The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

A ray of light flashed by, and the people in the dormitory of St. Freya College looked over, but Theresa's current appearance was not what they imagined, but exactly the same as the artificial collapse in the photo just now.

Theresa felt that she had grown taller. Usually, she had to look up to see Kiana, which made her, as an elder, lose her dignity. Now Theresa finally didn't have to let Kiana squat to comfort herself. She couldn't help but look in the mirror.

[Theresa] "This transformation staff is awesome. Although the spell is a bit childish, I am very satisfied that it can make me taller."

[Zaoyou] "What! Taller! I want a reward like this too."

[Traveler Ying] "I remember that spell wasn't the one that transformed into a magical girl? It looked like there were two rabbit ears on my head..."

[Theresa] "Traveler Ying, what are you talking about? What rabbit ears?"

[Bronya] "The dean has turned into a man-made collapse form."

[Alicea (Elysium)] "I feel a little disappointed. The rabbit ears are cuter."

[Captain] "What will happen if Xiaobai recites the spell wrong?"

[Nothing will happen. It will just change its appearance. Generally speaking, it will have the appearance of a Honkai beast. If you are curious, Theresa, you can change it. Also, each transformation can only last for 6 minutes. After the transformation is canceled, you have to wait 6 hours before you can transform again. 】

【Theresa】"I don't know why my intuition tells me that I can't change. By the way, how are you guys doing?"

【Captain】"Brownie is repairing... Brownie, how long will it take for the Hyperion to be repaired?"

【Brownie】"Captain, I have some bad news."

【Captain】"What bad news?"

【Brownie】"We are missing some replacement components."

【Captain】"? I remember there should be a lot in the warehouse."

【Himeko (Bubble)】"There seems to be a big hole in the warehouse."

【Stargazing】"It is estimated that after the ship suffered an accident, most of the components in the warehouse were lost in the quantum sea."

【Yae Kasumi】"It should be Xiaobai's intention."

[Brownie] "Well, the components in the warehouse are not enough to repair the entire Hyperion."

[Cilin] "Speaking of which, why hasn't the noisy Ai-chan responded yet? Normally, she would have made a big fuss if she encountered such a situation."

[Brownie] "I don't know. I've also checked those intelligent systems, and they don't seem to be damaged."

[Captain] "It's a pity that Ai-chan hasn't been pulled into the live broadcast room by Xiaobai, otherwise I could ask her in the live broadcast room. I don't know where that guy ran off to."

[Theresa] "Captain, is your Hyperion's intelligent AI also called Ai-chan?"

[Captain] "We all call her Ai-chan, the administrator of Hyperion. I don't know why she has no response at all now."

[Let's warmly welcome Ai-chan to join the Q&A live broadcast room]

[Ai-chan] "Yeah! Ai-chan, the cutest girl in the universe, has finally been invited to the live broadcast room. Every time I see you guys doing a Q&A live broadcast room, I'm so envious, but I haven't received an invitation yet... Hey? Where are you, boss? Why are you the only one on Hyperion, Jizi? And Jizi, why do you seem to be getting older?"

[Jizi] "Who are you talking about getting older? Ai-chan..."

[Captain] "Uh... Ai-chan, is your Hyperion intact?"

[Ai-chan] "Yeah, boss, I'm telling you that I just had a dream. I dreamed that Hyperion was attacked by terrorists, and then I woke up suddenly and found that you were gone."

[Jizi (bubble)] "But I'm not in Hyperion anymore."

[Himeko] "Captain, it seems that your intelligent AI has invaded our Hyperion."

[Theresa] "Huh? How's Ai-chan here?"

[Himeko] "Let me see..."

[Ai-chan] "Boss! Help! I seem to have a virus!"

[Captain] "What's wrong, Ai-chan, are you okay?"

[Ai-chan] "Some memories suddenly appeared in my memory, which seem to belong to me, but also seem not to belong to me. I must have been infected with a virus! What should I do!"

[Brownie] "There are extra memories, Ai-chan, you can't be merged with Ai-chan of this world, right?"

[Stargazing] "Ai-chan, I want to ask you about your extra memories

Are Theresa, Kiana and the others there?"

[Ai-chan] "Wow, you are worthy of being Mr. Stargazer, you can guess this."

[Captain] "Uh, it's confirmed, Ai-chan you are fused with another Ai-chan."

[Under the Moon] "Then she won't be in trouble, right?"

[Delta] "No, you see she is still full of energy."

At this time, the island where the captain was located was violently shaken, and the captain said, "Why is there an earthquake? !"

Sirin saw something incredible and hurriedly reminded everyone, "Look at the ground, there are many cracks!"

Everyone looked over and saw that countless cracks appeared on the ground on the side of Hyperion, which had crashed at some point, and they were still spreading outward.

Everyone had to retreat one after another, and Kallen (Pao) "Could it be that the violent impact of Hyperion broke the island into pieces? ”

Medalium "I remember Xiaobai said this seems to be a private island..."

Cilin "Why do you care if it's private? Let's get out of here."

Captain "Everyone be careful! Hyperion seems to be falling!"

The standing Hyperion began to tilt and fell towards the captain and his team.

Everyone could only run away desperately. Fortunately, with the help of Cilin's magic, everyone was teleported to a safe place.

The fall of Hyperion accelerated the spread of the cracks on the island, and the sea water began to rise.

Delta "Okay, this island is probably going to sink. I didn't expect your ship to be so powerful."

The captain was still thinking about how to escape from the sinking island, and found that the sky suddenly darkened.

Everyone looked up and saw a ship exactly like the Hyperion appearing in the sky...

Hyperion issued a call from Ji Zi, "Captain! Come up quickly."

Ai-chan "Boss! Don't be afraid, Ai-chan is here to save you! "

Jizi controlled the Hyperion to open the hatch, and Xilin immediately used teleportation magic to teleport everyone to the Hyperion.

Jizi saw them coming up and began to look at Jizi (pao) who looked very similar to her in her youth. "It's really exactly the same as before."

Jizi (pao) "This is the first time we meet, hello, Wuliangta Jizi."

Jizi "Hello, Canghai City Vigilante Jizi, and the captain and everyone else on the Hyperion, welcome aboard our Hyperion."

Captain "Thank you, Jizi."

The captain turned around and looked at the island curiously, only to see that the island finally couldn't hold on, and sank into the vast ocean along with the captain's Hyperion.

Captain "I hope the owner of the island won't ask me for compensation."

Brownie "It's okay, as long as we don't admit it."

Delta "I have to say that this island is a bit fragile. "

On the other side, the owner of a small island in the East District of Changkong City still doesn't know that his island is gone...

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