[Bai Xia agreed to the request of the two]

[Even if he doesn’t want it very much, the two will appear on the terrifying and dangerous battlefield]


【In the face of Honkai】

[Everyone has no choice]

[He can only hope that the two can return safely]

[And after hearing Bai Xia’s promise]

[The smile on Alicia’s face was even brighter, and she even gave Bai Xia a warm hug, and her soft body was clinging to him]

[Mebius watching quietly from the side]

[This time she didn’t stop it, and the look in her eyes that looked at Alicia was with a hint of worry]

[Wait until Alicia lets go of Bai Xia]

She looked at Sakura next to her, and the smile on her face was still bright: “Do you want to give Sakura a parting hug?] “】

“Don’t say these nonsense! “】

[Bai Xia scolded]

[But he still stepped forward and hugged Sakura for the first time that he had been protecting him on weekdays]

“I’ll take care of Suzu.” “】

“But. “】

“Please also come back safely.”] “】

“Suzu really wants to go to the amusement park with your sister again.”] “】

[Hakunatsu instructed earnestly in Sakura’s ear]

[Sakura feels that her ear pinna is feeling a little itchy due to the heat of Hakunatsu’s speech]

“I will. “】

[Sakura responded calmly]

【Due to tight time】

【After you are ready to go】

[The transport plane sent the chariot and the two of them away from the station of the Fire Moth]

【Bai Xia standing in place】

[He looked at the transport plane that became a black spot, and he didn’t say anything for a long time]

“You can actually stop them from leaving.”

“Whether it’s Sakura.”

“Still… Alicia. ”

“They’ll all think about what you say.”

“The last one who chose to stay.”

Mebius’s voice rang out at this moment.

For the matter of the two leaving for New Zealand to fight the Wind Law.

She didn’t really want to see it.

“But it’s their choice.”

Bai Xia sighed.

Be a friend.

At most, he will make a few suggestions without really interfering with the decisions made by his friends.

They also have their own ideas related to… Hang on!

“Don’t worry.”

“They will definitely come back safely.”

“The weapon created by this genius is still easy to use to solve that wind lawyer.”

Wilvie said from the side.

Judging by the satellite map.

The strength of the Wind Law may not be strong, but the ability he masters will have a huge impact on the world.

As long as it can be approached.

Sakura and Alicia, who are armed with the seven thunders of sin, should be able to solve her.

But anyway.

This is all theoretical speculation.

Bai Xia knew very well how much gap there was between theory and reality.

“They’re going to succeed.”

[After Sakura and Alicia left]

[Hakunatsu did not return to the laboratory and did various experiments as usual, but went to Sakura’s home]

[He promised Sakura to take care of Suzu, then naturally he can’t break his word]

[Sakura’s home is in the station of the fire moth, and in the small garden, a cherry blossom tree is planted]


【It’s not cherry blossom season】

[The cherry blossom tree is now bare, without flowers and leaves, and the branches are gray brown, appearing so silent and lifeless]

[Hakunatsu is not the first time to come to Sakura’s house, but it is the first time to come without Sakura’s company]

[When he enters the house]

[Suzu is sitting in the living room, reading a book alone]

[After seeing Hakunatsu appear]

[Suzu’s face suddenly showed a happy smile]

“Big brother!”

“Come and help the bell tell the story!”

“Suzu is going to listen to bedtime stories!”

Ling hugged Bai Xia’s thigh, looked up at Bai Xia, and muttered in his mouth.

It’s just noon.

But for Suzu, it’s time for a lunch break.

Bai Xia naturally did not refuse.

He picked up the bell and took her to the bedroom, placing her gently on the bed and covering her with a quilt.

Look at the collection of short stories that Suzu handed him that has been opened.

Bai Xia’s voice was very soft:

“When people arrive, they often only have time to see it.”

“The deceased fell on his back, and a dark red flower bloomed on his chest with undried blood, forming a strange contrast with the few foggy blue forget-me-nots that must appear around him…”

“Uh, Suzu, why do you like to watch this kind of story?”

Bai Xia looked at Suzu.

He thought that all Suzu wanted to hear was some children’s story, like the fairy tale picture book he had given to Alicia.

But this kind of story… Obviously not what children of this age like to see, right?

“Big brother!”

“Hurry up and keep reading.”

“Suzu wants to know what’s going on behind.”

Suzu looked at Bai Xia expectantly.

This made Bai Xia sigh, and could only continue to read fondly: “… If, I mean if, if she really exists, then her knife must be extremely fast…”

It took half an hour.

Bai Xia finally finished reading to Suzu, this killer story called forget-me.

But Suzu didn’t feel sleepy at all.

“If you don’t sleep again, it won’t grow tall.”

Bai Xia said softly.

“Big brother.”

“You say, what kind of person will she be if you forget me’s not?”

“Will her eyes be able to glow at night, will she have four arms, and will her muscles bulge like a hill?”

Suzu looked at Bai Xia and said what he imagined forget-me-not.

For some reason.

Bai Xia always feels.

Fortunately, the person who read the story to Suzu was not Sakura, otherwise Suzu might have been spanked a few times – but judging by how much Sakura loves Suzu, she may only verbally say that she will not take her out to play.

“What Suzu wants her to be, then what kind of person she will be.”

Bai Xia gently stroked Suzu’s hair and said, “The reader’s imagination is also part of the story. ”

Suzu seemed to understand Bai Xia’s slightly complicated words.

She opened her eyes with wide blue pupils, looked at Bai Xia, and said in an innocent tone: “Then she… You must be able to defeat the bad guy who uses the wind, right? ”


“Suzu, where did you hear that, bad guy with wind.”

After a moment of silence.

Bai Xia then asked.

Although most people know about the matter of the Law of the Wind, it is impossible for a child like Suzu to know.

“It was said by those uncles and aunts while chatting.”

“They also said.”

“Sister is going to hit that bad guy.”

“But that bad guy is very powerful, and my sister may not be able to beat her.”

Suzu looked at Bai Xia and answered his question.

Since the advent of the Law of the Wind.

The Fire Moth did not stop discussing and worrying about her, and Sakura and Alicia who went to carry out the decapitation plan were naturally within the scope of that discussion.

It was also normal for Suzu to hear this in the mouths of those members.

“Big brother.”

“Can you let forget-me-not defeat the bad guy who uses the wind.”

“Suzu doesn’t want to… Suzu didn’t want her sister to go. ”

“I’m afraid my sister won’t be able to beat her!”

“Suzu is afraid that I won’t see my sister in the future!”

Suzu held up the storybook.

That forget-me-not story is imprinted in Bai Xia’s eyes.

Her voice was choked, and a tear appeared in the corner of her eye.

For a child of her age.

They have understood the meaning of death.

And Suzu will obviously not fit the story of this age group, and give it to Bai Xia to read aloud, probably… It was also Suzu who did it on purpose – she didn’t want her sister to hit that bad guy!

She was afraid that Sakura would never come back!

Look at the crying bell.

Bai Xia gently held her in his arms, and gently patted her back with his palm, but did not say anything.

In a world where collapse can come at any time.

Including himself. [ Read more novels for free on our website: tinyurl.com/2aa54z8b ]

No one is qualified to be willful!

[Suzu crying loudly in Bai Xia’s arms]

[Wait until you are tired of crying]

[She just fell into a deep sleep]

[Bai Xia didn’t care about the clothes that were wet with tears, but reached out and wiped the corners of Suzu’s eyes, there were residual tears]

[And in his heart, he suddenly remembered that when he was in the BM Biology Laboratory, when he was doing research with Mebius on patients with Avalanche, the daughter of Axi who became a dead man]

“When I heard about my father’s death. “】

“Did she cry as loudly as the bell?” “】

“And then. “】

“Forced to endure sadness. “】

[“Although it is a child, but it is sensible and mature, and it forces itself to live? “】

【Bai Xia’s heart is extremely heavy】

[He didn’t leave Sakura’s house right away, but helped with some tidying up]

【Wait until the bell wakes up】

[When I saw Bai Xia sitting on the edge of her bed, looking at her gently]

[Suzu’s face showed a look of embarrassment]

“Big brother.”

“I’m sorry.”

“Suzu stained your clothes.”

Suzu apologized to Bai Xia.

After the emotions are vented.

She also knew that what she had just done was actually not good, but she knew that when her sister went out not for work, but to face dangerous things, it was difficult for her to stump the feelings in her heart.

Looking at Suzu’s sensible look.

Bai Xia just stroked her hair lovingly and said, “It’s okay, big brother still has a lot of clothes.” ”

“My sister said that clothes must be washed by hand to wash them clean.”

“When my sister comes back.”

“Suzu let my sister help my big brother wash it.”

“The bell is still small, can’t wash clothes, it will be dirty.”

Ling raised his head and looked at Bai Xia and said very seriously.

Bai Xia originally wanted to refuse.


When he saw the pleading in Suzu’s eyes.

Bai Xia’s face squeezed out a smile: “Okay, when the time comes, the eldest brother will supervise with you, and you must let your sister wash clean.” ”


Suzu nodded hurriedly.

It was as if as long as Hakunatsu agreed, Sakura would definitely be able to return safely.

Or rather.

That’s what she’s pinning her hopes on.

【Next few days】

[Hakunatsu will take time out to come to Sakura’s house to accompany Suzu]

【Of course】

[That information about the Law of the Wind will also appear in his hands for the first time]

[Maybe the accumulated wind is enough]

[Observed by astronomers chasing fire moths]

[The hurricane entrenched in New Zealand has begun to show signs of movement, as long as the Wind Lawyer takes a trip around the world, I am afraid that the entire planet will become a paradise for storms]

[And the human beings living on this planet will forever become history, and those buildings and creations, even ruins, cannot be left behind, and completely disappear into this world]

[The new head of the combat department is ready]

[As soon as the Wind Lawyer shows signs of leaving New Zealand, she will immediately launch missiles and nuclear weapons that can lower the planet’s surface formation, and use a saturation attack to stop the Wind Lawyer]

[And at this critical juncture]

[Those meteorologists suddenly discovered]

[The hurricane, which was still strengthening and preparing to start moving, suddenly has a downward trend, and this trend is still very obvious]

[See this scene]

[The personnel of the fire moth immediately lifted their spirits]

[And wait until two days later]

[When the chariot, which can be declared scrapped, returns to the station of the Fire Moth by means of a transport plane along with the remains of Alicia, Sakura, and the Wind Lawyer]

[The entire personnel of the Fire Moth cheered]


Suzu was the first to rush up.

He hugged Sakura, who looked a little tired.

Alicia also looked a little embarrassed at this time, but she still maintained that sunny smile on her face.

“Welcome back.”

Bai Xia looked at Alicia.

The completely relieved Alicia exuded the enthusiasm of the past.

She stepped forward.

It seems that he wants to give Bai Xia a hug.

But Mebius hugged her first.

This made Alicia’s face suddenly show a stunned look.

“It seems that Dr. Mebius is still a little worried about her holding you in the first place.”

Wei Wei was by Bai Xia’s side and said very happily.


When I saw that the seven thunders on the chariot showed no signs of being taken down and used.

A hint of doubt flashed in her eyes.

“Is it up to Alicia to defeat the Wind Law alone this time?”

Velo looked at Bai Xia.

But Bai Xia ignored her.

He stepped forward and looked at Sakura, who was pulled in front of him by Suzu, with a bright smile on his face.

“Welcome back.”


【The Law of the Wind is solved】

[This is a great good thing for the fire moth and for the whole world]


[The hurricane created by the Law of Wind has been eliminated before it even starts moving]

[That loss can be said to be minimized]


[New Zealand is still a country that has completely become history]

[None of the five million people survived]

[200,000 square kilometers of land becomes empty]

【Economy, science and technology, culture, etc.】

[All this was completely taken away by this (King’s Zhao) storm]

[As if this country had never existed on this planet]

Modern society.

In the live broadcast room.

Every time the Law Man comes.

Every time the lawyer brings disaster.

All this will silence the audience.

Some of the words that had been jealous of Bai Xia and thought that his crossing the other world was a shit luck, in exchange for what he could do, had long disappeared.

“In a world where the lawyer can come at any time.”

“I’m afraid that other people may not be able to do better than Bai Xia.”

“If it’s for me.”

“I’m afraid I won’t even be able to hold on to the arrival of the Lawyer, and I will die on the way out of town.”

Many viewers are still self-aware.

In this kind of world.

Either you have talents beyond ordinary people, show amazing talent, and make others willing to escort you.

Or they will only become ordinary people in Bai Xia’s mouth, who can only rely on luck to pray that Honkai will not befall his city.

But in either case, it is not as good as living in a peaceful world.

At least here.

They can live!

“But speaking of it.”

“Alicia seems to really have strong strength.”

“Vilvi said that the seven thunders of sin were not taken down, then this time it should be only Alicia.”

“Relying on your own strength to be able to kill the Wind Lawyer, Alicia is really powerful!”

“And she looks so cute!”

“How can there be such a perfect person in this world!”

“I declare that I will establish an Aimen and will always follow Alicia, who is our god!”

“Add me one! Add me one! ”

“…… No”

The audience’s attention quickly shifted to Alicia.

This girl has been extremely sought after since she appeared, and this time her record has made her popularity rise again.


Some viewers had a question.

“The Law of the Wind.”

“Was it really Alicia who killed it alone?”

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