"Emotions...... Worship ......"

In Levin's mind, the two words beat back and forth.

"Worship...... Emotional ......"

"Yes, isn't the so-called admiration also a kind of emotion?"

"Isn't it the use of the power of emotions for the gods to reap the faith of human beings, and the monsters for the fear of human beings?"

"It's just that the gods will turn faith into divine power, the youkai will transform fear into demonic power, and magic will directly use the power of emotions...... And the Shadow Realm of World of Warcraft is squeezing this power directly from the soul. "

"The power of emotion, the power of faith, fear, and the power of the heart...... The essence of these forces is actually the same. "

"In that case, why don't I just go to a place where faith gathers like a church, or a place where extreme emotions erupt like a casino, to gather power?"

"No...... Wrong...... It shouldn't be that simple......"

"There are many worlds where no god or powerful being can do this. "

"The god of war gathers thoughts on the battlefield, the god of wine gathers power in revelry, and the god only absorbs the faith offered by the believers who chant the name of his god...... This means that emotional forces that are outside of the absorption capacity are harmful. "

"But the mental energy of the shadow world is common, and the power of faith after the gods are obtained can also be transferred, and the devil and the devil trade this power as currency. "

This shows that different emotional powers can be transformed into pure, universal emotional powers through priesthood, talent, etc. 08 forms. "

In other words, if you want to obtain a large amount of emotional power, you can either only obtain a specific type of energy through faith, priesthood, talent, etc., or you can only look for general emotional power. "

"So...... All I want to do now is build a cult that worships Ravenclaw?"

Thinking of this, Levin couldn't help but feel helpless.

"What are you kidding, I'm not going to do it, it's too low. "

But if you don't do a cult, you can only seek a second way.

That's to find ready-made,

But how can there be a ready-made, large-scale, and pure emotional power for him in this world?

Instead of looking forward to this, it is better to expect a godhead to fall directly from the sky and let it soar in the daytime.

"That's not right!"


Suddenly, something occurred to Levin.

"There really is a lot of relatively pure emotional power in this world somewhere. "

And it's so close to Hogwarts that you don't have to run long to find it.

In fact, that place is just underground in Hogwarts.

That's right

Levine was thinking of the vast amount of ancient magical energy left underground in Hogwarts Legacy.

In fact, the core of the whole Hogwarts Legacy story is related to this force.

The protagonist of "Hogwarts Legacy", a fifth-year transfer student, is the last descendant of ancient magic,

Due to the blackening of the previous generation, ancient magic was almost lost until the arrival of the transfer students.

As Levin analyzed, ancient magic is mostly a primitive spell that directly commands the power of emotions.

And emotions are also divided into positive and negative,

The previous generation's descendant, Isidor La Mojana, used ancient magic wantonly,

After discovering the power contained in her emotions, she not only uses her own power, but even tries to extract the power of others for her own use.

But it is dangerous to extract the emotions of others, even if her original intention is to free others from the distraction of negative emotions.

The result is naturally a catastrophe,

She herself was blackened and killed by her mentors with their own hands,

And the power of the large amount of negative emotions she had collected was sealed.

The whole "Hogwarts Legacy" is the struggle between the transfer student and a leprechaun named Lanlock.

Langlock's ancestors were involved in creating a vault that sealed the power of negative emotions.

According to the tradition of the elves, the maker of the item is naturally the owner of the item.

As a result, the items that the wizards commissioned the goblins to make were essentially handed over to the wizard for temporary custody - even if the wizard provided the reward and raw materials.

After the death of the wizard, the goblins took back their creations.

According to this tradition, the evil elf Lanlock tries to obtain the vault, break the seal, gain the forbidden power, and then take revenge on the wizard on behalf of the elf.

In the final battle, Lanlock, who manipulated the power of this negative emotion, became extremely powerful, turning into a wyvern composed of pure magic, and his terrible breath never stopped, and the entire underground cavern was even hit to the point of magma.

If it weren't for the transfer students who were strong enough, maybe the whole of Hogwarts would be gone.

It is enough to show the strength of this force.

Eventually, Langlock was killed, and the massive force was left underground at Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts Legacy" has two endings,

The end of the Good Line is for the protagonist to seal this power in the underworld of Hogwarts.

The evil line is that the protagonist personally absorbs this power and becomes an incomparably powerful dark wizard.

"In this world, it should be the line of goodness, otherwise there will be Dumbledore and Grindelwald in the future, and the transfer student alone will be able to rule the wizarding world. "

"That being the case, the underground caverns are really worth exploring. "

"Levine, Levine, what are you thinking? It's time for the auditorium!"

Just as he was thinking about this, suddenly Ciri's voice sounded in his ears,

Turning his head, the witch was looking at him with a concerned face, and Hermione was too,

And he's already in the auditorium,

It was lunchtime, and the young wizards who had just watched a ball game were feasting at the long table.

He himself was dragged all the way here by Ciri in the process of contemplation. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that Levin didn't fall into thinking anymore, Ciri took the opportunity to say:

"Although Diggory's accusations are a bit excessive, there is a little truth in what he said, you can't do it all the time, it's too dangerous. "

"I'm sorry, Ciri, but I do have important things to consider. Levin said apologetically.

In the face of those who care about him, he certainly won't be as blunt as he was with Cedric Diggory.

"What the hell have you been thinking about all this time?" Hermione wondered, "why don't you think about it?"

Levine hesitated for a moment, then told them about the hollows in the Hogwarts underground.

"Map Vaults, Underground Caverns, Ancient Magic?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, why did you find so many strange things again!"

"You're not going to sneak into the tunnels in the middle of the night, are you? "

For Levin's ability to do things, Hermione is both appreciative and helpless.

In this respect, he was more than Harry307.

Harry does like to get into trouble, too,

But because of his own ability, he can usually only do a small job, and he has to rely on chance + a hand from his predecessors of the earth demon to make a big job.

And Levin is different,

He really has the ability and the will to do a great job.

For such a situation, Hermione herself is quite entangled,

On the one hand, she is a well-behaved girl and has always wanted to be a good child, and she is in principle disgusted by breaking the rules.

But on the other hand, she hides an uncontrollable risk-taking factor in her heart, always hoping to achieve something big.

You see, both willing to follow the rules and want to do great things,

It's no wonder that people want to be the Minister of Magic in the future - when I become the Minister of Magic, I am the rule, so I can't do great things while abiding by the rules.

In the face of Hermione's entanglement, Levine said:

"Are you going or not? "

"Of course I'm going!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Hermione couldn't wait,

"You don't want to leave me this time!"

"Okay, good, I won't leave you. Levine stroked her little head as a gesture of comfort, then looked at Cirella.

"I'll always be there for you if you need me. Ciri gave Levine a reassuring smile.

"In that case, at eight o'clock tonight, I'm in Sand City...... Oh no, I should be waiting for you at the entrance of the library. "

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