The food was so delicious that it was hard to eat.

A bowl of purple-black food appeared in front of Kiana, with bubbles coming out of it, revealing the skeleton of some unknown creature, and vaguely seeing a few souls screaming in the bowl.

Gurgle... Kiana looked at the food in front of her and swallowed. Although the people of Kaslana basically have an indestructible stomach, this thing...

Kiana was scared. This was not something that humans could eat at all. Usually, she would just burn it or put a bunch of ingredients in it. How come this thing couldn't tell what was in it at all?

Kiana looked at Bronya, "Bronya, can you tell what's in it?"

After Bronya scanned it with the heavy-duty bunny, she shook her head, "Bronya can't detect it."

Himeko, "Didn't Xiaobai say that he diluted it? Kiana, you can eat it boldly. It's just one bite. If something goes wrong... Anyway, believe in the medical technology of destiny."

Fu Hua, "It's okay, Kiana, we are here with you."

Theresa gave Kiana a thumbs up to encourage Kiana, and Kiana was almost moved by what she said.

It's better to suffer a short pain than a long one. Kiana picked up the spoon, scooped a little soup, and drank it tremblingly.

Raiden Meiyi, "Kiana, how are you? Are you okay?"

Kiana's face was pale and weak, and it seemed that lightning kept striking in her stomach, "Meiyi, I didn't..."

Kiana fell down before she finished speaking.

Mei Raiden panicked, "Kiana!"

Fu Hua stepped forward to check Kiana's physical condition and said, "It's okay, she just fainted, just clean up her stomach."

Bronya "I didn't expect that even Kaslana's stomach couldn't withstand the food of Lei Yingying."

Kiana (?) woke up and looked at everything in front of her, a little confused.

Kiana's body is now controlled by the Herrscher of the Sky. When Kiana ate the Judgment before, she decisively disconnected from the taste sharing with Kiana and let Kiana enjoy the food alone.

But after Kiana ate it, for some reason, the spiritual space she was in kept releasing lightning, making the Herrscher of the Sky unable to defend herself.

In the end, she was forcibly struck out...

The Herrscher of the Sky looked at Mei Raiden, who was worried, and couldn't help but laugh in his heart.

Everyone didn't notice that Kiana had changed. Mei Raiden said, "Kiana, are you feeling uncomfortable?"

The Herrscher of the Void hugged Mei Raiden and said what Kiana usually said, "I'm fine, Mei, I'm sorry to have worried you."

Mei Raiden felt relieved and smiled, but when she saw Kiana's face clearly, she asked in confusion, "Kiana? Your eyes..."

Fu Hua seemed to have discovered something and rushed up to the Herrscher of the Void to attack the sky with an inch-force blow, "Mei, leave her!"

The Herrscher of the Void seemed to be prepared and used his power to teleport Mei Raiden in advance, avoiding Fu Hua's attack.

The Herrscher of the Void was very dissatisfied with Fu Hua's behavior and said angrily, "Really? After not seeing each other for so long, this is how you greet each other. I'm so sad."

Raiden Meiyi "Wait, are you the Herrscher of the Void? Where's Kiana?!"

Theresa took out Judas and prepared to attack, "Tell me, what did you do to Kiana!"

Herrscher of the Void "Wait! She's fine. It's just that when she ate that thing just now... I don't know why. Anyway, she seemed to be asleep temporarily, and I was forced to go online and occupy this body."

Theresa "Do you think we will believe it?"

Herrscher of the Void "Then do you think you are my opponent now?"

The Herrscher of the Void's question calmed everyone down. First, they were indeed not opponents. Second, it was leisure time now. The Valkyrie equipment was still in the room and had not been taken out. Third, Kiana was occupied by the Herrscher of the Void, and they were almost reluctant to hit her.

As a result, the strength of Mei Raiden and Bronya was almost greatly weakened. Fu Hua's special glasses were broken when she fought with the clone Sirin before, so she couldn't contact Otto to activate the God Killing Armor.

Herrscher of the Void "And I don't want to destroy mankind anymore. I'm not interested anymore..."

Himeko "Why?"

Herrscher of the Void "The idiot got the power of the saint in the question-and-answer space before. That thing not only suppressed me, but also subconsciously purified me, gradually reducing my hatred for humans."

"The reason I came out this time was purely accidental. But I still can't forgive Otto!"

Mei Raiden "Wait, that means you also entered that space before

Question and answer space?"

Herrser of the Void nodded, Theresa thought for a moment, put down the oath of Judas, and said to Herrser of the Void, "Herrser of the Void, why don't you join our academy? You have nowhere to go anyway."

Herrser of the Void "Okay, but I have a condition."

Raiden Meiyi "What condition?"

Herrser of the Void pointed at Meiyi Raiden "If Bella wants to come here in the future, you are not allowed to attack her. You killed her before, resulting in her being an emotionless Honkai beast now, but I can feel that she is still obeying me as the queen in her subconscious."

Himeko "Theresa, what do you say?"

Theresa "Can you guarantee that she won't attack the academy?"

Herrser of the Void "Okay, and by the way, do you have instant noodles? I'm a little hungry..."

Herrser of the Void was a little embarrassed, and Meiyi Raiden couldn't help but smile, "Let me cook dinner, it seems that no one has had dinner. ”

Theresa "Great, I'm hungry now."

Fu Hua "Dean, is it really okay? She is now a Lawbreaker..."

Himeko patted Fu Hua "Fu Hua, the Lawbreaker of the Void is standing with us now, isn't that great? And there is no precedent before, such as the Anti-Entropy Alliance Leader and Wendy who was rescued before."

Fu Hua temporarily put her mind at ease after hearing this.

Theresa "When will Kiana, the Lawbreaker of the Void, wake up?"

Herrser of the Void "How do I know? I'm not good at this."

[Alicia (Elysium)] "Excuse me, how is Miss Kiana?"

[Bronya] "Nothing, Kiana just fainted..."

Just now, the people of Saint Freya discussed whether they should not tell everyone about the appearance of the Lawbreaker of the Void, mainly to prevent Otto.

[Cieren] "I'm glad my sister is okay. ”

[Rita] “Do you want me to come and send her to Destiny for treatment, Lady Theresa?”

[Theresa] “No, thank you. Is this what Grandpa wants?”

[Orchid Dell] “No, this is what I want. It’s better for my sister to come to Destiny for treatment.”

[Otto] “Are you hiding something from Grandpa, my granddaughter?”

[Theresa] “No… No, Grandpa, you think too much.”

[Rosehip] “Let me remind you first, the random draw will start soon…”

The next moment, the turntable started to turn, and then stopped.

[Please ask Alicia (Elysium) to answer the question]

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