After a whirlwind, Levine found himself in a strange room,

The space was huge, dimly lit, and lit by a few dim flames on the wall, Levine could see the stone pillars surrounded by the serpent statues, towering to support the dark ceiling.

And directly in front is a statue tens of meters high.

The statue had an old, monkey-like face, a sparse beard that dragged almost all the way to the hem of a wizard's robe carved out of stone, two large gray feet, and the smooth floor of the standing room.

It was a Slytherin statue.

In front of the statue, a great battle between magical creatures is underway,

No, it's not a big war anymore, it's a one-sided hunt.

It's a huge snake-like creature chasing a big crimson bird,

Beside the snake, a translucent, ghostly figure was clasping his hands over his chest, watching the scene in front of him with great interest.

Levine recognized at a glance that the bird was Dumbledore's phoenix, and the "Four-Zero-Zero" serpent was naturally the basilisk in the secret room.

And the translucent man who watched the battle was, of course, the heir of the Chamber of Secrets, Tom Riddle back then.

It seems that the phoenix is nimble and can fly, and has a huge advantage against the basilisk on the ground, as long as you are careful, the basilisk can only be attacked unilaterally.

But in reality this is not the case.

Although the basilisk can't fly, its body is huge, dozens of meters long, and even if it hits the phoenix a few times, it is not a serious injury. Although the phoenix is flexible, it is relatively small, and as long as it is bitten, it is a serious injury.

Dumbledore's phoenix is indeed brave, even if it is alone, it still bravely fights against the basilisk,

But at this time, it was scarred and couldn't hold on for long.

So, what about Phoenix's teammates?

Its hapless teammate is lying at Levin's feet.

Levine looked down and saw two "corpses" lying at his feet,

It was the two missing little wizards, Harry Potter and his best friend, Ron Weasley.

In Harry's figure, it was a thick journal, pierced by a silver sword.

Not far away, the Sorting Hat lay softly on the ground.

In fact, Levine could feel that they were still alive, but in a terrible state.

Obviously all the functions of the body are there, but he looks very weak and unconscious.

It's like shock.

By Harry's side

Seeing this, Hermione almost screamed,

But she immediately covered her mouth.

What's going on here? Why are they both lying here? Why are the diaries pierced?

Seeing that the phoenix was in danger, Levine did not panic, he leaned down and found his amulet from Harry's body.

The boy is well aware that no matter what the battle, the most important thing is intelligence.

As he grasped the amulet in his hand, Levin's additional magic on the amulet activated.

A note passed from the amulet to Levin's mind.


This is the magic that Levine left on the amulet, able to record what happened near the amulet.

In the record, he sees Harry say goodbye to himself and Hermione and go to the common room to question Ron.

Under Harry's questioning, Ron suddenly realized that he seemed to be controlled by a diary, and even mentioned that a senior named Tom Riddle in the diary had been secretly influencing him.

But before he could make everything clear, an apparition appeared from Ron's side, knocked Harry unconscious, and manipulated Ron to take Harry all the way to the abandoned bathroom.

I saw the phantom hissing in snake language to open the mechanism, and led the two of them into the secret room together.

It was a long time before Harry woke up to find Ron lying beside him.


Harry hurried to his side and knelt down.

"Ron, what's wrong with you!, please, don't die!" Harry cried out sadly, looking at his companion in front of him.

"That's right, artificial respiration!"

Harry remembered the first aid methods taught in the Muggle curriculum in elementary school. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He took a deep breath, lowered his head, put his mouth on Ron's mouth, and spat inside?

Before he could finish spitting out a mouthful of water, an unfamiliar voice sounded.

"I didn't expect you to have this hobby, Harry Potter," the voice was full of disgust and disdain, "your relationship is even more ...... than I thought Intimacy. "

Harry was startled and looked up to see that the man who had stunned him was there, flipping through a journal.

"Who are you?" asked Harry.

"My name is Tom Riddle and I'm a Hogwarts student. The boy closed his journal.

Tom Riddle...... You're the owner of Ron's diary!" Harry was surprised, "What did you do to Ron?"

"Ah, Ron, Ron is a good boy, he has given me so much life force and not much for himself. Riddle said slowly.

Listening to Riddle's words, Harry seemed to understand what the other party meant, and he was a little incredulous: "You mean, Ron is about to ...... Dead?!"

"Not exactly. The translucent figure shook his head.

"Not exactly?! What do you mean by that. Harry asked loudly.

"Meaning, is Ron dead or alive...... Depends on what you do next. "

Harry struggled to figure it out, "Action...... What do you want me to do?"

"I summoned you, naturally you have your mission0 ........"

"Then what did you bring me and Ron to the Chamber of Secrets for?!" Harry took a step back and clenched his wand, "If you want to hurt your Hogwarts classmates, you're dreaming, I won't cooperate with you murderer!"

"Ah...... Chamber of Secrets, Murderer, it seems you know more than I thought. Tom looked surprised,

"You're a little more intelligent than I thought, Harry, and it looks like you've found quite a few facts. "

"But don't be nervous, Harry, if I tried to hurt you, you wouldn't wake up. "

"The reason why I brought you here is because you are the only one I need. "

Harry didn't feel honored,

For this guy who manipulated Ron, hurt his classmates, and put him on his back countless black pots, he only had resentment in his heart.

He said coldly: "I'm sorry, you must have chosen the wrong person, and I won't cooperate with you." "

"You still don't understand, my silly Potter. Riddle shook his head, smiling, "It's not me who I chose you, it's Ron Weasley." "

"It was he who made me choose you!"

"I don't believe Ron is going to hurt me. Harry's voice was unequivocal.

"Stupid Potter is still defending his good friend. Tom's smile grew even bigger as he said that.

"It's a pity that your good friend knows everything about me when he tells me almost everything!"

Hearing this, Harry couldn't help but feel a tingling in his heart: "You...... You murderer, if you dare to hurt Ron in any way......"

"Hurt?" Tom Riddle seemed amused, "I did take something from him, but like I said before, it was all he gave me on his own initiative 0.2." "

Hearing this, Harry's voice couldn't help but tremble a little, "So, what exactly did you take from Ron?!"

"Oh, that's an interesting topic," the Phantom said in a pleasant tone, as if talking about his own proud accomplishments, "It's a long story, let's start at the beginning." "

"In fact, Ron wasn't the first person to trade with me, in fact, my first partner was his sister, Ginny. "

"It was a very understanding little girl, who opened up to me completely in just a month, and provided me with my first life force, but I was annoyed only in one thing - she was so useless that she was discovered while completing the task I had set out. "

"Although I don't know who found her, I didn't have my strength restored at that time, so I cautiously chose to change my master. "

"I started thinking about the people around her, and I realized that her brother, Ron Weasley, was a good target, far more than little Ginny. "

So, I chose him. "。

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