The video continues...

The seriously injured shadow guard..., just when the captain and his men were fighting with the craftsman, the dying man took the opportunity to leave and told the prime minister about the explosives.

The guards carried the two masked bodies out of the alley, and the remaining few treated the captain's injuries.

Rita "The wound has been treated... Fortunately, no major internal organs have been injured. After returning to the palace, the captain needs to see a doctor in time."

Guanxing "Captain, are you okay...?"

Captain "It's okay, you see, these don't hurt at all... By the way, Prime Minister, there are stone candles in the lanterns of Qianxing Pavilion..."

Rita "Captain, don't worry, the lanterns of Qianxing Pavilion have been extinguished, the explosives have been cleared, and Lady Theresa is organizing the evacuation of the city residents."

"Rita has prepared the carriage, Lord Guanxing and the captain will go back now."

Guanxing "Okay, can the captain still walk, your injury... is not serious."

Captain "Don't worry, I have a strong recovery ability."

Guanxing smiled helplessly, stopped talking, and silently helped the captain get on the carriage.

Guanxing "Speaking of which... the blood on my body will probably scare everyone. I am not a good fighter. As a saintly king of the previous generation, I am so embarrassed that I will surely make people panic."

Rita "If Lord Guanxing has any concerns, we might as well go to the tailor shop to buy some clothes to change into. The shop is not far from here, right in front of us."

Guanxing "That's great, so as to avoid confusion in the army."

The lanterns on the street were extinguished one by one, and the guards ran, leading the panicked people to evacuate Huangyue City.

Fortunately, the tailor shop was not closed. Rita bought a set of clothes with the guards and returned to the carriage.

Rita: "The space inside the car is narrow, please go down and leave for a while, Captain."

Captain: "Ah... OK."

Rita: "Then, Master Stargazer, Rita will change your clothes for you now..."

Stargazer: "No... No need, Rita, I can do it myself, you can go down and rest."

The soft curtain was drawn, and the Prime Minister also came out.

Rita: "It was thanks to the captain and Lord Guanxing who sent guards to report the news, otherwise Huangyue City would be a sea of ​​fire now."

Captain: "By the way, is the shadow guard who reported the news okay?"

Rita: "The doctor has tried his best to treat him. He rushed all the way back to Qianxing Pavilion to wear the letter, which aggravated his injuries... He may never be a shadow guard again in the future."

"I plan to discuss with Lord Guanxing in the future and give him a generous reward and a position, which will not let him down."

Captain: "Indeed, it should be so."

Rita: "Captain, how did you guess that there were stone candles in those lanterns?"

Boom boom——

Just as the captain was about to explain, there was a loud noise from the building behind him, and fire burst out from under the eaves.

The horse that was pulling the cart and standing quietly was startled by the explosion, and even the driver could not control it and rushed out like crazy.

Not only the captain and Rita, but also the audience outside the video were shocked.

No one thought that there would be an accident at this time, and they couldn't help but pray for Guanxing in the video.

The body reacted faster than the brain. The captain grabbed a beam of the carriage and barely held on for a moment before being thrown to the ground.

Captain "Guanxing is still in the car!"

Rita "You two guards, go and stop the car!"

Captain "Mr. Guanxing... get out of the carriage!"

Behind him were the burning shops and the cries of the citizens, and in front of him was the carriage that was gradually moving away.

Guard A: "It's on fire!"

Guard B: "The fire is too big, the water is not enough!"

Rita: "All guards are responsible for extinguishing the fire, and the Pojun team will go to transfer water! The fire must be put out. There are still a lot of fireworks shops on the street, and they must not be affected by the fire!"

"Captain, let's chase!"

The carriage rushed around, and the already panicked Huangyue City fell into greater chaos at this moment. The burning shops made people panic and ran out of the city.

Captain: "There are too many people here...!"

The panicked crowd slowed them down. Rita turned over and jumped onto the eaves, running quickly on the eaves.

In the firelight, I saw a person holding an umbrella standing on the attic, blocking Rita's way.

? ? ? "Everything in the world is causal, and this is the general trend... Even if you try your best, it cannot be reversed..."

Rita: "Get out of the way!"

[Tesla] "Oh my! There are accomplices! There are also complete

It's not over yet!"

[Kiana] "Is it necessary to do this so drastically? Guanxing didn't do anything wrong."

[Ailishia (Elysium)] "Really, how can you treat a cute girl like this?"

[Paimon] "What should we do next? Will something really happen?"

[Xi'er] "Captain, you must save Sister Guanxing!"

The sickle flashed coldly, but it did not touch the body of the man in black, and he disappeared silently in the thick smoke.

Guard C "Prime Minister, the carriage is pulled out of the city!"

Rita ignored the man in black just now and said "Keep chasing!"

The captain and Rita chased all the way out of the city...

Rita "...The wheel marks are messy, and it looks like it has completely lost control."

Captain "There are some wood chips here, maybe they are left by the carriage hitting the rocks."

Rita "The carriage should be in front. "

After walking for a long time, they finally found the carriage. The driver was lying beside him, and the horse had long disappeared.

Rita: "It seems that the carriage rolled down the hillside and suffered a lot of impact. The driver is no longer breathing."

Panic weighed on his heart, and the captain could hardly breathe.

Captain: "... Prime Minister, have you found Mr. Stargazer? She is not in the carriage, and she is not seen around..."

"Could it be that Mr. Stargazer has escaped from the carriage?"

Rita: "Let's look for him again. Mr. Stargazer should not have gone far."

The captain and Rita were looking for Stargazer in the forest. Although they encountered enemies on the way, they were easily solved by Rita. However, every clue on the way was crushing the captain's defense line...

Captain: "...Too quiet."

The dark forest seemed like a pool of stagnant water. The deeper you walked, the quieter it was.

Captain: "Mr. Stargazer! Mr. Stargazer! "

No one responded. There was no sound in the woods except for them.

Captain "Here is a fan..."

Rita "This is Master Guanxing's fan... Master Guanxing should be nearby..."

Suddenly, the fireworks in Huangyue City were lit and exploded in the sky. The bamboo forest was briefly illuminated, but soon darkened.

In this brief moment, the captain saw...

Everything in front of him was clearly illuminated.

Captain "Master Guanxing...?"

Guanxing leaned against the stone crookedly, looking at the sky quietly. She was cold all over, and there was no light in her eyes...

Captain "Master Guanxing! Master Guanxing... wake up, can you hear me?"

The world seemed to be still, and the captain's blood froze at this moment.

Captain "No... Master Guanxing! ... Guanxing!!!"

Rita "Captain... Get up, Master Guanxing... will never respond to you again. ”

Rita told the captain this fact.

Captain "No... This is impossible! This is impossible!"

Endless darkness engulfed the captain. There was no light, no road, and no echo in front of the captain.

The captain didn't know how to stand up, or what could he change after standing up?

Captain "... Tesla zero..."

The captain stumbled forward, his limbs became heavy, until he could no longer take a step.

But the captain couldn't stop here.

[End of video playback]


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