The old man was buried in the grave.

Brownie "That is to say, at least for now, Theresa and the others have not completely disappeared."

Rosemary "As long as we follow the energy fluctuations based on this link, we will have a chance to find their location, or even build them back in reverse..."

Cilin "Just like dream particles, as long as we can capture their dreams, we still have time to wake them up again!"

The captain's proposal rekindled everyone's hope, and the dull air between the iron bars was swept away.

[Paimon] "Although I don't understand what you are saying, the captain and the others should have found a way."

[Traveler Ying] "It seems so."

[Wendy] "That's great, those Theresa's are saved!"

[Stargazing] "As expected, he is my favorite... um, no, it should be my most trusted assassin, this is faster than I expected."

[Cilin] "You just said you like the captain."

[Stargazing] "You, you heard it wrong."

Himeko (Bubble) "But now those Theresa's have disappeared, how can we trace this link?"

Captain "No, there is still one person left. It was this person's observation that entangled his fate with Yuexia and Stargazing, causing the rejection reaction of the world bubble rules."

"It was this person's positioning that involved the Theresa's of other world bubbles, which led to Yuexia linking all these Theresa's together."

"That is... me, if the link between Theresa is a positive link, then there must be a positive link between Theresa and me. It is equivalent to another link of negative, so our existence will exclude each other and accelerate the annihilation. This kind of Jedi turned around! Captain, you are not lazy, you can realize this kind of whimsical hint. "[Qiana]" I want to ask the captain, what do you see? " [Ji Zi] "So this is only the clue of the stargazing of the star." Browni excitedly read the [Delissa account] left by the stargazing, and he was trembling a little excited. Suddenly, she stopped and the expression on her face became shocked. Brownie: "No, not all Theresa, there is one person missing."

Captain: "... Well, only... there is no Stargazing."

Brownie: "Stargazing... why didn't she write about herself?"

As if he was looking for the captain to confirm, Brownie looked at the captain tentatively.

Captain: "If we follow other records, after the characteristics of each Theresa, there is information about her [world bubble], but Stargazing..."

Rosehip: "Ms. Stargazing can no longer go back... This is the biggest difference between her and other Miss Theresa."

[The Book of Blue Mystery] "Ah? Doesn't that mean Stargazing can't come back?"

[Otto] "According to the original timeline, Stargazing at that time was still excluded by the rules of the world bubble she belonged to."

[Stargazing] "Well, thanks to Xiaobai for solving the rule in me before, but the situation afterwards is basically the same, almost nothing. Any changes, even the clues I left behind. "

【Kiana】"Huh? Why? Did it disappear before I could write it down?"

【Funina】"Actually, there's no need to write it down. Since it's Theresa's [information about the bubble of the world she belongs to], then the captain will definitely know it, and he's very familiar with it."

【Nashida】"After all, the captain has reincarnated thousands of times to save Guanxing, and the bubble of the world where Guanxing belongs has been deeply engraved in the captain's mind."

The captain closed his eyes in pain, tightly holding the note in his hand, recalling past memories in his mind.

The captain took out the hastily written note left by Guanxing.

Captain "【Those who know the situation will live, those who break the situation will survive, and only by following your heart can you win】, follow your heart, your heart..."

(My [heart] is to find that possibility of [satisfaction] in countless [failures], so...)

Captain "We can't stop.

At least we can't let Guanxing down."

The captain looked at everyone, and when their eyes fell on the paper, sadness was replaced by another emotion.

Mistletoe "This may be what Master Guanxing expects."

Cilin "Yes, if we don't try, we will never have a chance. Moreover, while the traces left by Theresa are still clear, we should not return empty-handed."

Karen (Pao) "I am willing to try, after all, these things are caused by me, and I am the one who should not give up."

Captain "I absolutely, absolutely don't want to see anyone sacrificed in front of me again. Even in the current situation, there must be something we can still do! Everyone, follow me. "

The captain led everyone out of the stargazing cell and came to another room in the castle, where everyone began to implement the plan.

Cilin used dreamcatcher magic to make the dream particles visible, Rosemary was responsible for catching the dream particles, the captain used himself as a location, and Brownie projected the image of Theresa...

After a while, the first Theresa was successfully brought back by everyone, and then the other Theresa was brought back to the bubble of the world she originally lived in by Kallen (bubble) and Himeko (bubble).

[Kamisato Ayaka] "Great, the captain's plan was successful!"

[Paimon] "Well, I was nervous just now, worried that there would be mistakes in the process."

[Theresa] "According to this plan, I believe that the captain and his team will be able to rescue all my counterparts in no time!"

[Kiana] "Sure enough, I still prefer this perfect ending, where everyone can come back safely. ”

【Scattered Soldiers】“But don’t forget, the question shows that Yuexia was not rescued in this castle. I’m afraid her problems have not been completely solved. Don’t be too happy too soon.”

【Tadalia】“It’s okay. Miss Yuexia will definitely come back safely in the end.”

【Klee】“Captain brother and other sisters, Klee and Dudu will cheer for you!”

Then the captain and others took advantage of the victory and went to the next room. With the same operation, they successfully brought back the second Theresa intact and sent her back to the world bubble she belonged to. Then the third, the fourth...

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