The two sides of the same tree are still in the same tree.

[Paimon] "So all the above crimes were designed by you, Funina?"

[Funina] "That's right!"

[Navilette] "Except for the last option, which I pushed for."

[Navia] "Lord Navilette particularly likes Melusin and takes special care of their affairs."

[Sigwen] "Thanks to Lord Navilette for bringing us to Fontaine City and arranging work and accommodation for us, I can also observe humans well."

[Captain] "Traveler Ying, which of the above crimes do you think you will do?"

[Traveler Ying] "Let me see, for A, I usually don't release any flying objects, B , why would I pick up shells for nothing? It seems useless. C I would never name it like that. D seems a bit possible. Paimon must have eaten the dessert when he saw it..."

[Paimon] "Traveler! I wouldn't do that. If I knew that it was the dessert of the God of Water, I would never steal it even if I died! I guarantee it with my personality."

[Theresa] "If you didn't know it was the dessert of the God of Water, and there happened to be a dessert in front of you, and no one was around..."

[Paimon] "This... I think I might not be able to resist the temptation... ."

[Funina] "Maybe it was A."

[Traveler Ying] "Release flying objects in the first three days of a month? Does Funina have any evidence? "

【Funina】"Yes, isn't the object next to you a flying object? Maybe you just came to Fontaine in the first three days of the month."

【Paimon】"Next to the traveler Ying... Wait, you are not referring to me, am I a flying object?"

【Funina】"Yes, look, you are floating in the air, isn't it a flying object or what?"

【Paimon】"Good for you Funina, Paimon is not a flying object!"

【Linnie】"According to Lady Funina's idea, it is indeed possible, unless there is evidence to prove that you, Paimon, are not a flying object."

【Paimon】"It seems that there is no evidence to prove that I am not a flying object."

【Funina】"Yes, you are floating in the air, isn't it?"

【Paimon】"It seems that there is no evidence to prove that I am not a flying object."

【Funina】"Yes, you are floating in the air, isn't it?"

【Paimon】"Good for you Funina, Paimon is not a flying object!"

【Linnie】"According to Lady Funina's idea, it is indeed possible, unless there is evidence to prove that you, Paimon, are not a flying object."

【Paimon】"It seems that there is no evidence to prove that I am not a flying object."

【Funina】"Yes, you are floating in the air, isn't it?"

【Paimon】"It seems that there is no evidence to prove that I am not a flying object." ... Nina] "Haha, then I, Fukalos, will take the reward this time. My people, cheer for me!"

[Navia] "Wow, Lady Funina is so awesome!"

[Sigwen] "As expected of Lady Funina."

[Funina] "Xiaobai, I choose A! Come on, my reward."

[Congratulations to Funina for answering incorrectly]

[Punish Funina by eating the bitter melon-flavored cake made by Theresa]

[Funina] "What! I answered incorrectly! And how can there be a bitter melon-flavored cake!"

Funina looked at the green cake that suddenly appeared in front of her, and it smelled bitter. Funina endured the bitterness and ate the whole cake.

[Theresa] "How is it? Is the cake I made delicious?"

[Himeko] "What you make may not suit other people's tastes."

[Funina] "This is too bitter! How did you make it, Miss Theresa?"

[Kiana] "My period just likes the taste of bitter melon."

[Hei Xier] "I thought you were amazing, but this is it?"

[Funina] "Hehe, you didn't think I got it wrong, did you? I got it wrong on purpose. I'm so merciful that I'm giving you the reward. Are you touched?... Ah, I'm such a kind god."

[Kiana] "Fufu, you can't do that. Do you think we will believe this reason?"

[Captain] "I have to say Fufu suits you very well. It would be even more perfect if you add the word silly, right, silly Fufu~"

[Alicia (Elysium)] "It sounds very cute , I will call you Silly Fuff from now on~"

[Funina] "Don't say that! Give me some face!"

[Paimon] "Okay, Silly Fuff."

[Traveler Ying] "Okay, Silly Fuff."

[Captain] "Okay, Silly Fuff."

[Alicia (Elysian Land)] "Okay, Silly Fuff."

[Kiana] "Okay, Silly Fuff."

[Funina] "Ah--you guys! Violet, you hurry up and catch them! Sentence them to death, death penalty!"

[Vilet] "Ms. Funina, please don't force others."

[Bronya] "Xiaobai, I choose D."

[Congratulations to Bronya for the correct answer]

[Kiana] "Hey, Bronya, you actually answered while we were not paying attention, too much."

[Bronya] "Bronya will not wait for you to ask

Well, Bronya already has the answer. It's either A or D anyway."

[Bai Xi'er] "I wonder what reward Bronya will get?"

[Congratulations to Bronya for winning "Walter's Test"]

[Walter's Test: There are three tests set by Walter Yang. After completing the tests, you will become a new Herrscher of Reason]

[Don't worry about being controlled by Honkai, you will directly become a Herrscher fighting for humanity]

[But there is only one chance, dear~ If you don't pass it, there will be no chance.]

[Walter Yang] "My test? Was it designed by my future self?"

[Kiana] "Doesn't that mean Bronya will become a Herrscher of Reason?"

[Bronya] "Bronya will definitely pass the test. With the power of the Herrscher of Reason, Bronya can go to the Quantum Sea and leave Xi'er. ”

[Einstein] "Indeed, with the power of the Herrscher of Reason, Bronya, you can travel through the quantum sea, but you still have to be careful."

[Walter Yang] "When you pass the test, I will let Dr. Tesla and Dr. Einstein teach you some knowledge."

[Bronya] "Then Bronya will thank the Anti-Entropy Leader."

[Kiana] "If Bronya has the power of the Herrscher of Reason, then can she also be considered the Anti-Entropy Leader?"

[Walter Yang] "If she passes, maybe I will give her the position."

[Seele] "I believe that Sister Bronya, you will definitely pass the test."

[Traveler Ying] "Can anyone tell me what the Herrscher of Reason is capable of?"

[Walter Yang] "Then let me, the Acting Herrscher, tell you. The power of the Herrscher of Reason is to construct things that it can "fully understand" with Honkai energy. ”

【Kiana】“I can’t understand…”

【Nashida】“You mean that the Ruler of Reason can transform the knowledge in his head into reality?”

【Walter Yang】“That’s about it.”

【Paimon】“Nashida, you know?”

【Nashida】“Let me give you an analogy. If you fully understand the Ruins Guardian and know every part of it, then the Ruler of Reason can be created out of thin air.”

【Tadalia】“It’s so magical. Wouldn’t it be that there are endless enemies and you can create an army yourself?”

【Einstein】“So the strength of the Ruler of Reason depends entirely on the amount of knowledge of the user.”

【Doctor】“If I had this ability… maybe my experiment would be easier.”

【Diluk】“Doctor! One day I will kill you myself! ”

【Play video below】

Traveller Ying and Paimon were brought to the Petersburg of Merlo to register their information.

Maretti: “Yawn… It’s Madeline, why did I ask you to come down here today?”

Madeline: “Villet specifically asked me to escort these two prisoners, maybe he was worried about leaving them to others.”


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