In the dim corridor, Gu Cheng hugged Mebius in the way of a princess, and the two of them were as greasy as glue, and the two seemed to be elves moving in the forest.

"Na~ Gu Cheng, you see that I have gained a lot this time~" Mebius rubbed on my shoulder, like a coquettish cat.

"Good~" No gain can compare to seeing Mebius's healthy and happy life. I looked at her with doting eyes, her pink green eyes were particularly charming, and her delicate face was still very beautiful without powder, and her temperament was extraordinary.

I stroked her soft green hair, hugged her soft thighs, and felt the slender waist that could be held in a pinch, well, superb, still my own.

Leaving the cave and opening the secret door of the secret passage, I slowly put down Mebius, she wanted to record the data this time, I looked at the cat who fell asleep on the table with the can, she was also frightened and fell asleep, I picked up the list on the side and covered her body, and then sat aside to calm her powers.

"Cheng~Your previous form was great~" Mebius turned around and winked at me. Ahh

"Come with me to find Ellie when you get out, there's something wrong with my memory, by the way—" I was saying, but woke the cat up.

"Hmm~ Big sister and big brother, it's finally out, let's be so worried~" The cat rubbed her eyes lazily, and then jumped briskly to Mebius and hugged her, as if she was a pet cat waiting to be petted.

"I'm worried about you, hard work Pado. "Mebius rubbed the cat's head and whispered to soothe, and I smiled softly on the side...

Mebius and I sat on Sephiro's body and flew in the air, "Mebius, where is the promised land that Ellie is talking about?" Mebius hugged me tightly behind me

, as if she was a little afraid of heights?" Her character will put two cherry trees at the door, pink..."Mebius tried not to look down, as if she was a kitten afraid of being abandoned, there was a bit of a contrast.

"Okay, according to the positioning, we're already very close to Ellie, how about we go down and walk over later?" I stroked Mebius's head, what else could I do if my wife wasn't favored?

"Should I say it's Ellie?" the corners of my eyes twitched, and I felt a little uncomfortable looking at this innocent picture.

"That's her, isn't it?" Mebius was used to it, "That's how everyone loved her when she was in the army~"

When we got to the ground, sure enough, the innocent Ellie had already set up a pose waiting for us.

"Look, look who's coming, oh my God, the two of them are here together, I really want you to see how cute Mebius was when he was a child~" Ellie said playfully.

"If you don't want to be sent to the operating table by me...", Mebius naturally stopped Ellie's thoughts.

"Okay then, let's do something interesting...", "Gu Cheng, I don't know if it's your own rank improvement or my ability is wrong, your memory crystals need to be re-entered, of course, I won't forget you on the crystal again this time..."

"Of course, if you don't want to be frozen by me and put on the operating table of Mebius..."

"Alas, do you want to attack a cute girl like me?, can you really bear it?", "Okay, don't worry, this time Ellie is well prepared~".

Ellie introduced us to Paradise Park, the sign on the gate is the Q version of the thirteen Yingji, the past collection is written below, the four big characters dragon flying phoenix dance is engraved on a square plaque, the open space of the plaque is engraved with my Q version of the avatar, there is also a green cute little snake around the side, the middle of the signboard is a stick figure of Mei and Ellie holding hands, it looks fun.

Let the most powerful, suffer the salvation of loneliness. [Salvation]

let the most sincere be covered with a mask of betrayal. Let

the most compassionate be manipulated by fate. 【Precepts】

Let the most elegant, erase the capital of arrogance. [Gold]

makes it impossible to dance on the stage even the most complicated. [Spiral]

let the craziest of things, discard the meaning of existence. Let

the most enlightened one fall into the trouble of self-grasping. [Tianhui]

let the one who cares the most lose the only thought. [Instant]

let the most desirable shatter the ideals of the past. [Xuguang]

let the best learn fall infinitely because of life and death. 【Infinity】

Let the simplest one, walk in the dark sea of stars. Let

the most humble, closed and cherished feelings. Let

the most alive feel the true meaning of pain. [Empty Dream]

their own appearance broke the tragic beginning, tightened the line of tragic fate, elegy is the sorrow of the past, is the hope for the future, do your best to live in the past, let the world remember the heroes of the past, they were once ordinary people, strife destroyed the treasure, collapse broke the stability, their existence is to reduce those who should not be lost, elegy is the light in despair, but also the shadow in hope, I wake up from despair, explore the light of hope.

"Ah~Gu Cheng rarely froze~ It seems that I am dressed up well~" Ellie looked at me in a daze, and suddenly approached me and stabbed naughtily.

"Indeed, it seems that Ellie is very attentive..."I came back to my senses, looked at the beautiful girl in front of me who looked like a flower, turned to look at the smiling Mebius, and made up my mind that at least... Let me protect you this time, as a god.

Walking on the cobblestone path, Ellie took Mebius by her arms, and the two of them walked forward talking and laughing, and I toured the surrounding scenery, which really looked like a park, a vast meadow, a primeval forest in the distance, a fountain on the side, large and small buildings.

Finally, I stopped at a children's playground where there were about eleven or twelve children, both men and women, playing games.

After seeing Ellie and us coming, the children ran over neatly, all shouting for Ellie's sister, Ellie was also very loving and interacting with them, Mebius seemed to like children very much, but her restrained movements showed some nervousness.

"Do you like kids very much?" I walked over to her and took her hand to signal not to be too nervous.

"It's cute, isn't it?", Mebius paused, "but my body's damage can be greatly improved now, and direct touch may affect them..."Mebius lowered his eyes, a little helpless.

I took her slender hands and looked at her affectionately, "It's okay, we'll have it later...". Mebius's big eyes twitched visibly, and then his face quickly turned red, and he lowered his face into my chest.

"Sister Ellie... What are those brothers and sisters doing..."

"They... It's promoting affection~" Ellie gave us a deep look, and then smiled kindly.

The kid seemed to understand, and then asked, "That's... Why didn't the masked uncle and Sister Aponia come~".

"Uncle?" said Ellie, who wanted to laugh.

"Yes, the masked uncle is good to us, but he looks like an elder brother but lets us call him uncle

~" "Oh~ Uncle Chiza is very mature... He's busy with work, and as for Sister Aponia... Hey, she might be doing good!" Ellie said patiently, holding the child.

Mebius and I gave Ellie a look as if they were superfluous, and then walked with Mebius somewhere else.

The natural environment, the fresh air, the birds that fly by from time to time, the fragrance of flowers... And the long-awaited Hephaestus

is really a good place~

No... Why is that crumbs here?

I looked again, and sure enough, Hephaestus was kneeling at the stone table in Hanfu and drinking tea very quietly, naturally, if she ignored the comic books and black happy water that she had quickly hidden.

"Isn't this Xiao He~" Mebius leaned over very enthusiastically, "Long time no see." "

It's you, Sister Snake, long time no see~" Hephaestus said that he hadn't seen him for a long time, but his eyes kept looking at him.

"Hey... Don't keep beating me up!

" She just smiled necessarily, "Take a break here, I'll take care of the kids Ellie and strengthen the barrier, I'll take you to the Ele Story Hall later, don't mind, Ellie's name..."

So how could she mingle with others so easily!Hey! I felt that she was superfluous!

I was not polite, and walked over to Mebius and sat down, Hephaestus had the discernment to see that he did not make himself tea, but looked at himself with interest.

As the saying goes, as long as you don't embarrass yourself, it's someone else who is embarrassed ()〈))) = I

snatched Mebius's teacup and took a sip, "Why is this tea so sweet?" I was a little puzzled.

Mebius just rolled his eyes.

"Hephaestus, I have something to ask you—" After a moment of silence, I looked at her with a serious expression.


Hephaestus was a little surprised, she felt the divine power I emanated, I strictly sealed this space, and then subconsciously mobilized an ice shield for Mebius.

"Allah, still don't believe me?" Hephaestus quickly changed his expression and looked at me with a flirtatious expression.

"Hephaestus, which side are you on? He or I, there must always be a side. I stared at her.

She took a slow sip of tea, "Tea really isn't for me...", put down the teaglass, "Do you really want to know? I think in your eyes, no matter what I say, it may not be the answer you want, I told Sefilon that your evolution is to sacrifice all the pain, and finally turn into him."

Mebius didn't know what we were talking about, but out of respect for me, she just drank her tea.

I looked at Hephaestus and motioned for her to continue.

"My appearance is guided by him, and it is indeed his side, but he gives a very serious self-thinking to the creatures he creates, like the end, the world on the world tree is full of bubbles, and the collapse will erode those worlds all the time... Eventually, the erosion of the quantum sea will be ushered in.

"There is always a way to resist it, at least it is not enough to replace it, it can only be a check, balance rather than creation." "I put my thoughts on the talk.

"It's true that you're from another world, which most people can see, but it doesn't matter, it's nothing unusual for the corrupted world. "I don't know where your divine power comes from, at least I can see that you won't go on the path of twins anymore, countless paths, you don't choose the path he gave you, and my value will be useless." "

You... Will my actions be—" I suddenly felt a little sorry for her.

She waved her hand absently, "So I can sit here and drink tea and do what I want, although your choice cuts off my future, but I may also thank you, I have never lived my own life, or I have never lived for myself... Manipulated by fate, governed by it, at least, you set me free..."Hephaestus smoothed the hair from his sideburns and smiled very calmly.

I was stunned, maybe the people here have always been a tragedy, looking for their own diamonds in countless glass ballasts, they will be injured, they will bleed, and their tortuous lives are full of dangers, but there will always be people who have no regrets, and they create their own myths with ordinary bodies.

"First time meeting, hello, my name is Gu Cheng.

I reached out to her as if I was with Scati, and she gave me the answer, and I chose to believe.

She was stunned, tears couldn't stop flowing, her expressionless face looked a little stupid, and the tears that fell made her look so desolate.

Maybe no one understood her, maybe she didn't experience this feeling, at least, she had a purpose again.

"Hello, my name is Hephaestus, and I am a lawyer..."She held my hand, wiped away tears with the other hand, and smiled very sunnyly, I have to say that Hephaestus, who was wearing Hanfu, had a very charming temperament, and his eyes were still a little red after crying, and his quiet face was very lovely.

"Ahem...", Mebius put his hand on me and Hephaestus' hand, "Take me, Mebius, a scientist...", "Moreover, you red guy don't look at my Gu Cheng with that kind of Mimi!" Mebius's pink-green vertical eyes were very round, his hair was a little fried, and he stared at Hephaestus with a dangerous face, like a crazy little wild cat.

I hurriedly hugged Mebius and gently stroked her back, to which Hephaestus just took a sip of tea, as if responding to Mebius with a white cat drinking tea emoji, which caused me even more crazy frivolous, which made it difficult for me...

"Allah, it seems that I missed something~" Ellie seemed to be pinching the point, one hand crossed her waist and the other poked her face, and the whole person was very disdainful.

"Do you need to take a break, in the face of three beautiful girls, Gu Cheng, can you really hold it?" Ellie looked at me provocatively.

...... I swear I don't think anything of anyone but Mebius, and Elysia has never been beaten.

"Looks like I need to mentor you when I have time, Elysia-san!" I said, gritting my teeth.

Beginning – Ending

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