By the time the four arrived, Hagrid had packed Noble into a large crate and was ready to go.

"I had a lot of rats for him, and some brandy, enough for him to eat all the way. "I also put his teddy bear in there, lest it feel lonely." "

At this time, there was a tearing sound in the crate, and it seemed that the head of the teddy bear had been ripped off.

"Goodbye, Noble," Hagrid said with a twitch, "Mom~ Mommy won't forget you!"

These sensational words sounded in Levin's ears, and he felt a chill.

Don't be a male mom!

Harry tried to cover the crate with his cloak, but Levin stepped forward, grabbing the edge of the crate with one hand and pointing his wand at himself with the other.

Suddenly, Levin's own box became transparent.

"You...... You really know how to use illusions!" Harry exclaimed, "No wonder we didn't find you on our last night trip. "

"Well, that's right, don't tell anyone else. "

Levin admitted it directly, and did not intend to explain the difference between the [Invisibility Technique] and the [Illusion Spell].

Then he noticed that Hermione on the other side had also pointed to him, and it had also become transparent.

"You ...... You can all [Illusion]!" Ron was a little indignant, "Why didn't you take us with you when you secretly learned this spell?"

"You have to learn it, it's a skill that you don't even have to master in the upper grades. "

Without Levine to speak, Hermione took the initiative to complain,

"If you get 'good' or higher in all subjects this semester, then I believe you can learn. "

Hearing this, Ron immediately wilted.

That's a good whole...... His own goal is to pass.

"That...... I'm just talking, I'm talking. "

Ron sneered into Harry's invisibility cloak, but Harry was secretly determined to perform well at the end of the term.

It's not because he wants to learn the [Illusion Spell], there is an invisibility cloak, and it is not easy to use any [Illusion Spell] - the main reason is that he doesn't want to be looked down upon by Levin.

Although after arriving at Hogwarts, he felt that his relationship with his old classmates had become estranged,

But after all, the other party is his long-time friend,

Now that the other party is so good, he doesn't want to be underestimated.

The four of them sent the box all the way to the tower so smoothly, except for a small accident on the way:

When they came to the bottom of the tower, they met an unexpected person:

Professor McGonagall wore a plaid dressing gown and a hairnet, tugging at Malfoy's ear.

"Confinement!" she shouted, "Slytherin deducts twenty points!

"You don't understand, Professor, Harry Potter is coming—he's got a dragon with him!"

Malfoy was extremely aggrieved, how could he know that the person he was accusing was standing less than 5 meters away from him at the moment.

"Utter nonsense, how dare you make up such a lie!Go—I'd like to see what Professor Snape does with you, Malfoy!"

With that, the four watched as Professor McGonagall grabbed Malfoy's ear and walked away.

They suddenly felt refreshed,

It's as cool as eating konjac and jelly and rubbing talcum powder.

You really deserve it, Ma Tianlong.

On the top of the tower, the four of them lifted their invisibility and waited for Charlie's friends.

When Harry and Ron worked together to carry the crate to each other, they looked at Levine with some horror and fear in their eyes.

"May I ask, Levin, how did you manage to lift the crate up to the roof without even panting?" Harry asked cautiously, "Did you use any magic?"

"How is that possible?" Hermione reminded in time, "with a hidden ...... You can't use magic to hide yourself in the illusion technique. "

"Also...... In other words, he relied entirely on his own strength?" Ron instantly went numb, staring at Levin's not strong arm, his eyes full of fear.

The little wizard didn't expect that the other party could be so ~ strong,

At this moment, he was extremely glad that he had apologized to Hermione and Harry at the urging of each other.

Otherwise, most of the other party doesn't even need to use magic, and they can strangle themselves with their arms alone.

No, [Ox Power] strength +5 to find out.

Maybe it's because I'm too happy,

Obviously, the four of them - in fact, just Harry and Ron - were cautious when they went upstairs, and there were no problems at all, (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

When I went downstairs, something went wrong.

The two men who walked in front, Harry and Ron, turned a corner and saw Filch, the administrator,

And the two of them forgot their invisibility cloak on the roof of the building.

However, Levine's side reacted quickly enough, and as soon as he found the problem, he immediately pulled Hermione back,

Seeing Hermione looking back at herself, Levine quickly reminded: "Dead friends don't die poor! they have been caught, let's not send them again, so at least a few less deductions." "

When Hermione heard this, she immediately persuaded her inner sense of morality, and together with Levin, she applied [Invisibility] to herself, and then fled without righteousness.

The next day, Levine went to the auditorium hall for breakfast as usual.

Upon entering the auditorium, Levine noticed that there was an eerie atmosphere among the students at the long table.

Then he saw Harry, Ron, and Neville of Gryffindor sitting at the table in a state of limbo, especially Neville, whose eyes were swollen like walnuts, and Hermione whispering to comfort them.

It seems that yesterday's events have fermented......

Levine turned his head to look at the huge hourglass that recorded the Academy Cup score,

At this moment, the huge hourglass representing Gryffindor is only scattered with a thin layer of rubies - obviously it was quite high yesterday,

The empty appearance looked weak, pitiful, and helpless compared to the Ravenclaw neighbors who were piled with sapphires.

This is undoubtedly a huge blow for the little lions.

Originally, Gryffindor's score this semester was in second place, only lower than Ravenclaw, who had risen to prominence because of Levine.

But they have at least surpassed arch-rivals Slytherin, who have won six consecutive House Cups.

But now, you don't need to look at it to know that they are definitely at the end,

Even the chances of overtaking Hufflepuff are slim.

^ The question is, how could they suddenly lose 150 points?

Soon they knew:

The famous Potter, along with his two stupid friends, almost wiped out their grades for a school year.

They knew they couldn't compare to Ravenclaw with Levine, and maybe surpass Slytherin.

And now, it's all gone!

But today... Yes, they were deducted a full 150 points!

Among them, Harry and Ron were caught red-handed, while Neville tried to remind them about Malfoy, and they were also caught.

Professor McGonagall was furious and deducted 50 points for each of them.

Harry, who had been one of the most popular and admired figures in the school, was the pride of Gryffindor, and now it was a disgrace to them,

No one among the Gryffindors wanted to sit with them, no one wanted to talk to them, and they didn't keep their voices down when they said insulting things.

On the other hand, whenever the Slytherins passed by them, the little snakes always applauded, whistled, and cheered.

Although Draco Malfoy also deducted twenty points from his house, they had no hope of winning the title this semester anyway.

In the eyes of the little snakes, Malfoy used 20 points to offset Gryffindor's 150 points,

obviously deducted Slytherin's points, but instead allowed the house to surpass Gryffindor and rise to second,

This deal, what a job!

Only Hermione, ashamed and glad, if she hadn't listened to Levin's advice, she would have been one of the people who were ridiculed by the group now.

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