Lucius Malfoy seems to have come to Hogwarts through Apparition,

Therefore, if he wanted to leave, he had to go all the way outside of Hogwarts' [Anti-Apparition Shifting Circle].

This makes it easy for Levine to get started.

Just as he walked to an avenue outside of Hogwarts, ready to use Apparition,

Not far away, a white light flashed,

Then Lucius fell to the ground with a heavy blow.

As soon as he activated [Phantom Shift], it was as if he had hit a wall, and his whole person was bounced away by space.

"What's going on? Hogwarts' Anti-Apparition Circle has expanded again, when did this happen?"

Lucius was confused,

Unbeknownst to him, this was the effect of the [~Dimensional Anchor] cast by Levin.

Next, when he tried to change places [Apparition Shift], suddenly a [Disarming-Spell] struck him,

His wand whirled and flew - out,

And his whole body was knocked into a tree.

Levin appeared in front of him, picking up his wand and journal.

"Hello, Mr. Lucius Malfoy. Levin greeted Lucius, who had fallen to the ground.

"Are you...... I recognize you, Levingrin, why are you following me?" Lucius rubbed his chest from the wand and stood up, "Assaulting an adult wizard, do you know what you're doing?"

Levin waved his hand: "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions, the reason why I do this is because I have something to tell you, it is the kind of topic that you won't like." As he spoke, he held up the severed journal and shook it.

As soon as Lucius saw the diary in the other party's hand, his face suddenly changed.

He had realized that the other party had come to this diary for this purpose.

That's too bad.

After all, this diary was what he had given to Ginny Weasley.

In this accident, it actually became the key to opening the secret room.

Now the secret room incident is so big, even his only son was attacked and almost died,

At the cost of paying the house-elves, this hot potato finally returned to his hands,

It was snatched away again,

What if the other party knows something......

Thinking of this, Lucius felt bad for a while.

He forcibly calmed himself down, pretending not to care:

"Tell me, Mr. Green, what exactly do you want to do, for the sake of you defeating the monsters in the Chamber of Secrets and avenging Draco, I'll do my best to accommodate your request. "

"That's not it. "

Levine shook his head,

"That's not what I want to hear, or else you think about it?"

He looked at Lucius with a sincere expression on his face.

Hearing this, Lucius chuckled inwardly, it seemed that this Muggle knew more than he thought.

But he still pretended to say, "Well, indeed, this diary is important to the Malfoy family, so, how much do you need me to pay to redeem it?"

That's not the case. Levine continued to shake his head, looking disappointed.

"Lucius, Lucius, what the hell have I done to make you disrespect me so much. I am willing to come and talk to you in person, I am giving you the opportunity, but instead of grasping the kindness I give, you have repeatedly made perfunctory remarks to me. "

As he spoke, he waved his diary again: "Actually, you're right, the monster in the secret room was indeed killed by me. But there is one thing you didn't mention, and that is that the heir of the secret room, the one who really opened the secret room, was also defeated by me personally. "

"Honestly, along the way, I learned some incredible details. "

Levin's voice was neither light nor heavy,

But when Lucius heard this, it was as if he had been run over by a wheel, and the whole person wilted, and his already pale skin looked even more bloodless.

The fact that the other party can say these words proves that the other party really knows a lot about the diary.

It's impossible to hide anything from yourself.

"Okay, Mr. Green, I throw in the towel, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been so perfunctory to you, please say what you wanted. "

Finally, Lucius bowed his head.

He was well aware of the current situation, and on the other side was the first-class medal he had received for his exploit in killing the Camra beast, and now he had slain the basilisk,

Although he is only a little wizard, his strength is extraordinary, and he feels that he can't compare.

And now that the diary and wand are in the hands of the other party, they can't use [Phantom Shifting] if they want to.

Realize that all the way back is cut off,

Man is a sword, I am a fish,

With the wisdom of the Malfoys, this is the time to admit it decisively.

Being able to bend and stretch has always been the greatest virtue of the Malfoy family.

Levine waved his hand: "It seems that Mr. Malfoy is fully aware of the reality, and that is good." Now let's get down to business, but don't be too nervous, I'm Draco's classmate after all. "

Hearing this, Lucius couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva.

He felt that he heard the subtext of the other party: his son was on the same campus as the other party, and he was a hostage if rounded.

The other party is telling him: be honest, or be careful of your son.

At this moment, Levin suddenly raised his hand and threw the diary to Lucius.

Lucius subconsciously took the journal and looked at Levine suspiciously.

Levin didn't care about his performance, and asked directly, "Mr. Lucius, do you know where this is the origin of the thing?"

Lucius tried to make up a reason, but when he looked into Levin's gaze, he saw that there was a terrible majesty in those eyes, as if he were looking directly at a dragon.

The feeling of oppression is almost comparable to that of Voldemort.

So he was able to say honestly: "This diary is the Lord...... The Dark Lord gave it to me, and he just said that it was a powerful black magic item. "

"Black magic props?" Levine snorted, "Nothing else?"

"No, no. Lucius shook his head, "I swear by the Malfoy family, that's what he said then. "

Levine listened and nodded.

According to the feedback from the psychic ability [Detect Thoughts], the other party did tell the truth.

Sure enough, the ability of the psychic ability is invincible in communicating with people, for example, just now, he just pressed a little to make the other party become honest.

It seems that Voldemort did not really trust the Malfoy family, although he left the diary to the Malfoy family.

Otherwise, it is not good to hide the real role.

This is something that Levine can take advantage of.

So Levine asked slowly, "So do you know that because of this diary, the Dark Lord was almost resurrected?"


The journal slipped from Lucius's hand and fell to the ground.

The news was too shocking for Lucius.

But Levine has something even more shocking:

"I have personally defeated the existence in the diary, so I can tell you that this diary carries the emotions, memories and magic of a young wizard named Tom Mavolo Riddle, and a very powerful and evil magic is attached to it!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

"After you give it to Ginny, it begins to absorb the life force of the little wizards, first Ginny and then Ron, and in the meantime, it opens the Chamber of Secrets and attacks many young wizards, your son Draco being one of them. "

"He also personally explained the origin of the Dark Lord's name......"

Levine waved his wand, and the alphabet of Tom Riddle's name changed to "I am Voldemort".

He paused for a moment, giving Lucius, who was already a little trembling, a moment to digest the information.

"Actually, Mr. Malfoy, I personally think this journal is one of Voldemort's Horcruxes. "

"What are you talking about?!, that thing is ......" Lucius looked incredulous.

As a veteran pure-blood family, Lucius still knows the secret knowledge of Horcruxes.

When he heard about it, he immediately realized what the trouble was.

"Voldemort isn't dead, at least not thoroughly, I think you must know...... In fact, just last year, I saw him hiding in the back of Professor Quirrell's head. So I glued him to Harry and scalded them alive with Harry's guardian magic. "

Levin's narration was very calm, but Lucius only felt creepy when he listened to it.

For Quirrell to die in such a terrible way, the little wizard in front of him seemed to be no worse than the Dark Lord in terms of cruelty.

"What do you think Voldemort would do to the man who broke his soul fragment and his family?" Levine chuckled as he said this.

Listening to Levin's words, Lucius instantly shivered.

He thought of the most terrible consequences. []

No one knows Voldemort's methods of punishment better than he does!

He's seen it too many times!

That would make one regret that they were born.

"And, he almost killed Draco......" Levine reminded again.

It is possible for a person to behave cowardly when his life is threatened,

But when it's his family that's threatened, he gets brave.

"What do you want by that?" Lucius said in a hoarse voice.

Levine waved his hand, "Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to reveal this, in fact, it's not going to do me any good for you to be killed by the Dark Lord himself - at least until you do it to me." "

Lucius looked at Levine, and his tone was already a little respectful: "So, what can I do for you?"

"You do have something you can do for me. Levine said lightly, "But it's not time yet." The Dark Lord is destined to be resurrected, I know that, and so does Dumbledore, but I don't know when. "

"But I think that time will be two or three years at most. "

"Until then, I don't need you to do anything. No, on the contrary, you should do nothing and continue to live as Lucius Malfoy, waiting for his resurrection. At that time, you will be the first to respond to his call and become his trusted subordinate. "

Lucius panicked when he heard this: "But he never trusts anyone!

"So what?" Levine shook his head, "he can't do everything, right, he always has to have a few trusted subordinates to arrange some tedious tasks, and why can't it be you?"

"Anyway, you just have to remember that it was your mistake that caused him to lose a Horcrux. You are destined to be his enemy. "

"I see......" Lucius seemed to age a little as she said this.

He raised his head again and looked at the young boy in front of him,

"Last question, you and Dumbledore ......"

"Oh, I'm just a student at Dumbledore's School, that's all. Levin waved his hand indifferently, "His Order of the Phoenix, his great career, his great adventures have nothing to do with me. I naturally have my ideals, my pursuits. "

"I see. Lucius bowed respectfully, "Then, allow the Malfoy family to contribute to your ideals." "

"Ahaha, I appreciate your kindness. Levin laughed, "But it's not necessary for the time being." If you really need the Malfoy family, I'll take the initiative to get in touch with you, so don't be surprised. "

Levin blinked after saying this, and threw Lucius's wand over,

Then the whole person disappeared in a flash.

How could he [Apparition]?

Lucius took the wand and was taken aback by Levin's disappearance,

Did you learn [Apparition] at such a young age?


Obviously, you can't [Phantom Shift] here just now.

Could it be ......

Lucius tried, and found himself successfully back home.

In other words, the [Anti-Phantom Shapeshifting Array] he thought just now was completely improvised by the other party alone.

At this time, the other party is only 13 years old,

A 13-year-old child has such a mature mind and such a powerful level of magic.

"This Ravenclaw genius is even more terrifying than the original Dark Lord. "

Lucius Malfoy made a judgment faintly.

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