In the picture, the sensor door on the side opened, and Einstein came out and saw the heartbroken Dr. Tesla and the pile of scrap metal in front of her.

Although Einstein didn't know what happened, she couldn't help but make a comment when she saw Tesla crying so sadly. "Is this Dr. Tesla's new mecha? It's quite a design."

Einstein walked around the pile of scrap metal and was quite impressed. "I never thought that the body of a mecha could be split into two sections. It has a deconstructed beauty."

Tesla was so angry that he stamped his feet and yelled in incompetence, "Chicken coop head!!! This is my latest mecha Teslas-3027!"

Tesla's eyes were full of tears and he cried, "It was completely disassembled into a piece of iron..."

Einstein didn't continue to laugh at Tesla's plan, and comforted him lightly, "Think about it, at least it's still in shape."

Tesla thought of what Hei Xier had done just now, and was a little surprised, "Is that girl usually so fierce?"

In her impression, Xier was the kind of kind and cowardly image, the kind who would hesitate for a long time to kill an ordinary fish. What happened to the violent Xier just now?

Tesla was puzzled, and Einstein guessed, "Perhaps everyone has a side that is unknown to ordinary people."

The scene changed, and Hei Xier returned to Xier's room, lost and recalled everything that happened today, "In the end, everything was messed up... No matter what I did, it was counterproductive, and it was all different from what I thought."

Hei Xier sat on the bed and said sadly, "I also said that kind of thing to my elder sister, and finally took out my anger on Dr. Lobster Head's mecha... What on earth am I doing... Xier, she must be very disappointed with me like this."


When Hei Xier thought of Xier's disappointment in her, he couldn't help sighing.

【Bai Xier】"It's okay, Xier. I'll apologize to everyone when the time comes. I believe everyone will forgive you."

【Hei Xier】"Anyway, it was me in the video who did it. It has nothing to do with me."

In the picture, the note on the table attracted Hei Xier's attention. "Hmm? There's a note on the table."

Hei Xier picked up the note and looked at it. "【Open the drawer】?"

Hei Xier opened the drawer in confusion and was surprised to find a piece of fragrant chocolate cake. "This is it! The cake Xier packed back yesterday!"

Hei Xier was surprised to find a letter under the cake. "There is another letter... This paper was torn from Xier's diary. Was she writing this yesterday?"

【Captain】"I just want to ask, this cake is not packaged, and it is not in the drawer. It has been in the drawer for about a whole day. Can it be eaten in this case? "

[Raiden Mei] "This... In this case, generally speaking, this piece of cake will go bad, the taste will change, and food poisoning will easily occur. But I think the piece in the video seems to be normal, so it should be edible."

[Bronya] "But just in case, Seele, Bronya reminds you that next time you buy a cake and don't eat it in a hurry, it is better to keep it in the refrigerator."

[White Seele] "Seele understands."

[Rita] "My suggestion here is to eat it as soon as possible. The cake tastes better when it is fresh. If it is left for a long time, not only will the taste be worse than before, but it will also affect your health."

The video continues, and Hei Seele opens the envelope and sees:

[To Seele: Hehe, you are shocked! This is the first time I communicate with you in the form of a letter. After all, we have been living in the same body and are familiar with each other's every thought.

But because of this, there will be words that are difficult to say, and there will be words that are ignored because they are too common. So, I want to formally say "thank you" to you in this way.

Thank you for taking care of me all the time, thank you for tolerating my weakness, timidity, and shrinking back. It is because of you that I can muster up the courage to come to this point. You are the most indispensable and irreplaceable person to me.


[ps: This cake is really delicious. I wanted to share it with you when I took the first bite, so I brought you a copy. I wanted to give you a surprise, so I kept it from you. Sorry. ]

[pps: I don’t know when you can see this gift. The taste of the cake may not be as good as it was at that time... As expected, let’s go eat it together next time! ]

Bai Xier wrote this

The emotions in the letter were successfully conveyed to Hei Xier.

After reading the contents of the letter, Hei Xier no longer felt troubled. She sat on the ground, picked up a piece of cake with a fork and ate it, and kept muttering "Xier... idiot! idiot! idiot! idiot!"

Hei Xier's voice became louder and louder, and she fiercely thrust another piece of cake into her mouth, muttering to herself, "What? You made me worry for so long, but it was all my own fault. What the hell, do you think you can buy me off with a piece of cake? Naive!"

Hei Xier looked angry, and said proudly, " least add another ice cream Let's get some ice cream, but in this weather, the ice cream will melt if we bring it back."

"Sure enough, let's go eat together. After all, you asked me out, so I agreed."

As she spoke, a blush appeared on Hei Xier's face. "Stupid, what a... idiot..."

[Hei Xier] "Xier is a complete fool. She doesn't even think about how a mere piece of chocolate cake can buy me off."

[Delta] "If one piece doesn't work, then two pieces."

[Cecilia] "Writing to another Xier, this is really an unexpected... Thoughts. Gentle and considerate, much less worrying than my Kiana."

[Kiana] "Mom, have you ever said that to your own daughter?"

[Bai Xi'er] "Yes, you are flattering, Aunt Cecilia."

[Ailishia (Paradise)] "Really, Xi'er is so cute even at the end, who is still arrogant. It seems easier to please than I thought~"

[Bronya] "Hehehe, Bronya has never seen Xi'er like this before. Bronya must record this scene. This will be the wallpaper on Bronya's phone from now on. paper. Hehe... Seele, Bronya's Seele..."

[Captain] "Bronya, calm down. Why are you acting like a nympho? Where's your expressionless face?"

[Raiden Mei] "Since Seele came to Saint Freya, we can often see Bronya smiling."

[Bronya] "After all, Seele said: Sister Bronya looks the best when she smiles. And now, as long as Seele is by Bronya's side, Bronya will be very happy."

[White Seele] "Sister Bronya..."

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