The old man was very happy.

[Linnie] "I didn't expect that Hearth House had such a past."

[Funina] "Krevy couldn't bear to see innocent children sacrifice one after another, so she decided to stand up and fight against fate."

[Walnut] "So now Krevy is still in the world because she still has regrets in her heart, and now her soul memory seems to stay in the former Hearth House. But as long as her wish can be fulfilled, she can go to the afterlife peacefully."

[Kiana] "Wish? What is the wish of that little girl?"

[Captain] "According to Alechino's description, the former Hearth House was a cruel and dark place, and Krevy's mother, the former [servant], was a person who would do anything to achieve her goals. , a person without any family affection, then Krevy's wish is probably to overthrow the system of the previous Hearth House..."

[Stargazing] "Mr. Assassin, it is generally difficult for a little girl of seven or eight to overthrow such a complicated system. Rather than overthrowing it, it is more like wanting to escape from that dark cage. The fact that Krevy's sword dared not point at her mother proves that she still has a trace of kindness towards her mother in her heart."

[Xilin] "But that woman is not worthy of being a mother, let alone the mother of the entire [Hearth House]. "

[Paimon] "But from what I just heard, it seems that you killed Krevy."

[Alechino] "Well, this is the way she chose to die."

The video continues, Krevy Lei Wei "Even if I were to choose again, I would do the same. When I first met you, I could feel that you could do things that I couldn't do."

Alechino "Really? Until now, I still can't understand what kind of freedom you are pursuing."

"But as the [father] of the Hearth House, I will now give my children the minimum degree of freedom - the freedom to choose their own destiny."

"I have talked to the Supreme Judge of Fontaine in advance. Those who don't want to stay at home can forget the secret and live a low-key life in this country. No one will pursue their past."

"Of course, I won't give you the fruits of victory directly. They need to fight for it from me and prove to me that only freedom gained in this way is valuable. ”

Krevy was very satisfied with this. “That’s enough. This is the life I’ve always pursued. In my opinion, Pepe, you are already a very good [king] and a very good father.”

“I’m very happy that you will take over the Hearth House. Of course, it’s impossible to say that I don’t regret it. I haven’t seen the outside world yet.”

Alechino “…It just so happens that our two guests have been to many countries and countless places. Let them tell us about the outside world.”

[Eula] “I never thought that one day I would be moved to tears by the actions of the Fatui executive. I will remember this grudge…”

[Traveler Ying] “It seems that not all Fatui are as bad as imagined. I am happy to tell Krevy about our adventures.”

[Paimon] “We have a lot of experiences, and it may take three days and three nights to tell them.”

[Linnie] “Being adopted by [father] is the greatest luck in our lives.”

Traveler Ying and Paimon talked about the free kingdom of wind…

Krevy began to dance with joy. “I actually had a dream to be a bard. I will keep singing in the wind of freedom while playing the harp in my hand. Even if no one listens, I will keep singing. "

[Barbara] "If there is an afterlife, you will definitely realize your dream. Lord Barbatos will bless you."

The Rock Country that tells the story of the contract...

Krevy "So this is how Mora came. This is the first time I heard of it. If I have money, I want to buy three new skirts, one for me, one for Pepe, and one for my mother."

"It's a pity that Pepe doesn't like skirts. My mother... probably doesn't like them either. Then I'll keep them for myself, one for every day!"

[Traveler Ying] "I like to see [servants] wearing skirts!"

[Alechino] "I refuse in anger."

[Alicia (Paradise)] "It's good to wear skirts. Girls, of course, should dress up beautifully~"

[Sirin] "If possible, I want to design a gorgeous skirt for Krevy myself. ”

Telling about the eternal kingdom of thunder...

Krewei "What do those [monsters] you mentioned look like? I have seen one in a picture book that looks very fierce and has horns on its head.

, are there such monsters in reality? "

Paimon "You mean [ghosts], right? Of course we have seen them, but they are not as scary as you say."

[Kujo Sara] "Yeah, that's true, and they don't seem very smart."

[Aratake Ichito] "Really? As the famous Inazuma, how could Aratake, the world's best fighter, have a ghost that I don't know about? ."

[Kuki Shinobu] "Boss, is it possible that she is talking about you?"

[Aratake Ichito] "How is it possible! I am so smart, I am definitely not the ghost that the nine-turtle said."

The Kingdom of Grass, which tells about wisdom...

Krewe "When my mother taught us martial arts, I was always trembling and didn't dare to slack off."

"But when you are listening to the lectures in the Teaching Institute, do you secretly do things that are not related to learning?"

"Hehe, just kidding, there is no danger to your life, and you can concentrate on learning the knowledge you like, you must be very happy. ”

【Kavi】“At least you can freely choose your academic direction, although the process will be difficult.”

【Elhaisen】“That’s because you are simple and easy to be deceived…”

【Captain】“By the way, Alechino, why don’t you tell Krevy about the so-called outside world? You have been sitting there and watching quietly?”

【Alechino】“No, this is fine. Anyway, there is Traveler Ying here, so I don’t need to waste my breath.”

Talking about the Kingdom of Water of Justice…

Paimon“I tell you that the situation was very dangerous at that time. Linni and others were treated as prisoners and had to be tried in court!”

Krevy“Ah? So dangerous, then what?”

Paimon put on his beard glasses “Then, thanks to the appearance of the great detective Paimon, the situation was quickly reversed.”

Krevy“Please, tell me how you did it? ”

Paimon "Well, listen carefully. When the magic failed, we rushed to the scene quickly..."

Paimon focused on telling what happened in Fontaine, and Krevy listened very seriously. She was very happy, as if she had forgotten all her troubles.

[Linnet] "Brother, it seems that our magic show has an accident in the future."

[Linnie] "That's really a big trouble. Did you mean someone wanted to frame me just now?"

[Paimon] "Then Linnie, you must thank me, the detective Paimon, for saving you from the dire straits."

[Traveler Ying] "Perhaps, she was never so happy in her life... I wonder how long this time will last?"

[Alechino] "It's a pity that [Afterimage] has no ability to learn and grow. Even if it is exposed to new information, it will quickly forget it over time."

Before everyone knew it, the day dawned...

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