The old man was so angry that he was forced to leave.

Zhongli "What motive do I have to assassinate the Rock King?"

Funina remembered a certain experience of Zhongli in the clue she had just read, and decided to modify and use it, although it might be a bit...disrespectful to the Rock God. "Hehe, compared to the Rock King, you often call the Rock God [Morax], right?"

Zhongli was a little confused. What clues did the water god on the opposite side read, or did he just make it up... "Why did Ms. Funina say that?"

Funina "Because of you! Zhongli is the descendant of the followers of the Salt Demon Heulia."

Hutao and Zhongli were shocked. What the hell, even the people in Teyvat found it incredible.

[Paimon] "Ah, this..."

[Xianyun] "Why didn't I know that Zhongli had this identity?"

[Xiao] "It should be fake. At least Mr. Zhongli... has nothing to do with the Salt Demon God. I can guarantee that."

[Traveler Ying] "Could it be that there are both true and false clues in that clue?"

[No, the clues I provided her were basically Zhongli's experiences. Fu Nina just took them and used them, slightly changing the character settings and so on. ]

[In short, this game mainly depends on whose words the judge believes. The final winner is determined by the judge, and the process can be played at will. 】

【Paimon】"So that's how it is. Whichever side has the right answer will win. Then isn't Finina sure to win? Violet is on her side, right?"

【Claulinde】"Don't worry about that. Lord Violet never has any selfish motives during the trial."

【Navia】"Every trial is fair and just. Sometimes, even if it's Lord Water God, Violet will refute her."

Finina"It is said that during the Demon God War, the Rock King assassinated the Salt God. As a descendant of the Salt God's followers, they are determined to avenge the god they believe in in the same way."

"Isn't this the most reasonable motive for the crime?"

【Traveler Ying】"If I didn't know Zhongli's true identity, If you say that, I will believe it."

[Paimon] "Yes, some descendants of the Salt God's followers do think so, and they think that it was the Rock Prince who assassinated their god."

[Xingqiu] "In fact, Mr. Zhongli is not a descendant of the Salt God's followers. It depends on whether Violet believes Ms. Funina's words."

[Xianyun] "This is just a cowardly and weak demon god. I can suppress it. Why does the emperor need to do it!"

[Captain] "No wonder the live broadcast room is blocked. In this way, Violet can only judge the truth of the matter by himself."

Vilet was a little confused about Funina's motives, "Ms. Funina, do you have evidence to prove that Mr. Zhongli is a descendant of the Salt God's followers?"

Funina "Of course, there is no such thing in this world. There will be unfounded confidence. "

"According to the data, Mr. Zhongli, you have been in and out of the underground salt with Miss Wanyan, who is also a descendant of the Salt Demon God believer."

Zhongli "That's true, but I was just a consultant at the time, and went to conduct archaeological surveys. The Wangsheng Hall also left a work record."

Hutao "It's also one of the few work records of the guest official. She chatted with me privately in the live broadcast room before."

[Ye Lan] "Wanyan, I remember she is from Yinyuan Hall..."

[Ningguang] "It seems that Yinyuan Hall has to investigate it carefully."

[Xianyun] "Humph, if it weren't for the kindness of the Emperor to take them in, they would not be here today! These ungrateful guys!"

Funina "What a coincidence, you also brought a Salt Demon God believer? And after arriving at the ruins, why did you beat up your employer Clement and then drive him out? "

Zhongli "Mr. Clement violated the contract first, and what happened on this trip is not convenient to disclose based on the principles of privacy and contract."

Funina "Using the contract as a shield to cover up the truth is a common trick used by you Liyue people."

Villet also reminded, "Here is a reminder, Mr. Zhongli, if you can't make an effective rebuttal, Funina's claim that you are the descendant of the Salt Demon God's believers may take effect."

Zhongli "It's difficult to deal with it first."

Zhongli didn't know how to explain unless he exposed his identity, but he didn't want to reveal his identity. Just as he was thinking about how to explain, Hu Tao had an idea.

Hu Tao "Hey, Zhongli, you said that the Water God just met you for the first time and praised you to the sky. You said it's better to praise... Hu Tao, I can't lose

. "

Zhongli "Master, what other ideas do you have?"

Hutao "For example..."

Hutao looked at Villette "Judge, in fact, my Zhongli... is the Geo King!"

[Ningguang] "?"

[Keqing] "?"

[Ganyu] "?"

[Traveler Ying] "!"

[Paimon] "!"

[Captain] "It is a direction that has never been considered."

[Bronya] "If Hutao proves that Zhongli is the Geo King, then Zhongli's assassination of the Geo King will not be established. After all, how can you kill yourself?"

[Paimon] "I thought Hutao found out... um!"

[Xiangling] "What did you find out? ”

【Traveler Ying】“It’s okay, nothing…”

Funina was also shocked (Did Miss Walnut know something? No, maybe she was deceiving me. As long as she has no evidence, her statement is invalid!)

Funina “Ridiculous… Ridiculous! Do you have any evidence?”

Walnut “Didn’t you say that Zhongli just appeared before the assassination of the Rock King? Maybe the Rock King wanted to retire, so he faked his death and became Zhongli.”

“And he is very particular about it. He was afraid that others would not be able to do the immortal ceremony well, so he had to join the Hall of Rebirth and do it himself.”

“In order to avoid being recognized by others, he put on something like… a follower of the Rock Demon God to cover up his identity.”

Zhongli and those who know Zhongli’s identity just want to say one thing: Have you read the script? It can’t be said to be almost the same, it can only be said to be exactly the same.

【Kaeya】“That Zhongli can’t really be the Rock King, right? ”

【Xingqiu】“That’s impossible. If Mr. Zhongli is the Rock King, how could he not have Mora?”

【Dolly】“I don’t believe that this kind of person who often pays bills is the Rock King!”

Funina “You! Aren’t you just copying my lines!”

Hutao “That’s a coincidence, but it doesn’t mean that the Water God’s theory has branches. It’s not just that Zhongli is a follower of the Salt Demon God who assassinated the Rock King.”

Funina “This… this is sophistry! And it was you Liyue people who said that the Rock King is dead.”

Hutao “Yes, even children in Liyue know that the Rock King died because he failed to pass the tribulation.”

Funina “But as a citizen of the Rock God, don’t you think this way of death is too shameful? No, it’s shameful, isn’t it?”

Hutao “That’s much more decent than the assassination of our guest official who wanders around the streets all day long!”


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