Levin got his autograph and went to the library as soon as possible.

Of course, he didn't do it to learn about werewolves.

Werewolf? What werewolf?

How can a werewolf have a soul more attractive?

The books in the forbidden book area, Levine has long wanted to read them one by one,

He has even decided to take advantage of this semester to read as many books as possible in the forbidden book section.

But at present, the most urgent thing is to find some research discourse on the soul,

He owes Helena a crown to that ghost.

Except for Professor Lockhart, I'm afraid no professor would sign a note without reading it.

And that's not counting the Defence Against the Dark Arts professors for years to come.

Walking into the dreary and quiet library, Levine found Mrs. Pince.

"Gilderoy Lockhart?"

She glanced suspiciously, and took the note from Levin's hand.

But she didn't let it go directly, but said earnestly: "Most of the books in the forbidden book area are not suitable for a little wizard like you. "

In the face of Madame Pince's dissuasion, Levine could only show a sincere smile, and at the same time silently turned on the effect of [Charm Human] to the maximum: "This is actually because of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, Professor Lockhart thinks that my performance is better than other young wizards, so he gave me a little extra help...... Trying to teach me something outside of the textbook. "

Here, Levin plays a play on words,

At the same time, he secretly prayed that Mrs. Pins was also a fan of Professor Gilderoy Loja's 08 books.

After listening to his words, Mrs. Pince looked at the signature in her hand again,

Although he didn't show any expression on the surface, Levin's psychic ability could detect it, and a wave of joy arose in the other party's heart.

Good fellow, you can hide it deep enough.

Sure enough, Professor Lockhart is a friend of middle-aged and elderly women.

Mrs. Pince clicked open the railing of the forbidden book area,

Levin walked in, and in front of him were a dozen low bookshelves.

Compared with the six or seven meter-high bookshelves outside that are repaired from floor to ceiling,

The bookshelves in the forbidden area are only more than two meters high, which is really not worth mentioning.

But in terms of the preciousness of books, the gap between the two sides is obvious.

None of the books in the forbidden book zone are simple,

Levin could see that many books on the shelves were not simply placed, but physically bound and sealed with chains and hemp ropes.

There are also books with only seals on the outside, but when you look closer, you can see that the seal is engraved with ancient magic scripts.

Of course, not every book in the forbidden book zone is dangerous enough to need to be sealed,

But if you look at it with [Detection Magic], you will find that almost every book here exudes a magical light.

That's why most of the real magic books are solitary.

Some knowledge itself contains power,

And the most extreme of them, such as the books of the Old Dominators, are spiritually polluted as soon as they are seen, and the viewer either goes crazy or becomes a monster.

For this kind of book, the touch of copying and scholars cannot be effective, and you can only read it yourself.

Levine walked back and forth between the shelves, checking the title of each book to see if it was what he needed.

"Powerful Elixir", "Book of Spells", "Deadly Curse", "Jade Record", "Grand Grimmore", "Rose of the Mystery", ......

Sure enough, the books here are more dangerous than the last,

For example, in the book "Big Grimore", Levine can feel the terrifying power contained in it, and it can swallow a person's life force just by simply opening it.

In comparison, books like "Powerful Potion" and "Jade Record True Solution" that don't even have magic power are purely a breath of fresh air.

The reason why this kind of book is also locked in the forbidden area is because some of the potion recipes and alchemy recipes recorded in it are very dangerous.

Whether it is made or used, it is very easy to cause accidents, but the book itself does not have the slightest power of mess.

When he came across this kind of book, Levine took it out and directly used [Scholar's Touch], and then collected it first.

Levine wandered between the shelves for ten minutes or so, and when Mrs. Pince was impatient, he found the book he needed:

The Book of Seth

It is said that the author of this book is a spirit named "Seth", who has completed the cycle of reincarnation, lives in the realm of formlessness, has no physical body, and can conjure up the desired environment at will.

Regardless of whether the subsequent boasting is true or not, Levine can indeed feel a strong spiritual energy in this book.

According to the principle that "the content of the magic book is related to the power contained in the magic book", it was chosen.

In fact, if you want to deal with Horcruxes, the most direct thing is to look through the magic book called "Cutting-edge Black Magic Revealed".

It was from this book that Tom Riddle found his knowledge about making Horcruxes.

Unfortunately, after Dumbledore became the Headmaster, he immediately transferred Cutting-Edge Dark Arts Revealed and a batch of books that he considered dangerous to the Headmaster's office.

Levine was quite dissatisfied with this kind of thing, and even Dumbledore had no right to decide what books wizards could and could not access.

But now that the situation is stronger than people, he can only look for soul-related research.

So, Levine found Mrs. Pince with the large open book with the brown and yellow cover.

Mrs. Pince looked at the Book of Seth for a while, and then handed him back to Levine, during which she could not help but remind:

"Beware, Mr. Green, this book is so strange that all who have seen it will not remember what they saw...... Let me say, this is not for you students. "

"Ah, thank you for reminding Mrs. Pince, I'll be careful. Levin coped with a few words, took the book, and quickly left the library.

He couldn't wait to read it.

But Levin did not choose to return to the dormitory, nor did he stay in the library, but found a corner where no one was around, and directly used the "[Mansion Technique]".

The next moment, he appeared in the half-plane.

There's no safer place for Levine. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Levin went to the basement of the tower and brought a rocking chair to the laboratory,

Since it is a laboratory, the defense level of the walls, floors, and ceilings around this place is much higher than that of the upstairs room.

And it was cast a defensive spell,

It's just to prevent possible accidents.

Levin took the Book of Seth to his eyes, and when he looked closely, he noticed that something seemed to be swimming on the cover of the book, as if it had come from somewhere.

He didn't care about the strange cover, and just opened it.

In an instant, a terrible, creepy scream pierced the peaceful silence, and this force seemed to hit the soul!

It's the Banshee's Howl!

"[Spiritual Barrier]!"

Levin immediately sensed that something was wrong, and immediately gathered his psionic energy into a barrier to block the damage against 203's soul.

But this is only a palliative cure, and the banshee's howl must not be allowed to continue, it must be stopped.


The book was like someone had been choked by the throat, and the poignant sound came to an abrupt end, without even a hint of buzzing.

Now, I can finally read the book properly.

Levin gently turned the pages of the book again, with the blessing of the [Silence Technique], the [Banshee's Howl] was no longer enough, he could read the contents of the book carefully.

Levine found that the book did not begin with a description of the soul, but rather a mystical explanation of God, the world, time, and other mystical things, which at first glance were worthless.

The rest of the book is also full of fanatical delusions about the devil, hell, and heaven, as if the craziest babblings of some religious fanatic + psychopath, not at all like the work of a wizard.

But after careful reading, I found that the author's exploration of the soul is in it.

The so-called heaven, hell, gods, and devils are nothing but the author's embodiment of the good and evil thoughts in the soul.

Perhaps the author of this book has gone really crazy in his quest for the power of the soul,[]

But he did subconsciously record some of the true essence of knowledge,

The premise is that the reader can see through the metaphors.

The above books, including this Seth book, are either in the original book or have a realistic prototype.

They are all classic occult texts.

Update [5/4, Update] [22/44.]

It's not easy to put new books on the shelves, ask for a wave of customization, ask for a wave of flowers, monthly passes, evaluations, rewards, and give them to the author if you have tickets, it's really important to me!.

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