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Kiana on the screen has changed...

[Kiana] "Sure enough, I have such a good relationship with my aunt, there must be a second form."

[Stargazing] "Just as the live broadcast room said The better the relationship with Theresa, the stronger the strength. ”

[Walter Yang] “Is it really because my relationship with Dean Theresa is so-so that I can’t achieve enlightenment?”

[Otto] “It seems that Xiao De Lisa cares about me as her grandpa. You see, I have two Herrscher powers... My dear granddaughter, I am very happy. ”

[Jizi] “The relationship has faded, Theresa, are we Is the relationship between us not good? Why didn't I become a Herrscher? "

[Theresa] "..."

Enough, how did this Honkai choose the Herrscher body? Why did he grab the people around her? No!

And Jizi, you definitely won't get your salary this month, I said!

Kiana on the screen is holding a fire sword, surrounded by flames, with a ponytail, and her eyes are no longer golden, but blue as usual.

[Kiana Kaslana, combined with The core of the four Herrschers of Void, Reason, Flame, and Knowledge, becomes the Herrscher of Fire and Flame. 】 (It should be a four-core Herrscher)

[Kiana] "Aunt, you are so good to me, just give it to me The power of four Herrschers! I am so moved..."

But she didn't dare to move immediately, because Theresa had a ferocious look on her face and walked towards her with Judas.

I don't know if it was because of the elders' suppression, but Kiana was scared. I dared not move, and then...

Kiana: "Aunt, I was wrong. I won't say that again next time!"

Theresa: "You want another chance? You're asking for a fight!"

St. Freya's Dormitory There were screams all over the place, but it didn’t affect the students nearby at all, because they were used to it.

[Himeko] "Speaking of which, with four Herrscher cores, is Kiana in good health?"

[Rita] "Having a Herrscher core is certainly powerful, but the damage caused by the erosion of Honkai is definitely .”

【Wendy】“Unless in the original timeline, Destiny has the strength to suppress four cores.”

【Kiana】“It must be that I am gifted, and only four Herrscher cores can suppress four Herrscher cores.” , I can easily control it, even if it is all the Law Cores, I can easily control it! "

[Bronya] "Please, some idiot, stop talking in your sleep."

[Herrscher of the Sky] "Indeed, sister , it's too much of a stretch to have all the Herrscher powers. It's unlikely."

[Kiana] "Why did I become a little sister? Shouldn't you Is it your younger sister?"

[Herrscher of the Sky] "Because I'm older than you, idiot."

[Kiana] "Eh? Mom, is this true?"

[Cecilia] "Well... Strictly speaking Xiaokong is indeed the elder sister."

[Kiana] "Ah, I always thought I was the elder sister, but I didn't expect that I was the youngest among the sisters..."

[Yulan Dell] "It's okay, sister."

[Xilin 】"We still like you, sister."

【Rosehipel】"Miss Kiana, you seem to have a Herrscher form."

【Kiana】"Is this true? Let me see..." At this time, Kiana on the screen changed her clothes again, like a dreamy white dress, with angel-like wings and stars in her eyes.

The people in the Paradise of the Past were shocked to see Kiana in this form. None of them could have imagined that the innocent and cheerful girl would actually be this Herrscher...

[Kevin] "This is... the end..."

[Kevin] Text (Le Tu)] "Are my descendants the Herrschers of the End of this era?"

[Kiana] "The End? What is that? Is it powerful?"

Himeko couldn't help but hit Kiana. Jizi] "I told you not to listen carefully in class, do you know what the end means?"

Kiana didn't understand, how could she know.

[Theresa] "The End is the strongest Ruler among all the Rulers, and also the last one..."

[Orandale] "I heard from Senior Su that the previous civilization was destroyed by the Ruler of the End." [Mebius (Elysian Land)] "Even I find it incredible, Principal Theresa, you can actually train even the end!"

[Graysh (Elysian Land)] "Sister Theresa is amazing..." [Otto] "Did something go wrong when I was doing the experiment?"

Otto didn't understand. He thought he had calculated everything, but the surprise Theresa brought him was far beyond his imagination.

Or Said to be

The intervention of the God of Honkai, but this should have nothing to do with him, he just wants Kallen to be resurrected...

[Theresa] "This has absolutely nothing to do with me!"

At first, everyone thought that the Lord of the Far East Demon Cave was just a joke in the live broadcast room, basically for fun.

Now seeing that the End is her people, many people doubt Theresa's true identity.

Reason, Void, Thunder, Wind, Knowledge, Flame, Death, Constraint, Origin, End

Good man, there are fourteen lords, ten of whom are on your side. If you say you are the real Honkai God, I guess some people will believe you...

[Kiana] "Although I don't understand what you are talking about, it seems that I will become the strongest Valkyrie in the future?"

[Theresa] "My niece, I would rather hope that you are the strongest Valkyrie, not the strongest lord!"

[Cecilia] "It's okay, my daughter. As long as you can be happy every day, it's enough, no matter what you become."

Just seeing Kiana on the screen, as a mother, since she can sense that Kiana had experienced too much pain at that time, Cecilia decided to accompany her daughter every day.

[Siegfried] "Yes, you are my daughter, Siegfried, no matter what."

[Kiana] "Hehe, isn't it the End? I will definitely be able to control it in the future. Kiana, attack."

[Alicia (Elysian Land)] "Maybe Miss Kiana is the End that fights for humanity~"

[Sirin] "I believe my sister."

[Kevin] "I hope so, otherwise..."

In order to defeat Honkai, no matter how much it costs, he doesn't mind killing his relatives for the sake of justice!

[End of introduction to the Lawbreaker of the Far East Demon Cave]

[Start the next question]

[Please watch the video first]

The screen shows the environment of Liyue. Zhongli and the traveler Ying come to [Jie Cui Xing] to buy the top-quality Night Moor Stone.

Shitou, the boss of Jie Cui Hang, came forward and said hello, "Hey, sir, welcome to Jie Cui Hang. Would you like to try your hand at two rough stones today?"

"It's cheap and fun. Maybe you'll get rich before you know it?"

Paimon "Rough stones? No, no, we're here to pick...what kind of stones?"

Zhongli reminded him, "Night-viewing stones. The quality must be at least Candlelight-grade."

Shitou was startled when he heard Zhongli's request, "Night-viewing stones of Candlelight-grade...? Well, you're not a tourist. Sorry, I'll get the goods right away. Please take a look..."

Then Shitou took out three high-quality Night-viewing stones, "What do you think of this? We Jie Cui Hang is a time-honored jade brand. Look at the quality! It's absolutely excellent. It's a rare favor from the Rock King. You can choose whatever you want."


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