captain] "This should be Yulan Dell's memory, recalling the past."

[Traveler] "That horse is so handsome."

[Paimon] "Wake up, Traveler, it's something you can't get."

The scene changes, and Siegfried is trapped somewhere, and the whole person is extremely weak.

【Kiana】"Dad! What happened to Dad?"

【Raiden Mei】"Kiana calm down, this is just the future."

【Qin】"Siegfried looks miserable."

【Kiana】"Damn it, if I knew who did this, I wouldn't forgive him!"

Siegfried wakes up "Cecilia... Kiana... Why are you smiling at me..."

"It's obviously... I killed you..."

Yulan Dell "Ah... No, Mr. Siegfried! Your biological daughter... She's still alive! She's right here!!"

Giant puppet "This is a one-way communication, he won't hear anything we say, Yulan Dell."

Yulan Dell "This... Of course I understand. But, I need to tell myself..."

"One day, I will try to let him know - among the many regrets in his life, one is just a misunderstanding of fate."

"This may be the only comfort I can give him as myself."

Siegfried opened his eyes at this time, as if looking at Yulan Dell.

"I seem to have had that dream again."

"Kiana... the sister who inherited your name, she should not have let you down."

"Haha... I'll just pretend someone is listening - when I was a kid, I never thought that Kaslana's bloodline would contain such a deep curse, the constraints of the stigmata, and the scene of an icy hell..."

Siegfried was talking to himself over there, telling everyone about his current situation.

The voice from afar stopped here. Soon, the vicissitudes of life, but still optimistic face, also disappeared from the girl's eyes...

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