After that, Kiana and the Herrscher of the Void conducted various tests and found that even if Kiana was separated from the Herrscher of the Void, she could still use the Herrscher of the Void's power, and the Houkai energy consumed by the two would not affect each other.

Kiana and the Herrscher of the Void also found that as long as the tiger charm that was split into two pieces was merged together again, the two of them would also merge together.

[Next question]

[As we all know, St. Freya Academy is a Herrscher academy, and Bronya always suffered setbacks after becoming the Herrscher of Reason, and was even called the "Unbeatable Legend". So how many times has Bronya's driver's license been revoked? ]

[A: 1 time]

[B: 2 times]

[C: 3 times]

[D: 4 times]

[Please start answering questions]

[Kiana] "Hahaha, is this true? Bronya, Xiaobai said that you are called the [Unbeatable Legend]. Doesn't that mean you have never won a fight since becoming the Herrscher of Reason? You are too useless, hahaha..."

[Bronya] "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! This must be slander, this is a naked provocation to Bronya!"

[Wendy] "Let's not talk about Sister Bronya's title of [Unbeatable Legend]. The question is how many times Sister Bronya's driver's license has been revoked? The driver's license should have nothing to do with the Herrscher of Reason, right? ”

[Captain] “Could this driver’s license refer to the power of the Herrscher of Reason? After all, Bronya can transform the Heavy Armor Bunny into a motorcycle after becoming the Herrscher of Reason.”

[Theresa] “So this question is asking how many times Bronya has lost after becoming the Herrscher of Reason?”

[Captain] “That should be the meaning.”

[Kiana] “Could it be that Bronya got a fake Herrscher of Reason core?”

[Walter Yang] “According to the original timeline, after Ms. Bronya passed the test I set, she should have been the genuine Herrscher core.”

[Tesla] “Besides, the power of the Herrscher of Reason cannot be faked.”

[Delta] “ Anyway, that little guy never won a single battle, at least he was disqualified once."

[Bronya] "It must have been only once at most! In the other battles, Bronya and the opponent basically tied, so..."

Bronya pressed the buzzer...

[Please answer the question Bronya]

[Bronya] "Bronya chooses A, Bronya is confident in her own strength!"

[Zhongli] "In terms of universal rationality, if the game is always tied, it can be called the [Unbeatable Legend]. "

[Congratulations to Bronya for the wrong answer]

[Herserker of the Void] "You are not really disqualified four times, Bronya?"

[ Bronya] "Impossible, as the saying goes, three times the limit, D is definitely not one of them!"

[Bai Xier] "I believe in Sister Bronya."

[Punishment: All game account data of Bronya is revoked]

After seeing this punishment, Bronya quickly opened her game account and logged in. After seeing [Please name your character] and [Enter the novice tutorial], she sat on the ground with a look of despair, and tears flowed from the corners of her eyes...

[Bronya] "Wow... It's gone, all gone, all the hard work over the years! It's all in vain..."

Kiana saw her best friend so sad, and she was embarrassed to laugh at her, so she stepped forward to comfort her.

[Kiana] "It's okay, Bronya, it's just a game account, you still have plenty of time to make it up in the future."

[Bronya] "No, you don't understand... Those are Bronya's glory. If the glory is gone, Bronya's life will be meaningless..."

[Bai Xi'er] "It's okay, Sister Bronya, Xi'er will help you get back your former glory in the future, Sister Bronya, don't be sad."

[Bronya] "Wow, thank you Xi'er, it's great to have you~"

[Hei Xier] "Isn't it just a game account? What's there to cry about?"

[Captain] "That's understandable. The game data that I worked hard on for many years, the sweat and hard work I put in, disappeared in an instant. It's really devastating."

[Nasi Da] "It's like the hundreds of billions of Mora that Dolly earned over the years disappeared in an instant, and it felt like she was completely bankrupt."

[Dolly] "That was definitely an epic nightmare like hell! I still haven't recovered from Xiaobai's recovery of 50% of my property.

Come here."

[Raiden Mei] "Then how many times will Bronya be suspended?"

[Kiana] "It must be the last option. Doesn't the question say that Bronya always loses, so it's the right choice!"

[Bronya] "Then why don't you choose D?"

[Kiana] "Of course, I have already received the reward for this round of quiz. I have to take care of those of you who haven't received the reward yet, so I won't compete with you."

[Theresa] "My niece, when did you become so kind?"

[Kiana] "Anyway, choose D, it's the right choice!"

[Klee] "But Klee feels that sister Bronya will not be suspended four times."

[Bronya] "The child still trusts Bronya."

[Kaeya] "Then which one does little Klee think is the answer? ”

[Diluk] “You actually still have time to speak in the live broadcast room? It seems that Xiaobai’s punishment for you is still too light.”

[Kaeya] “I have gradually become proficient. Even if I doze off, I can still… Gurgle@#% I…”

Kaeya slipped and fell into the sea again.

[Klee] “Why did brother Kaeya suddenly speak strangely?”

[Diluk] “Don’t worry about him. He is just too thirsty and is drinking sea water.”

[Padofilis (Elysium)] “I don’t think it’s D either. How about I give it a try? Fortune and wealth are sought in danger.”

Padofilis (Elysium) pressed the buzzer.

[Padofilis (Elysium) please answer the question]

[Padofilis (Elysium)] “Xiaobai, I choose C… God bless me to get the answer right. I would rather take the 20-year life of a can…”

[Can] “Meow! ! (Take my meow punch)"

[Padofilis (Paradise)] "Ah! Can, I was wrong, stop hitting me!"

[Congratulations to Padofilis (Paradise) for the correct answer]

[Padofilis (Paradise)] "Yeah! I got it right! Hehe."

[Alicia (Paradise)] "Let's congratulate little Pado, everyone applaud~"

[Qianjie (Paradise)] "Humph, the little cat is lucky today."

[Mobius (Paradise)] "Little Pado~ Do you want to come to my laboratory? I will personally celebrate today's happy event for you."

[Padofilis (Paradise)] "Ahahaha, Sister Snake, please forgive me. I probably won't be able to come back after going to your place..."

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