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The video continues, the captain will not believe Yuexia's words, "You won't... I said, Yuexia, you can't fool me, you don't want to do that at all."

Yuexia laughed at the captain "Really? ”

Captain "Admit it, you and I are looking forward to reunion - you heard it too."

"Even though our bodies are very weak, our hearts are beating."

Moonlight "Human, you You are really good at saying things that I dare not say. You are like this... It will make me start to waver in my determination. "

The captain saw that the time was right and reached out to Yuexia, "So, come and hold my hand. Release the remaining Theresa, I won't let you make the choice alone. "

Yuexia laughed after hearing this, "Human, don't you think we still have a choice?"

At this time, the captain suddenly felt a A piercing pain came, and then quickly spread to the whole body.

Yuexia saw the captain's condition and became more determined to do so. "Human, your condition...is getting worse and worse."

"If you hadn't come to me, maybe our pain would have been reduced a little, but now... …”

“If you don’t make up your mind now… it will be too late. I must kill them all, and you must make a choice now…”

[Paimon] “No way, Captain, your conditions were So it's not good, just getting close to the body will cause problems."

[Otto] "Oh, it's really fate."

[Funina] "It's obvious that you two like each other, but some uncontrollable factors have to If they don't leave temporarily, and now they finally meet, they can't be together for some reason. It's really a bad drama. Ben."

[Yae Shenzi] "Generally speaking, such a plot will soon usher in a knife."

[Klee] "Sister Yuexia is so pitiful, Klee is about to cry T﹏T, Klee is going to give Yuexia a " "If Sister Yuexia feels sad, I will give you delicious food to comfort you." " "Thank you two little cuties, if possible, Sister Yuexia I like you A little spicy, Yaoyao, do you have anything delicious over there? "

[Captain] "What's up, are you hungry, Yuexia? How about I make you something delicious later?"

[Yuexia] "Sure , but I just want to try the food from another world."

[Yaoyao] "No problem, I'll ask Senior Sister..."

[Xiangling] "It's a good opportunity to let Friends from another world, try my latest dish - spicy fried slime! I use the best Jueyun peppers and fresh slime gelatin..."

[Captain] "No need Slime sounds weird. Xiangling, you should send Jueyun Jiaojiao over. I will cook the food myself. ”

[Xiangling] “Okay, it’s a pity. This new The dishes can only be tasted by Hu Tao."

[Hu Tao] "No! Just thinking about it makes me feel... sick..."

The captain tried to comfort Yuexia, but the pain in his body made it difficult for him to speak. "I ...I won't give up, you...don't need to do that."

"I suddenly feel that the so-called [choice]...seems to be always beyond our control...if you really If you want to fulfill my wish, then..."

Yuexia slowly approached the captain and said to him with gentle yet deadly words, "Human, kill me - this is the greatest gift to me."

Captain" Is this really the only way we can do? Moonlight... I am already standing here, and I will never allow you to decide our future alone. "

The captain struggled painfully, his body temporarily lost consciousness, and he stretched out his hand to To catch her, "I understand your feelings, but I will never accept it! Never! If you are looking for that gun and that special bullet, I would have returned it to Karen long ago."

"This time I don't intend to sacrifice anyone, neither you nor me."

The captain sighed under the moon, and his perception recovered, and the two looked at each other.

The captain smelled a strong fragrance, heard the girl's sobbing, and saw Yu Feng The white skirt fluttering in the air...

Not only the captain, but most of the audience thought this scene was beautiful.

Siegfried even remembered how Cecilia looked in her wedding dress.

[Traveler Ying] "It's so beautiful under the moon."

[Alicea (Elysian Land)] "Why, why is it not me standing next to her, Captain, I envy you so much——"

[Rita "I feel the same way, although I know she doesn't

It's Theresa-sama, but she looks like Theresa-sama, so I can't help but think of Theresa-sama with other men."

[Otto] "Rita, now you mention it, I have a picture in my mind, woo~ It feels like the cabbage I raised with great effort was eaten by a hateful pig..."

[Theresa] "Rita, Grandpa! Please stop fantasizing right now! I, I won't be with the captain!"

[Himeko] "Theresa, we didn't seem to say it was the captain, so, are you attracted to him now?"

[Kiana] "Aunt, if you like the captain, we will help you take him down!"

[Hersher of the Sky] "With so many of us here, we can help you take down the captain even if we suppress him by force, and then you can do whatever you want."

[Cecilia] "I can also give you some advice, after all, I have experience."

[Theresa] "Shut up, you guys! ”

[Himeko] “Hey… When will I meet my destiny son?”

[Chiori] “Someone just ordered a wedding dress recently, and this one just gave me some inspiration.”

[Kiana] “The way Mei looks in a wedding dress… Hehe”

[Raiden Mei] “It’s too early to talk about this now, Kiana.”

[Cierene] “If I didn’t know what was going to happen later, I would definitely think this was the wedding of the captain and Yuexia.”

[Yuexia] “I remember, I forgot there was such a ceremony, to enter the palace of marriage with the person you love, to be together forever, human…”

[Captain] “I know, when we return all the ether singularities to the world bubble, I will give you a grand and magnificent wedding.”

[Stargazing] “Mr. Assassin~ I also want you to give me a wedding, okay~”

[Yuexia] “Stargazing sister, you are still young, you have to wait until you grow up to talk about marriage. ”

【Stargazing】"Damn it! Wait till I get a reward like growing up, and then I'll see how arrogant you are!"

【Brownie】"Captain, they are quarreling again, are you not going to do anything?"

【Captain】"Let's talk about this later, I believe things will get better and better..."

Under the Moon "Human, as expected, a gentle person like you... can't do anything to hurt me, even if I am cruel and willful."

Captain "Because I always believe in you, I don't really want to do those things."

Under the Moon "Your appearance is the greatest miracle in my life, but in order to satisfy my wishes, you have observed too much of my fate, and have been unknowingly... cursed by me"

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