[Looking at the humble breath that has entered the state of anesthesia]

[After Blanca has tested her body data]

[Her gaze looked at Bai Xia, as if to say, everything is ready]

[Bai Xia, wearing a white lab coat and a mask, nodded slightly]


[Under Danju’s record]

[Bai Xia and Mebius, soon entered the state]

【Stimulation and stimulation experiment of human cells officially begins】

“Introduction of type I rapidly inactive Avalanche virus into the human body.”

Bai Xia said in a deep voice.

As an assistant, Cang Xuan is not as jumpy as usual, but completes his work very quickly.

“Initial version of the BM-1 gene injected agent.”

“Under the mixture of genetic agents.”

“Artificially induced for rapidly inactive type I Avalanchosis virus.”

“You don’t need to give it special powers.”

“Just release the power within the Avalanche virus.”


Bai Xia kept repeating and reminding.

Although they have conducted several experiments on animals.

But just like the pilot before takeoff, he will compare and adjust little by little according to the requirements of the book.

Reminders repeated multiple times.

to minimize the risk of failure of the experiment.

“The first cells were successfully stimulated!”

Blanca replied.

And Mebius had calmly induced the second batch of viruses at this time.

Their experiments weren’t very fast.

But on this human experiment.

Seek stability.

That’s the key!

“The second batch of cells was successfully stimulated!”

“The third cell excitation is successful!”

“The fourth batch of cells was successfully stimulated!”


Blanca is counting little by little.

And the movements of Bai Xia, Mebius and Cang Xuan did not mean to slow down in the slightest.


The further this experiment progresses, the slower the rate of excitation will be.

Even if their hand speed can maintain its original state, the complexity of the human body makes them unable to speed up at all.

Especially the immune system in the human body.

Inhibitors are used a lot.

It is inevitable that a trace of resistance will develop.


Danju has not developed just one class of inhibitors.

After discovering that the body’s immune system seemed to be about to return to normal.

Cang Xuan immediately notified her sister and injected the second type of inhibitor.


“A human 28 body can only withstand at most two different immune system suppressants a day.”

“If you inject it multiple times.”

“It can cause damage to the human immune system.”

“I’m afraid it will take a long time for it to get back to normal.”

Danzhu said while recording.

Bai Xia nodded clearly.

He sped up the movement of his hand slightly.


When class II inhibitors are about to fail.

The cell stimulation of key parts of the human body is all successful!

“It’s a pity that the time is still too short.”

“You can’t stimulate and excite all the cells inside the body.”

“Otherwise, we might really cultivate one… Superman. ”

Mebius’s tone carried a hint of pity.

[The number of cells in the human body is about 37 trillion to 1 trillion yuan]

[This number may vary depending on the age, gender, physical health and other factors of the human body]

【Even if】

[They choose to stimulate human cells, and they are stimulated in batches]


【Number of cells that can stimulate and excite】

[It’s still only a very small part of the total number of cells in the entire human body]

[They can’t stimulate and stimulate all cells, they can only select cells in key parts and let them grow]


【Forecast according to statistics】

[Although only the cells in the key parts are stimulated, as long as the experimenter himself can insist on enough exercise, other cells will be affected to a greater or lesser extent]

[In this way, the growth of physical fitness may be much higher than the data]

“If there is enough time. “】

【”Activate and stimulate all cells in the human body. “】

“Then humans may be able to get real evolution!”] “】

[Mebius has never forgotten his childhood wishes]

[But this kind of thing is just a fantasy now]

[Be able to do this step in front of you]

[Bai Xia is already very satisfied]

[Let’s see how this experiment will improve the humble mihu.] “】

“We will be able to continue to refine and improve the experiment. “】

“Don’t rush. “】

[Bai Xia’s tone has not changed much]

[And while the two were chatting about the sky]

[The humble cry lying on the operating table suddenly opened his closed eyes]

“Dr. Bai Xia.”

“Did I succeed in this experiment?”

Bei Mihu opened his mouth, and his eyes seemed a little dazed.

And when she got up from the operating table, she felt the surging power in her body.

Her brown-red eyes suddenly lit up slightly.

“This force.”

“I only felt it when I put on armor.”

“Dr. Bai Xia.”

“You guys are making me Superman?!”

A look of surprise appeared on his face.


Whether it was Bai Xia or Mebius, they still had that calm look at this time.


“Captain Humble.”

“It’s time for us to start data collection!”

Blanca came out and said with a grin.

Now it seems.

Their experiment was a complete success.

Next, just look at how much improvement you get.

And wait until the data is counted.

After looking at the physical qualities that are completely different from my previous self.

Behmihuna was even more pleased.

“Dr. Bai Xia.”

“Dr. Mebius.”

“Why are you all so calm?”

“Haven’t I met your expectations yet?”

The red-haired royal sister said happily to the two.

She felt that although it took a lot of time to participate in the experiment, the results she got made her very satisfied.

“If you’re used to seeing data on the success of experiments in monkeys.”

“Now it’s just a replica of it in the human body.”

“How much more joy will you have?”

Bai Xia said very calmly.

And these words made Bei Mihu suddenly flustered, and then the look immediately became strange.

“How do I feel that Dr. Bai Xia is scolding me?”

The gaze in his eyes no longer contained enthusiasm, but with a warning.


“You feel wrong!”

“I’m actually congratulating you.”

A smile appeared on Bai Xia’s face.



“Human cell stimulation experiment – successful!”

[Analysis from the data before and after the body of the humiliation]

[The human cell stimulation experiment has only improved physical fitness by three or four times, and it seems to be a bit chicken compared to the awakening of fusion warriors]


[The awakening of the fusion warrior is very dangerous! ] 】

[Even if Mei has been improved and perfected many times, its mortality rate is still very high! ] 】

[And human cell stimulation experiments can be said to be almost without any danger! ] 】

“It’s not just improving my physical fitness several times. “】

“In the face of collapse. “】

“The certain resistance to the Avalanche energy that is generated allows the soldiers to better cope with the Avalanche disaster. (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

“And. “】

“These two experiments are not just one or the other. “】

【”In the early stage, human cell stimulation can be carried out to quickly improve the physical fitness of soldiers. “】

“Wait until the body is seriously polluted by the collapse energy. “】

“Then you can go and perform the awakening of the fusion warrior. “】

“In this way. “】

[“Fusion warriors who have successfully awakened. “】

[“Maybe it will be a little more powerful than the previous fusion warriors!”] “】

[Bai Xia looked at the data analysis and came to this conclusion]

【Of course】

[The strength of the fusion warrior has little to do with the original physical fitness, it depends more on what kind of collapse beast the fusion super variable factor comes from, and the degree of mastery of the ability to awaken]


【Physical fitness enhanced】

[When awakening the fusion warrior, it may increase the success rate a lot]

[This is also a big help]

“I’m going to study willpower next… Or rather, the study of the human soul. ”

“If we can make progress.”

“The awakening of the fusion warrior in the future… It will be safer! ”

Mebius looked at Bai Xia and said the follow-up research idea.

After the success of the human cell stimulation experiment.

Once again, the biological research department has become a bun.

Especially for the combat sector.

This kind of experiment, which can fundamentally enhance the physical fitness of the fighters, allows the head of the combat department to come directly to the door, hoping to make the fighters of the combat department carry out an improvement.

If it were not for the limitation that Avalanche could infect.

I am afraid that there will be many elite fighters who will come to the door.

They have been on the front line of fighting Honkai for many years, and they are eager to have stronger power than anyone!

As for this strength, it needs to be exercised to be able to maintain.

For them.

This is almost no different from giving it away for nothing!


“The experiment on human cell stimulation was handed over to Danzhu and Cang Xuan.”

“You two should be able to make some improvements and research, right?”

Bai Xia looked at Cang Xuan and Danzhu and said.

He has not been suitable for appearing in the fire moth recently, and even if he stays in the laboratory of the biological research department, he will be at risk of being discovered.

As his assistant, Cang Xuan Danzhu did not have a suitable experimental project to continue to develop.


So that they can continue to get exercised.

The improvement and perfection of this human cell stimulation experiment is enough for them to use to practice!

“No problem!”

“Dr. Bai Xia!”

“You can rest assured!”

Cang Xuan patted his chest and said very confidently.

She has already begun to think about how many unjust people will send her money when she becomes famous!


Bai Xia did not look at her, but at Danzhu, who was more stable although he occasionally jumped off.

“We’ll do our best.”

Danju said hard.

“That’s good.”

Bai Xia nodded in satisfaction.

But this differential treatment suddenly made Cang Xuan unhappy!

“Dr. Bai Xia!”

“I’m my sister!”


Bai Xia was confused.

Before Cang Xuan got angry.

Mebius’s light green eyes suddenly looked at Bai Xia.

“You put Cangxuan Danzhu in charge of this matter.”

“So what are you going to do next?”

“It’s not going to be staying in the deepest place, is it?”

Mebius asked a little puzzled.

Although she also hopes to see Bai Xia rest, when she has been resting, it is obviously not in line with Bai Xia’s character.

She didn’t believe that Bai Xia could really be idle and not do any research or related things!

“If he really can not touch any knowledge.”

“I didn’t have to stuff him with a picture album in the first place.”

“Not even more.”

“Let him be Alicia’s celebrity!”

Mebius suddenly became a little unhappy.

And Bai Xia showed a smile on his face after hearing Mebius’s inquiry.

“Lately I’m not fit to be in the Fire Moth.”


“I’m going to leave for a while!”

[Bai Xia’s desire to temporarily leave the Fire Moth is not a temporary intention]

【Although said】

[Mei has been dealing with government affairs recently, and does not have much time to be in charge of the affairs of the fusion fighters]


[Her attention to Bai Xia’s body has never stopped-obviously fused with the super variable factor of the judgment-level Collapse Beast but there is no change – this kind of strange thing, she naturally will not let go]

[It’s just that because she and Bai Xia have been busy before, they don’t bother to pay attention to this aspect]

[Wait until Bai Xia rests someday]

【Mei Cai took time】

[She gave Bai Xia another full-body study]


[She came to a conclusion from that data]

“The Melt-M543orph preparation has indeed been successfully integrated into Dr. Bai Xia’s cells. “】

“But want to awaken. “】

[“Then I’m afraid you need to have more contact with Honkai energy and … Honkai disaster. “】

[“In battle or danger, it may be possible to awaken the super variable factor of that judgment-level Collapse Beast. “】


[Although the conclusion is so]

[But neither Mei nor anyone else wants Bai Xia to go to war again]

[Even if you can’t awaken the hypervariable factor, it’s enough to be as normal as it is now]

[Bai Xia is naturally not stupid enough to run to the Honkai battlefield to fight in order to awaken the so-called super variable factor]

[He is very clear about his positioning – ordinary scientific research]

“There are special personnel responsible for the affairs of the battle. “】

[“There is me without me. “】

“It won’t make any difference. “】

“The role I can play in scientific research is much more useful than going to the battlefield myself. “】


[After everyone has left]

[Wei Wei suddenly found Bai Xia and told him about speculation and worry]

[This made Bai Xia’s mind that did not want to awaken suddenly disappear without a trace]


[At that time, after all, he had to deal with a lot of things, he couldn’t be so selfish, in order to awaken the super variable factor, and go to the battlefield, but ignore the newborn fire-chasing moth]

【And now】

[Forced to step down, he just had enough time to do what he couldn’t do before]

“I didn’t go alone. “】

“Sakura will also be with me. “】

“And. “】

“Although Kevin solved most of the things of the rebels, there were still some hidden dangers that had not been completely solved. “】

“Until now. “】

“There are still many politicians hiding in the private sector, looking for opportunities to launch a similar movement again. “】

“Just take this opportunity to eliminate those hidden dangers one by one. “】

[Bai Xia will not hide from Mebius]

[He told one fifty what he was going to do, as well as Vivie’s guesses]

[Although Mebius felt a little worried, he still chose to believe him]

【It’s just】

[After seeing Bai Xia’s figure and disappearing into the biological research department]

[Her gaze looked at the laboratory responsible for the awakening of the fusion warriors]

“Perhaps. “】

“It’s time for me to perform the awakening of the fusion warrior too. “】

“At least later. “】

“Encounter a similar situation again. “】

“Sakura is not the only one who can be by his side. “】

“And… I! “】

[Mebius’s eyes are full of unwillingness]

[And after Bai Xia left the biological research department, he first went to discuss with Vilvi, about the construction of the Key of God]

[Only then did he quietly leave the Fire Moth accompanied by Sakura]

“Where do you think those people will be hiding?” “】

[Bai Xia looked at Sakura and asked in a deep voice]

[And after thinking for a moment, Sakura spit out a place name]

[“Dusk Street! “】。

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