The first time, the second time.

[Play the video below]

In the Opicolai Opera House,

Daddalia stood in the courtroom and was being tried...

[Daddalia] "? What's going on? When did I go to Fontaine?"

[Funina] "Let me tell you, this is a picture of the future, and what is played on it is the future."

[Servant] "Sir, why did you come to Fontaine? You were arrested and tried."

[Daddalia] "I don't know either?"

Villet "Finally, the [Cardinal of the Decree] will make the final decision."

After that, Villette took out the note and looked at the content on it.

Navilete: "According to the result of the Cardinal's oracle, guilty."

Tartaria was shocked when he heard this, and couldn't believe what Navilete said.

Not only that, the audience below was also very shocked, because this was the first time that Navilete did not agree with the result of the Cardinal's oracle.

Tartaria: "Hey, hey, hey, this joke is not funny... You just said that I should be innocent."

"What's going on with this result now? Is your machine broken?"

People in the audience were talking about it.

Traveler Ying: "Young Master was found guilty by the oracle machine, what's going on?"

Navilete: "Based on the result of the Cardinal's oracle, we will make a guilty verdict."

"Security team, please perform the task according to the preset process."

Tartaria didn't pretend anymore and jumped onto the stage. The security agency also came to prepare to capture Tartaglia.

Tartaglia: "The trial that the people of Fontaine are so proud of is so absurd... If this is your rule, then I have my own rules!"

Tartaria opened the evil eye and fought back, destroying the security agencies one by one.

When he was about to open the Demon King's Arms, he was slapped to the ground by Navilet.

Navilet: "I'm sorry, if there is any injustice, we will find a way to find out... But the rules of the court... cannot be broken."

Afterwards, Tartaglia was taken away by the security team.

[Video playback ends]

[Questions below]

[Why was Tartaglia found guilty? 】

【A: Because Tartaglia committed the crime of the serial disappearance of young girls】

【B: Because Tartaglia committed the crime of attacking the water god】

【C: Because Tartaglia is the culprit of the Fontaine prophecy crisis】

【D: Because the water god wants Tartaglia to do some work in Melo Petersburg】

【Please start answering】

A button appeared in front of everyone, but no one answered it. Everyone was thinking about the problem, except for a demon from Inazuma who was stopped by his subordinates.

[Captain] "That transformation scene was pretty cool."

[Kiana] "It's just that the transformation took too long, so it was interrupted."

[Bronya] "This story tells us that the transformation time cannot be too long, otherwise we will suffer."

[Aratake Ichito] "Ninja, let me go, I want to answer."

[Kuki Shinobu] "Boss, calm down, what if you get the answer wrong."

[Kujo Sara] "Don't embarrass yourself abroad."

[Servant] "Lady Fernina, we Fatui need an explanation."

[Diluc] "What explanation do you need? You Fatui have done so many bad things, what's there to explain?"

[Theresa] "What are Fatui?"

[Ningguang] "The Fatui is an organization from the Kingdom of Winter, loyal to the Queen of Ice, with envoys stationed in almost every country, oppressing the other six countries, and coveting the seven countries. The power of the Seven Rulings and the Devil."

[Cierene] "It sounds like a bad organization."

[Wendy] "Let's take a look at the title first."

[Navia] "A is the case of the serial disappearance of young girls. Tartaglia looks quite young. This case has happened for more than 20 years. Tartaglia should have nothing to do with it."

[Paimon] "Attacking the God of Water, this is possible. After all, if the goal of the Fatui is the Heart of God, then attacking the God of Water is not impossible."

[Tartaria] "Hey, hey, do you have any misunderstandings about me? Even if I am a battle maniac, I can't just attack the gods of a country."

[Captain] "What is the prophecy crisis of C."

[Linnie] "I don't know when it started, but there has been a prophecy circulating in Fontaine... All Fontaine people are born with "sin", regardless of whether they are a country of justice or not.

No matter how many trials are conducted, it cannot be eliminated. Until one day, the sea level of Fontaine will begin to rise, and the people who bear sins will gradually be submerged by the sea... In the end, everyone will dissolve in the sea, leaving only the water god himself crying on the throne, and only then... the sins of the people of Fontaine will be washed away. "

[Walnut] "What a terrible prophecy. Although this will help our business in the Hall of Rebirth, I still don't want it to happen."

[Ara Taki Ito] "Such an outrageous prophecy must be false, I don't believe in any prophecy."

[Linnie] "We hope so, but the sea level has indeed risen in recent years."

[Navia] "Indeed, several places have been submerged by the sea."

[Sigwen] "I believe that the water god will protect us."

[Funina] "That's right, you don't have to worry, I don't care about a mere prophecy."

[Linette] "You are worthy of being the water god. ”

[Servant] "Then, Master Fernina, what is your plan?"

[Leosli] "What does the Fatui Executor want to do! ?"

[Servant] "Don't worry, I am also from Fontaine. If something like this happens in Fontaine, I will not turn a blind eye or even help."

[Fernina] "You don't have to guess what the gods are thinking. You just need to believe in me, the god! Fatui Executor."

[Tadalia] "In short, C is definitely wrong. I don't have that much ability."

[Vilete] "D is unlikely either. Although Fernina seems unreliable, she won't do anything about this matter."

[Linnie] "And the Cardinal of the Decree was created by the Lord of Water. It is impossible for a false case to happen."

[Fernina] "Hey, Vilete, what do you mean? What do you mean by looking unreliable? Am I that kind of person in your eyes? ”

【Kiana】“What is Melo Petersburg?”

【Funina】“Melo Petersburg is an underwater fortress that is independent of the judicial system of Fontaine and exists in an autonomous form. It is a place to accommodate prisoners who are exiled after being tried.”

【Stargazing】“Underwater prison, a very good design.”

【Alicia (Elysian Land)】“So what is the answer~”

【Captain】“From the current point of view, B is the most likely. After all, as a member of the Fatui, Tartaglia has the motive to attack the God of Water. As for the other three, I can’t say.”

【Kiana】“Then who will answer this question?”


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