The story is about to end.

The episode of the Paradise of the Past ends here, and the video in the live broadcast room continues...

Kosmo "I came to find Gretsch. I haven't seen her for two years since she moved to Hyperion. How is she now?"

Raven thought of Gretsch's situation and didn't know how to explain it to them. After all, things were a bit complicated. "Uh... this, this, this..."

The next scene shocked everyone, especially the people in the Paradise of the Past, who saw Gretsch in the video walking in with a child who looked very similar to her.

Gray Xiu "Abonia mother, Raven mother, are you still not ready? The captain brother has been waiting for a long time..."

At this time, Gray Xiu found Qian Jie and Kosmo, and was very confused about why they were here. "Kosmo, Qian Jie, why are you here?"

Qian Jie and Kosmo had no mood to explain. When they saw Gray Xiu with a child who looked very much like her, their minds were almost blank. Finally, Qian Jie couldn't help asking "Gray"

Gray Xiu picked up the child and introduced Kosmo and the others. "That...she is Gracia, the daughter of me and the captain brother...Sorry, Kosmo, the captain brother asked me not to tell you first, eh? Kosmo?"

At some point, Kosmo and Qian Jie had left the office and went directly to the captain, angrily forcing him into a small corner.

Seeing them coming fiercely, the captain trembled and begged for mercy, "Two by two? What do you want from me? Uh, I'm a married man now, please be gentle..."

Qianjie "Beast... you bastard!"

At this point, a violent nuclear explosion occurred in the kindergarten built on the island.

[End of video playback]

[Padofils (Elysium)] "Captain, how could you do this! Little Gray is still a child!"

[Kiana] "Captain, I misjudged you, how could you do this?"

[Captain] "That's me in that world, and I have nothing to do with it! Don't slander good people!"

[Yakura (Elysium)] "Theresa, are you sure there is no person similar to the captain there?"

[Theresa] "I have never seen one in my memory."

[Otto] "Friend, I sent people to investigate before, and did not find any red-haired man who fits the captain or is similar in the world."

[Alicia (Elysium)] "Oh , you don't have to have any malice towards the captain, the one in the video is not him, right."

[Qianjie (Paradise)] "Why love Lishia? You haven't even met him yet and you're speaking for him, have you fallen after all?"

[Kosmo (Paradise)] "No matter what, I can't let you get close to Grayshu."

[Jizi] "Then I have a question, is the child named Grayshu also a warrior?"

[Cecilia] "I don't think so, it would be too pitiful for such a young child to go to the battlefield."

[Su (Paradise)] "We won't let her go to the battlefield, and we even want to keep her away from war."

[Hua (Paradise)] "Grayshu Gray was born inside the Fire Moth, which means Gray was born a member of the Fire Moth, but we all take good care of her. We try not to let her get hurt at all..."

[Mebius (Elysium)] "But in the eighth and ninth collapses, Gray was seriously injured. I performed a super transformation operation on her to save her life."

[Kevin (Elysium)] "Fortunately, the operation was successful, Gray survived, and she became a fusion warrior."

[Kevin] "But even if Gray is a fusion warrior, we still don't want her to go to the battlefield when the final battle comes."

[Kosmo (Elysium)] "Before that, Gray "Gresh was replaced by me to carry out the Ark Project. I don't know how it is now?"

[Eden (Paradise)] "You may not know what the Ark Project is. Let me explain it briefly. In simple terms, the Ark Project is to take a spaceship to find a new home that can be inhabited by humans and has not collapsed."

[Padofils (Paradise)] "We are all very worried about the situation of Grayshu outside, but we have not received any news."

[Yakura (Paradise)] "Maybe in that world, Grayshu was brought back by the captain, but we will never forgive him for attacking Grayshu!"

[Everyone, do you want to know why Grayshu in that world lived with the captain?

Have a baby?]

[Kiana] "Yes! Very much."

[Traveler Ying] "I'm curious, how did the captain trick the child?"

Basically most people wanted to see why, and Xiaobai also met everyone's request.

[Since everyone wants to know, I'll show you a short video]

At the beginning of the video, Mebius was making a magical potion, which is said to have the function of making fusion warriors grow up.

Then it was seen by Grayshu who was hiding on the side. Out of curiosity, she took the opportunity to drink the bottle of pink potion when Mebius left.

The next second, little Grayshu turned into big Grayshu. This scene made all the flat girls in reality (except Fu Hua who was still fainted) want it very much.

[Theresa] "Ms. Mobius, I have a friend who wants your potion that can make the body grow instantly."

[Himeko] "Theresa, you don't have to hide it. Where did your friend come from? We all know."

[Theresa] "That... is... Bronya! Yes, she asked me to ask you!"

[Bronya] "Bronya didn't ask the dean, but Bronya also wants that potion."

[Mobius (Elysium)] "How could it be possible? Am I the kind of person who wastes time on such meaningless things?"

[Siegfried] "Give up, dwarf. You will always be the same and there will be no change."

[Theresa] "Siegfried! I'll fight you!"

In the video, after Big Gray drank the potion, he became a little strange because of the side effects of the potion. In short, he was in heat.

Then the captain happened to pass by. As the only male present, Big Gray pushed the captain down without saying a word. (This is the author's imagination)

[The video below is not easy to play, please imagine it yourself. In the end, after Gracia was born, Mebius successfully developed an antidote to restore Gracie to normal, and the story ends here. ]

[Funina] "This captain is an innocent victim no matter how you look at it."

[Kiana] "So all this is Mebius' fault?"

[Mebius (Elysium)] "Don't accuse people casually! It was just an accident! Who knew that Gracie would sneak in and drink the potion?"

[Delta] "I was wondering how the captain could have the guts to do that. It turns out he was forced."

[Captain] "Heh, it's good that the misunderstanding is resolved..."

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