The truth is, the truth is.

Funina was a little upset. She must know her situation, but this question is very likely to expose her true identity.

After these days, the videos in the Q&A live broadcast room are basically real, not only the future but also the past.

Funina also understands that Xiaobai can't not know that she is not the real water god, but a fake one. Fortunately, Xiaobai does not belong to Teyvat, so nothing will happen if it knows.

Funina wants to try to communicate with Fukaros (I in the mirror, can you hear me?)


After waiting for a while, Funina still didn't get a response, and Fukaros in the oracle judgment cardinal saw this question and prayed. She didn't know what video the live broadcast room used to expose the relationship between Funina and her.

But there is a high probability that the people of Teyvat will find out about Funina's problem, and she can't do anything now. She can't go out to give Funina a hint.

Although there are not many people in the Opikle Opera House now, Fukaros can still feel that someone is secretly spying on her. As long as she comes out, the secret she hides will be discovered.

Even if there are no such people, the Water Dragon King of Fontaine can also detect the abnormality. (That Villette has finished the punishment and returned)

What's more, although Fukaros can see what is happening in the Q&A live broadcast room, Xiaobai did not give her the privilege of private chat.

Fukaros also asked Xiaobai why there is no private chat function in her live broadcast room. The answer she got was-she is not complete now, with only a soul but no body (memory does not count). If she shares a body with Kiana like the Herrscher of the Void, she can use the private chat function. Fukaros can only rack her brains...

At this time, Fukaros thought that he could give Funina instructions through Xiaobai's message, and he had done so before.

So, Fukaros asked Xiaobai to help her pass a message to Funina, and Xiaobai agreed.

On the other side, Navilet was a little surprised to see Funina not talking, because he still had official business to attend to and could only send messages in the live broadcast room.

[Navilet (private)] "Ms. Funina?"

Funina, who was still trying to figure out a solution, was startled by the message sent by Navilet.

[Funina (private)] "What's wrong? Navilet..."

[Navilet (private)] "You should be clear about your own situation. Do you have another personality?"

[Funina (private)] "Hahaha, Navilet, you have been following me for so long, don't you know my situation? Or do you want to get some answers from me?"

Navilet was silent for a moment, thinking that what he just said might be a bit offensive.

[Navilette (private)] "I understand. I'm sorry I offended you just now..."

[Funina (private)] "...It's okay. I'm a magnanimous person and won't bother with you."

Funina didn't know what Vilette understood, but she didn't care. It was not wrong for Vilette to think that she had another personality. It was also not wrong for him to think that she didn't have another personality. After all, Fukaros was separate from her now and she didn't have another personality.

At this time, Funina received a message from Fukaros...

[Funina, this is a special period. We must answer this question no matter what, and we must answer it correctly. Only in this way can we turn the tide. We can only pin our hopes on the rewards in the Q&A live broadcast room. Although there is a very small possibility that our secrets will not be exposed, we cannot bet on that possibility. In addition, I can tell you that at least the Thunder God of Inazuma does not have a dual personality. As for Leila and Weierwei in another world, I don’t know. Anyway, come on, little Fufu - believe in your Fukaros]

Funina felt a lot of pressure after seeing this, but she had some guesses about Leila. The men she arranged around the world had introduced this person, a scholar from Xumi, and had heard some legends about her.

In order to prevent someone from picking up the leak, Funina privately chatted with Leila.

[Funina (private)] "Ms. Leila..."

[Leila (private)] "Ah, why is there another person asking me if I have another personality? How many times do I have to ask?"

[Funina (private)] "No, no, no, Ms. Leila, you misunderstood. I came to ask you, have you ever woken up and found that your unfinished paper was suddenly completed?


[Leila (private)] "You are... the Water God of Fontaine! You asked me about this matter. It did happen, but I don't know why. Others said it was caused by my sleepwalking."

[Funina (private)] "Well, I understand. Thank you for your answer."

[Leila (private)] "Ah? No, you're welcome..."

Funina has determined that there is another personality hidden in Leila, but Leila herself has not discovered it.

After five hundred years, Funina is more or less knowledgeable. She doesn't believe that a person who sleepwalks can complete those complicated papers very well. It can only mean that there is another personality in her body helping her secretly.

Now only Weiwei is missing...

At this time, Weiwei found Funina...

[Weiwei (Paradise. Private)] "Lord Water God of Fontaine, do you want us to exchange information?"

[Funina (private)] "What do you mean? ”

【Wei Weiwei (Le Tu. Private)】"I told you that I have another personality. Tell me if you have another personality or if you have had any weird things happen to you recently?"

【Fu Nina (Private)】"I don't have another personality, and nothing strange has happened to me recently."

【Wei Weiwei (Le Tu. Private)】"Well, I see. Thank you. Happy cooperation!"

Fu Nina and Wei Wei each have their own arguments, and they basically did not deceive each other. Fu Nina does not have another personality, and Wei Wei does have another personality, but there is more than one.

Fu Nina was still thinking about the truth of Wei Wei's words, and found that someone had already answered the question.

【Wei Weiwei (Le Tu)】"Thank you for your replies, I already know the answer through private chat, so the reward for this question belongs to Wei Weiwei! "

Vilvi pressed the buzzer.

[Please answer the question, Vilvi (Paradise)]

[Vilvi (Paradise)] "My choices are D, E, G!"

Funina frowned and saw the answer Vilvi chose, which meant that she had just lied to her. Fortunately, her answer was definitely wrong, so she had to answer quickly, as fast as possible...

[Congratulations to Vilvi for answering incorrectly]

[Vilvi (Paradise)] "What! ? This is impossible. I asked everyone one by one, and I could tell which one was lying. Why..."

[Alicea (Paradise)] "Maybe the gods in the other world are so good at acting that they fooled Vilvi~"

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