"[Alpha Seal]?!"

Suddenly hearing this name from someone else's mouth, Levin was shocked,

In the blink of an eye, he wanted to say something perfunctory,

At this moment, Sirila's words sounded faintly:

"You don't want to fool around, Levengreen. "

"Please don't do this unless you want to lose me,"

"I can see your gestures and the shockwaves you produce, and believe me, I'm all too familiar with this seal. "

"So, where did you learn this seal?"

Cirela said so, and Levin also gave up the idea of escaping,

What else can be done?

It can only be a showdown.

"If I say that I have learned this seal myself, do you believe it?" said Levin.

"Do you understand it yourself?" said Sirila sneered, "and how do you explain this?"

Almost without warning, Sirila took a sharp stride and came to Levin, the dress did not restrict her movements, and Levine could see the black flickering under the dancing skirt,

But he didn't have time to care about any of that, because the other man's palm was already waving towards him.

"[Alpha Seal]" "One Zero Three"

"[Quinn Fa Seal]"

Just heard the sound of "whew", and the shock wave burst out from Ciri's palm, but it was very faint, and it could only bring a gust of fresh wind.

But even the breeze could not touch Levin's hair, and the sudden appearance of the shield protected him firmly.

Suddenly, Levine realized that he had been tricked.

The other party's hand is aimed at testing him, and he has no intention of attacking at all.

Otherwise, the effect of this [Alpha Seal] would not be so weak.

The other party knew very well that in the face of such a sudden attack, without holding a wand and unable to use the [Iron Armor Charm], Levin's only defense was to trigger the fastest [Quinn Seal] - assuming he had really learned the Seal.

And now, the other party's temptation has succeeded.

You said that you yourself happened to comprehend the [Alpha Seal], which happened to be exactly the same as the [Alpha Seal] of the witcher world,

But you can't just comprehend the exact same [Quinn Dharma Seal] again.

Stared at by this kind of "look, you will be exposed" teasing eyes, Rao is Levine is thick-skinned and a little nervous, and he couldn't help but explain:

"Don't get me wrong, what I'm saying is true, this set of seals is indeed my own comprehension. "

He forcibly endured the gaze of "pretend, you continue to pretend", and continued:

"But there's one thing I haven't had time to say just now, and that's that I can also observe your world. "

"I ...... The ...... where it is located The world?"

The witch witch who was still watching the show with her chest hugging just now instantly showed a look of surprise,

"You know I'm from...... From another world? I thought you were taught this magic by someone else......"

Levin couldn't help but shake his head: "How can so many people casually travel to another world...... And that person has to be a witcher, and if that's true, it's too much of a coincidence. "

"You know...... Witcher?" Cirila suddenly believed him, "You mentioned the ...... of the Crossing Moment"

"Yes, to come from one world to another, I call it crossing. Levin explained in due course.

"In other words, did I also travel from my world?" muttered Cirella.

"That's right, it's like you're able to jump through space and travel to other worlds. Levine nodded in confirmation.

"You know even this," Cirila was even more surprised, then shook her head, "It's a pity that after coming to this world, I seem to have lost the ability to travel through it. "

Sirila refers to her ability to travel based on the "Blood of the Ancients",

That ability does allow Cirila to travel between several planes, but none of those planes includes the world of Harry Potter.

"It's not surprising because the fact that you can travel into this world is special in itself. "

"Or rather, this world is special, and from a certain point onwards, it has become able to attract visitors from other worlds, and the reason why you have come here is not your own ability to travel through. "

Levine said.

After listening to his words, Ciri nodded in agreement: "I guess so, otherwise there is no reason why the species in my world also came to this world with me - my ability can't bring so many messy things." "

After speaking, she looked at Levin: "By the way, since you say so, then you are also a traverser." "

Levin nodded, "I come from a world without magic, and I came here eleven years ago. "

"So, you've been a baby when you came. "

Ciri chuckled, "Seeing that you are usually so calm, you must not have been an old man of seventy or eighty years old before you crossed over." "

"I'm not that old!"

Levin immediately protested against the other party's slander.

"You don't have to explain, I don't care about that anyway. "

Ciri waved his hand and talked about his experience: "I'm not like you, I came here when I was twelve years old, that is, four years ago. At first, I was confined to the streets, but within a few days an owl sent me an admission letter, and Professor Flitwick showed up and took me to Hogwarts. "

"You're in luck. Levin nodded, "But after losing my grandmother, being separated from my adoptive parents in the war, and then being trapped in another world, it's a terrible feeling." "

Through the age that Sirila has traveled through, Levine immediately introduces her pre-time experience.

"You're right...... You actually know about me, maybe your so-called observation is to peep at me in another world. "

Cirela said, deliberately assuming a vigilant posture.

It's a joke in this situation, and Ciri is really optimistic.

"That's not true. "

What do you mean by voyeurism?!

Levin felt a chill and hurriedly explained: "You can understand it as similar to the effect of a precognitive dream, and the same as a precognitive dream, I can't choose what I see, the difference is only that I see a different world." (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ciri listened and nodded: "You can tell so much about me and my world, I believe you...... Therefore, these Dharma seals of yours were created with reference to the Dharma seals of my world. "

"That's right. Levine nodded.

"Then you call my name on the day of admission ......"

"That's right, I didn't expect to meet the characters in the prophetic dream, and it was only then that I realized that everything in the prophetic dream was true. "

Levine's half-truth.

Then he immediately added:

"But the matter of making friends with you is not deliberate, I just think that we are both fallen people at the end of the world, so ...... You know 0........."

"I understand, I understand," Ciri smiled heartily, "don't worry, knowing this doesn't affect our good partners and good friends." "

"And don't you think that after knowing each other's secrets, our relationship has become more intimate?"

"I'd love for you to think so. Levine smiled.

"Well, that's the end of all the questions I've asked. Ciri put away his smile and sighed softly, "I didn't expect this matter to be so complicated, you let me see it for a long time." "

She looked at Levin, "So, is there anything else you'd like to ask?" "

Levine looked up and thought for a while, "Don't say it, I really have a question I want to ask,"

"That is, do you know what this collective crossing is all about?"

"I actually want to know this question about you. "

Heary spreads his hands,

"But, you know, with your cleverness, I don't have a clue. "

"Still, I can share with you the clues I found. "

Speaking of which, she eloquently said:

"Actually, when I first came to this world, I didn't know the seriousness of the matter, and I thought it was my own ability to go violent. "

"I really realized something was wrong when I was in second grade, when I realized that I hadn't been able to run away for a year, and at the same time, I actually saw a picture of a Fenter in a newspaper — you know, a giant monster with antlers on its head — and I thought it was just a specialty of my hometown, because there was never any news of Fenter in the books of this world, and the newspaper said it was a newly discovered monster. "

"Since then, I've been collecting information about these hometown specialties. "

"Then I found out that the number and variety of these specialties that I crossed with me were more numerous and varied than I thought, and most of them crossed earlier than me. "

"For example, the water ghost, the first 0.0 was discovered 10 years ago;"

"Fenter Monster, it was first discovered 6 years ago;"

"The howler was 8 years ago;"

"The evil ghost was 11 years ago;"

"Rat was 10 years ago. "

"I'm limited in what I can do, and that's all I can see. "

"Thank you for your efforts. "

Thinking about this series of data, Levin fell into deep thought.

"10 years ago, 10 years ago, 6 years ago, 8 years ago, 11 years ago, 10 years ago...... And himself was 4 years ago and Gianna was 11 years ago."

"According to the results of all existing data, the upper limit of the earliest appearance of otherworldly things was 11 years ago, and there is no earlier time than this point. "

In other words, the phenomenon of crossing began at least 11 years ago. "

"So what happened 11 years ago?"

Levine thought about it, and suddenly stared at his thighs fixedly.

"Yes, 11 years ago, it was when I crossed into this world. "

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