The Herrscher's power was so strong that it could not be broken.

[The Power of the Saint - has the power to suppress the Honkai energy, can suppress the Herrscher Core, suspend the actions of the Honkai Beast, and can even remove the Herrscher Core from the Herrscher's body. ]

[Kiana] "That's great, Mei, with this power, you don't have to worry about losing control anymore. When we go back, I'll let my aunt remove the bomb in your body."

At the same time, in Kiana's body

"Damn! Damn! What kind of power is this? I can't break it."

The Herrscher of the Sky hit this protective shield. Since Kiana got the power of the Saint, she was suddenly trapped by the protective shield that appeared.

Originally, only if Kiana had a mental breakdown could she have a chance to control this container.

I also began to slowly break down Kiana's spirit.

But now that I have this power, it will be more difficult for me to regain my body.

[Funina] "Explosion, bomb! How can this lady have a bomb? No, it won't explode suddenly, right?"

Funina was a little scared. How could someone have a bomb in their body!

When she thought of the scene of a sudden explosion and the pieces of flesh being torn into pieces, she trembled.

[Raiden Mei] "Don't worry. Under normal circumstances, bombs won't explode suddenly. It has conditions."

[Qin] "Conditions?"

[Raiden Mei] "When I lose control again and activate the power of the Ruler for more than 10 minutes, it will explode. This is what I asked the dean to do."

[Paimon] "But, this is too dangerous. What if it explodes suddenly? You, aren't you afraid?"

[Raiden Mei] "Afraid, but I'm more afraid of losing control. It was because I was controlled by Honkai that I became the Herrscher of Thunder and hurt many civilians. [Wimmed] "What is the 什么”? You seem to be afraid of this. "[Bronia]" "Every time it collapses, it must be accompanied by the demise of a large number of creatures, and each large collapse will be accompanied by a lawn. The third collapse broke out. "[Qiana]" So for the sake of the world, we must fight against collapse. This is our duty as a goddess. "[Qin]" Your world is really disaster. "To help you" [Traveler Ying], "We have to go to Monte."

[Wendy] "Really? I'm in the Whispering Forest, maybe we can meet. I'll take you there then."

[Paimon] "Thank you, Wendy. You're such a nice person."

[Wendy] "You're welcome. Just ask for a drink."

[Raiden Mei] "You look like a minor. Can you drink?"

[Wendy] "Don't judge a person by their appearance. I'm old enough to drink."

[Second question]

[How did Ying, the traveler, defeat the Wind Dragon in Mondstadt? ]

[A: On the way, he received the blessing from the wind god Barbatos and repelled the wind dragon]

[B: Relying on the help of the Knights of Favonius to repel the wind dragon]

[C: Traveler Ying's original strength was stronger than the wind dragon, and she repelled the wind dragon alone]

[D: Paimon hid his strength and secretly helped the traveler repel the wind dragon]

[Please start answering questions]

[Captain] "Is there no video this time?"

[Qin] "I didn't expect that the traveler actually had the power to repel the wind dragon"

[Traveler Ying] "But I'm done You don't remember anything about this?"

[Paimon] "Yeah, we haven't even reached Mondstadt yet."

[Stargazing] "That should be something that happens in the future."

[Kiana] "It can actually detect our future. I wonder if we will defeat Honkai in the future."

[Captain] "Don't worry, with the rewards from this Q&A space, you will definitely defeat Honkai."

[Funina] "The future..."

Funina prayed in her heart that this Q&A space would not reveal the secret that I am not a god.

Others are fine

, if I am exposed, someone will die.

Please, Xiaobai, don't reveal my secret!

Fukaros also felt Fernina's panic and released a little divine power to calm Fernina down.

Fernina felt a warm power wrapped around her, and her mood relaxed instantly.

[(Inner) Funina] "Thank you, the me in the mirror."

[(Inner) Fukaros] "You're welcome, I owe you this. You've worked so hard all this time."

[(Inner) Funina] "This is what I should do."

[Xilin] "So which one is the answer?"

[Qin] "I don't know, I feel like all four of the above answers are possible, I can't know what will happen in the future, Traveler, how strong are you?"

[Traveler Ying] "If it were in the past, I should be able to repel the Wind Dragon alone, but since I met that strange god, my power has been sealed. So C is impossible."

[Paimon] "Then D can also be ruled out, I can't hide my strength. I don't have any strength at all."

[Traveler Ying] "Really, Paimon, you really don't have any hidden strength?"

[Paimon] "Traveler, you have to believe me."

[Traveler Ying] "I believe you, Paimon, after all, you have 1/5 of the strength of a wild boar."

[Paimon] "I shouldn't be that weak."

[Raiden Mei] "Is it possible that the wind god Barbatos helped you? The gods of a country would not ignore such a situation."

[Qin] "Indeed, but the wind god Barbatos has disappeared for hundreds of years. It is still unknown whether he will appear this time."

[Wendy] "I believe that Lord Barbatos will come to save us, and I also believe that under the leadership of Qin, the Knights of Favonius will definitely be able to stop the Wind Dragon and survive this crisis."

[Qin] "Sir Wendy, you are joking. I don't have such strength."

[Wendy] "Isn't there still the Traveler? Maybe it was with the help of the Knights that the Wind Dragon was repelled."

[Qin] "You have a point."

[Captain] "Then who will answer this question?"

[Traveler Ying] "Since it is my question, let me answer it. Before, because of that strange god, my brother and I were separated, so I don't believe in gods very much. Xiaobai, I choose B."

[Congratulations to Traveler Ying...]

The Traveler smiled happily.

Did I get it right?

[Wrong answer]

[Please continue answering questions]

Traveler Ying's expression froze instantly, staring blankly at the words "Wrong answer".

[Paimon] "That's too much. You're still congratulating me even though I got it wrong. Are you kidding us?"

[Qin] "Is it really Lord Barbatos who came to help Mond? Thank you Lord Barbatos, and may the wind god bless me."

[Kiana] "I wonder what the punishment will be?"

[Raiden Mei] "I hope it won't be too severe."

[Punishment for Traveler Ying to receive a curse]

[The treasure chest opened within a week can only contain one cabbage. ]

[The curse will be automatically lifted within a week]

[Starting from leaving the question and answer space]

[Traveler Ying] "No!!!"

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