The next morning,

I don't know when the snowflakes drifted through the windows of the castle and flew one after another.

As a result, the last herbal medicine class of the semester was cancelled.

Professor Sprout had to take care of the mandrake, and she didn't feel comfortable leaving it to someone else.

Now, it's vital to get the mandrake to grow up and save the lives of Lady Loriss and Colin Creevey.

The next day, the students already knew that Harry was a parseltongue.

At dinner in the morning, Harry and Ron almost took over the long table, and only Hermione and the Weasley twins dared to come closer.

Levine remembered the time when the Gryffindor lion cubs cheered, "We've got Potter."

Similar scenes after Harry and Ron deduct big points for Gryffindor because of the night tour,

and the cheers of Harry at the end of the term after he added points for saving the Philosopher's Stone.

is so ugly, it is amazing.

However, for Harry, Levine's proximity to Hermione and the others was still comforting to his heart,

But the comfort from the twins is still too advanced,

The two men cleared the way for Harry and them in the hallway, shouting, "Make way for the heir of Slytherin, he's going to have afternoon tea with the evil servants in his secret room—"

It's not just Gryffindors that ugly things happen, Ravenclaw is no exception.

Upon returning to the Ravenclaw Lounge, Levin saw a long list of found items posted on the bulletin board in the lounge.

The owner of the list is Luna Lovegood,

For this girl whose appearance was dragged down by her strange dress, Levine was deeply impressed,

It just so happened that the other party was still in the lounge, so Levine stepped forward curiously and asked, "Why did you lose so many things?"

Luna blinked and whispered, "People always like to joke with me and hide all my things. "

"It's a holiday now, and I have to ask them to give me my things back before I go home. "

Luna's expression was flat when she said this, but Levin's face was not very good.

What is called "hiding", this is naked bullying.

He just criticized Gryffindor, isn't that a slap in the face?

And they were neighbors, and it just so happened that Levine was going home tomorrow, and when Mr. Lovegood asked what he should answer?

No, you have to take care of it.

"Don't worry, Luna, I'll let them give it back. "

Levin had a big deal, and he turned around and found Ciri.

She is not only an idol among Ravenclaw girls, but also the best friend of the female prefect Penelope, and she will know this kind of thing better.

After asking around, Ciri realized that Luna had become the object of jokes from her classmates because of her strange behavior, and everyone called her "crazy girl" behind her back.

And she doesn't care about everything,

This kind of submissive attitude made her the target of everyone's teasing and ridicule.

As a direct result, she is a Ravenclaw, but her best friend is Ginny of Gryffindor.

When Levine heard this, he characterized the matter:

This is a serious violation of school rules, and a heavy blow must be struck!


Soon in the common room, all the girls of the first and second grades were gathered together and sat in several rows on the sofa

Levin stood in front of them, his face serious.

"I always thought that only Slytherin people would engage in this kind of discrimination, but I didn't expect that school bullying would actually happen in Ravenclaw!"

"We always think Gryffindor is reckless, Slytherin is paranoid, and Hufflepuff is too mediocre, but you guys aren't even as good as them, at least that doesn't happen to Hufflepuffs......"

Ravenclaw seeks wisdom and knowledge, but I think that if even the classmates with whom he gets along day and night cannot accept and tolerate it, then no amount of wisdom is just a little cleverness. Only a truly wise man will understand that no one person can solve all problems alone, and everyone needs the strength of others......"

At this moment, Levin gave full play to the majesty he had accumulated in the past two years, and gave this group of little witches a lesson in ideology and politics.

Although he did not name names, everyone understood what Levine was trying to express,

Several first-graders were said to have cried.

After they left, Levin comforted Luna, "Even the little wizards of Ravenclaw, not everyone can comprehend true wisdom. "

Like Professor Quirrell, like Lockhart...... How come two sacrifices in a row are from Ravenclaw,

Can't Dumbledore be replaced with a sheep?

"So, don't worry too much about that, and don't deliberately pursue gregariousness for this, you're you, special you, aren't you?"

Luna nodded as if she didn't understand, and thanked Levin.

Most of the things she lost had been returned by her naughty classmates, and some even apologized to her.

In this way, she may not be able to teach friends in Ravenclaw, but at least she is in a much better situation.

After dealing with all this stuff, Levin finally had time to do his own work.

He sat by the fire in the common room, enthusiastically designing a new alchemy scheme for [Arcane Sword 2.0], wanting to reproduce the inspiration of the gladiatorial club, when he could realize the operation of slashing magic with a sword.

Cirala sat next to him, trying to complete the heavy homework work.

She didn't want homework to disturb their lives during the winter break.

Lately, she likes to take Levine back to the lounge to study instead of staying in the library.

Because Hermione couldn't get in, she could make the most of the time that belonged to the two of them.

But there are other problems with staying in the lounge to study, such as ......

In vain, the disciples of Ravenclaw's lounge opened, and Zhang Qiu and Marietta hurriedly walked in, their faces full of trepidation.

When he saw Levin, Zhang Qiu immediately stepped forward and wanted to share his gossip with him.

Seeing this, Sirila almost pinched off the pen in her hand: Look at the trouble, isn't this coming? (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"'Something is wrong, Lai (Li Mo Zhao) Wen, someone has been attacked again, and this time there are two unlucky eggs in one breath!" Zhang Qiu said to him on a chirp, "The victims are Justin and Nick, who almost lost his head, they are both petrified, your friend Harry Potter is the murderer, Peeves caught him red-handed." "

Oh, poor Potter,

How sad it would have been if he had known that he was just a "friend of Levin" in the mouth of his goddess.

Levin thought to himself,

On the surface, he naturally wants to speak for his friends:

"The murderer shouldn't be Harry Potter, and his three-legged cat kung fu can't make the ghost petrified. "

But he put away the bill anyway and stood up: "Still, I haven't seen a ghost petrified, it's really a novelty." Let's go over and see what's going on, where is Nick now?"

"Near the corridor on the third floor!" Zhang Qiu took the initiative to lead the way.

Although she is also afraid of being attacked, it seems much safer to have Levine by her side.

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