The two of them were so busy that they had to eat.

Silin came out of the room. She was hungry and wanted to see what she had for lunch today. "I'm so hungry. What should I eat today?"

Silin looked towards the kitchen and saw an unforgettable scene. Siegfried was chopping vegetables with the Holy Judge of Skyfire at the rated power of zero, while Karen was chopping vegetables crazily with the Oath of Judah in the hunting mode.

What was unexpected was that this way of cooking did not cause the kitchen to explode.

Silin trembled after seeing this. Grandmother Mei found little Silin and pulled her over to comfort Silin's young heart. "Be good, the meal will be ready soon. They are just chopping vegetables~"

And Kevin had put on 3D glasses, as if he was watching a movie about the war of the century.

[Nashida] "This cooking method is so strange, I've never seen it before."

[Wendy] "Look how scared the child is..."

[Traveler Ying] "Miss Kiana, does your father really cook like this?"

[Kiana] "It's a bit exaggerated. Dad doesn't use the Skyfire Judgement's rated power of zero to cut vegetables. He usually uses the Skyfire Judgement's dual-gun mode to roast vegetables."

[Theresa] "That's not normal."

[Xiangling] "I've never seen such a thing before. This is the first time I've seen someone cook like this. I feel like my cooking skills have been insulted!"

[Captain] "I want to know what material the kitchen is made of? It's still almost intact."

[Brownie] "At least it has endured the damage it shouldn't have endured at its age."

[Theresa] "So Judas can be used like this? I'll try to cook with Judas."

[Himeko] "Please don't do this!"

[Bronya] "This scene has refreshed Bronya's understanding of the cooking skills of the Kaslana family."

[Thousand Tribulations (Paradise)] "Hahaha, burn everything to ashes!"

Kevin looks calm in the picture, but he is actually very panicked. Seeing this scene, he decisively picked up his phone and asked his friend for help while hiding from everyone's sight...

On the other side, Su received a message from Kevin. When he opened it, Kevin asked for his support.

After careful consideration, Su sent a message to Kevin. Kevin looked at the message [If you don't eat it, it won't be cured] and cursed, "Fuck you!"

Mei, who was standing next to him, seemed to be obsessed with Xilin's soft cheeks and didn't notice Kevin's actions just now. Poor Xilin was rubbed by Mei until she cried, and she couldn't resist and let Mei play with her.

[Ailixia (Elysian Land)] "Poor Kevin was abandoned by his best brother~"

[Kaiya] "Su: Brother, you're on your own. I'll burn incense for you next year."

[Stargazing] "Is Xilin's face so nice to touch? Look at Mei's comfortable face."

[Captain] "It feels very good, very soft. And the face is not the point, Xilin's hair is also more comfortable."

[Xilin] "Captain! Let me go!"

[Captain] "Ah! That... I'm just helping you with your hair."

[Xilin] "You guy, what do you mean by hairdressing? You obviously just want to touch my hair. I won't let you succeed, hum!"

[Kiya Na] "You make me want to touch my sister, too, hehe."

[Ailishia (Paradise)] "Me too."

After a while, the dishes (poison) of the two contestants were finally finished, and Siegfried looked at Karen and said, "Grandma Karen, you go first."

Karen looked at Siegfried angrily, and was very dissatisfied with him calling her grandma, and retorted, "Elders must give way to the younger generation, so you go first."

Then the two of them pushed each other away, and Kevin couldn't stand it anymore, "What does this matter?"

Siegfried/Karen "This is the key to winning!"

After all, Kevin was out of touch with the times, and he really didn't understand the thoughts of the younger generation.

So Kevin casually pointed at Siegfried and said, "Stop arguing, Siegfried, you go first!"

Siegfried looked disgusted, while Kallen beside him secretly rejoiced. As a qualified gentleman, Kevin decided to let Mei go first to test the poison, no, to taste the food. "Mei, you must be hungry, you go first..."

Mei smiled at Kevin and said, "I'm not hungry yet, you go first."

Kevin, "It's okay, it's still you..."

Mei, "I~ say~ you~ go first~"

As the emperor of the family, Mei has enough say, so Kevin naturally has to follow Mei's instructions and can only accept helplessly, "Okay."

Otto laughed at him and said, "Kevin, you have come to this day too, hahahaha~"


After opening the cover of Siegfried's dinner plate, he saw a strong light. Kevin was a little shocked and was immediately blinded by the strong light. "Fuck, my eyes!"

After recovering, Kevin found a flash bomb placed on the indescribable dish. Kevin picked up the flash bomb and asked Siegfried, "What is this!"

Siegfried "It's a flash bomb, I added a flash bomb!"

Kevin grabbed Siegfried and said, "Don't put weird things in the dishes!"

[Captain] "I was scared to death. When I saw the luminous special effects, I thought I had really made some amazing food."

[Kiana] "It turned out to be a flash bomb. Dad, how could you put things around?"

[Siegfried] "Haha, this looks cool."

[Cecilia] "Don't teach bad children!"

After giving Siegfried a lesson, Siegfried began to introduce the name of his dish, "I'm just kidding, the next one is the main dish - my favorite - golden BBQ rice bowl! I will call it [ Overlooking all living beings]!”

[Xiang Ling] "Not to mention that I can't see any golden color at all, I can't even tell that it's a plate of rice bowl!"

[Theresa] "Can you see that the video is coded?"

[Jiko] "Who dares to eat this?"

[Captain] "You can lie down after eating."

In the video, Kevin lost any appetite and even felt like vomiting, "Forget it, I expected that..."

Xilin didn't know when she broke free from Mei's restraints and looked at the dishes on the table. She dipped a little with her finger and tasted it...

Suddenly, a white light flashed behind Xilin, and she felt her Herrscher power restored, "This... power, is power!"

The Blowfish Herrscher awakened again, beating Kevin to the point of wailing in pain. Siren enjoyed this moment very much.

However, in reality, Xilin leaned happily against Mei, with a silly smile on her face.

Kevin "What's wrong with her?"

Mei "Looks like it was a good dream~"

Seeing that her Queen's life and death were in danger, Bella hurried over to save Siren: "My Queen! Wake up!"

[Under the Moon] "Hey, poor little Xilin, why can't I think about it~"

[Stargazing] "I guess I won't wake up for a while."

[Xigwen] "If you have food poisoning, you can ask me for help. I'm better at this."

[Nacida] "That dream was quite interesting."

[Captain] "I guess this is the only benefit of this dish. It makes a person have a sweet dream instantly..."

[The Herrscher of the Sky] "Has the Bella of that world survived? When will my Bella come back?"

Looking at a giant dragon outside St. Freya Academy, although it has caused a lot of impact on the academy, it behaves very well under the command of the Herrscher of the Sky, and even some braver Valkyries will go up and pet it.

Because Teresa, the principal of the academy, had informed in advance that the dragon would settle in St. Freya Academy, there was no need to panic. The Valkyries basically lived in harmony with Bella.

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