[Axis is dead].

[On the thirty-seventh day of the study program for patients with collapse disease].

[He lost his mind again, his body was completely manipulated by instinct, and the black-purple traces that suddenly appeared made him a terrible monster].

[Bai Xia, who had already prepared, quickly controlled him].


[Axi never regained his sanity this time].

[He completely turned into a monster, opening his teeth and dancing his claws at Bai Xia’s people, as if he wanted to kill them].

[Even Bai Xia and Mebius have done everything possible to try to awaken his consciousness].

[But they still failed].

[The Avalanche virus extracted from Axi’s body is also telling them].

[This is an irreversible process].

[After completely turning from a human to a monster, you can no longer change from a monster back to a human].

[No matter how genius they are, they can’t change this established fact].

[And today].

[Just one day away from Asik’s daughter’s birthday].

[Axie, who was looking forward to going home tomorrow to celebrate her daughter’s birthday, lay on the cold experimental bed].

【The next day】

[Bai Xia bought a cake and went to Axie’s house].

[Looking at Axie’s daughter who opens the door with joy].

[He smiled and told her that her father had something temporary and needed to travel far away on business, and he was here to bring her cake and wish her a happy birthday instead of her father].


[Axie’s daughter raised her head and said stickyly: “Brother, thank you for being willing to lie to me, I know, my father is in an accident… Right?”

[Looking at this little girl who is only eight or nine years old in front of me].

[Bai Xia didn’t know what to say for a while].

[The impact of Honkai disease is even greater than he imagined].

[Children who should be coquettish in the arms of their parents will also be forced to learn to understand and grow up].

[It’s just that the price is too great… Too big].

In the live broadcast room.

Looking at the mature performance of Axie’s daughter when facing Bai Xia.

Everyone was silent.

As bystanders, they see clearly.

After Axi turned into that kind of monster with strange black and purple marks and a hideous and terrifying face.

Bai Xia and Mebius are still doing their best to rescue him.

Merely…… They failed.

Those special drugs on the market for avalanche disease also have no effect on Axisy.

All Bai Xia and Mebius could do was end his life.

“I thought that Mebius’s father was already scary when purple-black marks appeared on his body. ”

“I didn’t expect it to be just an appetizer. ”

“Avalanche will eventually cause humans to become sane monsters that can never be saved!”

“But it’s a bit strange to say. ”

“Before, Mebius’s father was able to use special drugs to control the onset of the collapse disease. ”

“Why did Axi turn into a monster directly?”

“Ming understands that Xia and Mebius are also letting Axi take special drugs all the time, and also use advanced methods in the laboratory to alleviate his illness. ”

“Is it really like Mebius said before. ”

“The Avalanche virus eventually produces antibodies?”


Because I watched the research of Bai Xia and Mebius throughout the whole process.

These viewers also have a preliminary understanding of Honkai disease.


The symptoms caused by Avalanche disease will constantly torture the body and spirit of the patient, making the patient feel that life is better than death.


The specific drug for Honkai can still suppress the onset of Honkai and allow patients to return to normal.

People who die of collapse disease just don’t have the money to buy special drugs.

And those who have been taking specific drugs, so far there have been no cases of death.

At least not on the surface.

But Axi has obviously been taking special medicine, why did he turn into a monster?

If it is the collapse virus in his body, it produces antibodies to specific drugs.

So why did nothing similar happen to patients who had been taking special drugs for a longer period of time than him?

To know.

The female patient selected by Bai Xia and Mebius, took the special medicine a little longer than Axie.

But she is still fine, no different from a normal person, and there is no sign of her mind losing control and turning into a monster.

Is it individual differences?


Is there any secret hidden in this that they don’t know?

Come to think of it.

The audience’s eyes once again looked at the picture that was still playing.

[Bai Xia returned to the laboratory].

[Even if he has helped Axi deal with things related to his daughter, so that his daughter does not have to live so hard for the rest of her life].


[One thought].

[ended Axisi’s life with his own hands].

[Bai Xia’s mood is still very heavy].

[Reason told him].

[He is actually helping Axi to liberate so that he does not have to suffer so much in the world].

[But the sensibility still makes it difficult for him to accept].

[Mebius also saw Bai Xia’s state at this time].

[But she did not choose to enlighten Bai Xia again].

[Because this time].

[Bai Xia needs to come out by himself].

[She doesn’t want Bai Xia to become a character like herself who can be indifferent and ignorant in the face of life, but she also doesn’t want Bai Xia to really become a person who is sad and compassionate].

【”Cherish the love of human beings and life in our hearts. “】

“Always remember all the good things. “】

“There may be thorns and bumps on the road. “】

“But. “】

“Don’t stop there. “】

“Pick a flower and put it on your chest. “】

“Keep going. “】

[Mebius is waiting].

[She hopes that Bai Xia will have a better transformation this time].

[And Bai Xia did not live up to her expectations].

[On the forty-fifth day of the study program for patients with Avalanche].

[Although there seems to be no change on the surface of Bai Xia, Mebius can sense that he no longer feels guilty and powerless].

[The confidence between the eyebrows is also a little more mature].

“Can you tell me what you think?”

Between the experiments, Mebius said in a very calm tone towards Bai Xia.

It sounded like she was asking questions about the experiment.

But Bai Xia, who had been with her for so many years, naturally knew what Mebius wanted to hear.

“Remember Axi’s daughter?”


“She called me and said she was grateful to me for being able to help her with her father. ”

I asked her if she had any birthday wishes, as if my brother had helped her father make it up. ”

Then, she said. ”

She didn’t want anyone else to suffer from Avalanche like her dad. ”

Bai Xia’s gaze looked at Mebius.

And his voice was firmer than ever.

“I will keep them in my heart and take their share with me to a future without collapse!”

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