I was walking on a wet road, and today it was raining lightly, and the air was filled with a fresh, earthy smell.

Life is fragile, and life is resilient.

I have been salting fish in the base for a long time, looking at the martyrs who died because of the major events in the past, and I felt that Mei Zun admired the choice of not being idle if he could work, and was ready to send himself away.

So I took the task that Mei sent me, and went to the borders of Europe to explore the abnormal Honkai Energy of the suspected lawyer, and Mei knew what I meant, and I was going to try my luck at the church.

It was still the same wet road, but the dirt was a little reddish, and the closer you got to the church, the darker the color of the dirt became, and there was a faint smell of blood.

The head of the sect here once received Destobia and cooperated with the execution of the beheading plan, and the head of the church was a classic European, very old, and his name was Archbishop Haldorag Picios.

I slowly approached the church, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier, I mobilized a little Honkai energy to isolate the raindrops, but my own Honkai energy reaction was very thin, and even a little disobedient, I had some vague speculations in my heart, but I didn't make a sound, and continued to approach the church.

The closer I got to the church, the more a smell of blood came from the soil, and my own Honkai energy seemed to be disturbed by something, constantly eroding, I calmly injected some divine power, sure enough, that feeling was directly blocked, I mobilized the Honkai energy again to cover, but a kind of energy inside made me feel a little familiar, I smiled slightly, I didn't come wrong.

"Destobia... The death was recorded in the Eighth Law Incident, but according to the data, after the Eighth Law Incident, Destobia had recuperated in a church in Europe, but when he was found again, only a well-dressed grave remained, and no body was found..."

I thought of "Mebius Growth Data" The data in it, the Honkai core was hidden somewhere by Dyce, it may be in her body, and I guess that she should want to borrow this power to accomplish something, but it should have failed, and even made a wedding dress for someone else for a while.

Finally, the Holy Cross of the church came into view, and an old man was waiting for me at the door.

Bishop Halldorag was there, like a zombie on the verge of death.

"It's Mr. Gu Cheng, the agent of the Special Handling Center of the Fire Chasing Moth. The archbishop said with a straight look, his stiff tone and slow pace of speech making it seem as if he were dead.

"Hello Archbishop Pisius, this time I am going to extend my condolences to you on behalf of the high-ranking of the Fire Chaser Moth, and by the way, I will investigate the anomalous Honkai energy nearby. "

Please follow me—" Picios looked like a manipulated puppet.

I stared, "I found you..."

, and entered the church, the dim candles swaying in the wind, and the walls were covered with blackened handprints, which were particularly permeable in the firelight.

"Don't mind, this used to be a children's paradise, and the children loved to play here, and always pressed their handprints on it to commemorate it," said Archbishop Pisius.

There's a force here that affects people's nerves, but I'm cut off from it, otherwise I might have really fallen into his trap stupidly.

Indeed, the sacred church is the ideal place for children. I chimed in.

Old floors, dried blood, this is no longer a church, but... Purgatory on Earth.

Going deeper, Archbishop Pisius didn't seem to realize that I was not affected, I was just an observer, recording the stories that could have happened here, maybe it was bleak, maybe it was tragic, but it was all in the past, and what I could do now was nothing but regret, but the past.

I followed this being, which may no longer be called a human being, and continued to walk deeper, walking past a place that seemed to be used for gathering, surrounded by rusty iron cages, and inside were scrawny children, all tortured, large and small wounds showing what had happened to them, numb expressions had become accustomed to it, and empty eyes were very sad.

"It's really hilarious..."I suppressed a certain murderous aura in my heart, and my mouth still sighed.

Of course, these kids work hard and are faithful believers in God. "The archbishop seems to be showing off something, but I only feel nauseous, I don't know what I will see if I am under the influence, at least, the scene in front of me makes the demon in my heart loosen a little, maybe the guy in the subconscious, talking to himself in a foul mouth, heh... That's a crazy guy.

Finally, we made it to the basement, where the light was even darker, as if the demons of hell were beckoning to you.

"Thank you for the help you have given to the church from the families who are fighting on the front line, the Kaslana family has used one of our pure girls as a medium to communicate with the gods, but recently, for some reason, it may have been affected by the Honkai energy, and some madness, which will cause us great trouble, God bless, I hope you can help us solve this difficulty.

With a finger of one hand, the innermost cage was locked up with a young girl in chains, who looked to be no more than six or seven years old, with white hair that was a little withered, and blue eyes that were very stubborn.

As soon as she saw me, the girl whined into something, but only sounded, and her vocal cords were probably contained.

"I'm sorry for your excuse, I'm going to pray, and I beg your understanding," the archbishop bowed to me, but I didn't get used to him anymore.

"Filthy souls are useless to pray, and fraudsters like you can only live in dark corners. "

?!!" the archbishop's calm face was a little crazy, "what are you talking nonsense? I am the closest person to the gods, I am the noblest soul, what do you know?" Picios trembled, suppressed something in his body, and looked at me with a fierce face, "You don't understand anything, it is your honor to sacrifice yourself for my god..."

I stopped giving him a chance to talk nonsense, and with a wave of one hand, I instantly froze him into icicles.

I walked over to the little girl, "Kaslana's?" I asked her softly, and sure enough, she nodded vigorously.

Scold... Kevin, thank me for this time.

I pressed her vocal cords and throat with my hands, and a distinct bulge was under her left ear, and I shook it with Honkai energy...


"Ahh Hello, I'm Ka...", the little girl looked at me happily, ready to tell this man her name.

"Wow!" the icicle shattered from the archbishop's body, and the ice crystals coalesced from it, its body getting taller and taller, and its skin became paler, "Hahaha, the gods have answered me, Mole Ant, where do you know the will of God?" Psyus interrupted the little girl with a sudden change.

"Sure enough, not making up the knife is the most wrong choice...", I said with some dissatisfaction.

"God?" I smiled, this gesture could be regarded as God's grace?

[That is, my sister is the god of extreme cold and order!]

"The real god will not do some indiscriminate means, nor will he allow his followers to do such absurd actions. "

I casually condensed an ice spear with the black abyss white flower as the prototype.


a slam blow, without any flashiness or excessive embellishment, pierced it directly.

"It's useless, God won't let me," it said.

I detonated the ice spear with my hand, opening a hole in it in an instant, "God, that's it...", I didn't forget to mock, and by the way, I picked up the girl in one hand to prevent her from being hurt by the aftermath.

"I want you dead!" it went berserk, and the hole in its stomach healed quickly, and the pain made it even more hideous, and with the flickering fire, it seemed like a devil crawling out of hell.

"It's sad that the core taken from Days doesn't lead you to God, but instead pushes you into the abyss. "I'm a little sorry, for Dyce, and for him.

"You know what, now, it's the grace of God!" The

influence of the death of the soldier is getting bigger and bigger, the visible collapse can emerge, a blue square crystal emerges from its chest, the ice crystal is attached to him like a barbed armor, his face has been shattered, as if the face of a beast is extremely hideous, the body expands again, and a large cyborg maniac of about three meters appears.

"Will you be an emperor?" I felt the Honkai energy reaction in his body, "It seems that your god has given up." "

Roar!" It was clear that he had lost his mind.

The monster quickly rushed towards Gu Cheng, and the ground was trampled by him with signs of depression, as if it was a sacrifice blow, and its power should not be underestimated.

"Big brother, get out of the way," said the little girl in her arms very nervously.

I smiled at her, "Don't be afraid, I'll take you home in a while..."

"Elegy: Painful Remembrance"

With a move of both hands, more than 120 diamond-shaped ice picks suddenly appeared around me, forming a shield as if it were a shock, blocking the monster's hard punch.


smoke and dust flew up, the ice pick was unscathed, but Pecios' fist shattered like a mirror, and let out a deafening cry.

"If you want to die, please be quiet...", I turned my palm into my finger and pointed two fingers at him, and the tips of the icicles of the "Song of the Snow Maiden"

were all pointed at the monster that Psytheus had become, and rushed towards him like a torrential rain.

The sound of the breaking wind and the mournful sound of the monster echoed, as if singing for the dead.


soon as the attack of the icicle ended, the three ice dragons blasted towards him, breathing and biting, and finally turned into weapons and died together, and a huge ice pick rose from the position of Picios, penetrated Picios, and finally turned into powder, and Archbishop Picios came to an end.

"Big brother, you're so handsome!" the little girl said excitedly, "I was sent here by the family three days ago, I didn't expect him to be a cultist bewitched by the Honkai, I originally informed the family, and I will come here in the next few days, but I didn't expect the big brother to be sent directly to save me, Kalian is very happy..."

As I looked around, I casually looked at the girl, "Ah, wait, you call Karen, Karen, Kaslana?"

"Yes, big brother, do you know me?" said Karen, looking at me with those big blue Carslan eyes.

"And do you know Otto?" I asked, trying.

"Oh, big brother, do you know that crybaby?"

I suddenly felt a little sad, and finally, I finally saw the main line!

"No, I heard of it, I heard about the children of the Apokalis family. "

Oh... Big brother, can you teach me how to be so strong?"

"Of course, I'll come back to you when I'm free..."

Eventually, I released the children in the cage, although they lost their faith in life, but at least, they were alive and had lived, hoping that Apoña and Ellie could enlighten them.

I burned it down and, of course, collected the loot....

I sat in the "hotel" assigned to me by the headquarters, and was there anything in medieval Europe like the luxurious presidential suites in China?

However, it is still the largest hotel in Europe.

I called up the blue Ice Lawgiver Core from the space, this is from the Lawgiver who killed it in a thousand calamities, that is to say, this is my predecessor...

Let it float on its own, then pull out Picios's notebook and a pitch-black dagger no more than eighteen centimeters long.

"On the 20th of November, the woman came again, but she was seriously injured, and I cured her, but added some other things..."

Yes... What a beautiful voice, she lay on the ground and slaughtered me..."

"On the second of March, I gave this woman's body to the self-proclaimed messengers, who instructed me to absorb the heart of the gods, oh... What a comfortable feeling

...""On March 11, I once again sacrificed the fresh blood of fifteen children to my god, and I was finally able to communicate with God

...""On April 8th, the self-righteous family each sent a son of God to communicate, heh~ Hypocritical guys..."

"On May 6th, Kaslana... That powerful family, well, I admit that I'm intrigued, and if this plan succeeds, I'll have the most powerful blood... Still, I need to get a silly boy to be photographed above, just like that woman..."

The notebook doesn't have much important information here, so I slowly freeze it, and then it turns into powder and dissipates with the wind.

"Divine envoys, agents of the Honkai God... Heh, interesting..."

[Scati, can this core be devoured?] I thought about the plan in my mind.

[Naturally... ]


The divine power increased again, the concentration of Honkai energy also increased, and the understanding of the lawgiver also deepened, and the remaining core energy I obeyed Scati's arrangement, summoning Winter to absorb it, obviously, the momentum of Winter burst out increased again, and I felt its excitement.

My left hand clenched into a fist, and a stream of ice, which seemed to be a flame, ignited from it, and the ice-blue flame danced in my hand.

"Now I am qualified to be called the Lawgiver of Meteoric Ice, after all, the Lawgiver of Ice is not complete without the core of the Lawgiver of Ice. "

Thinking about today's harvest, I got to know the young Karen, and I also got to know Otto, so let's have a chance to visit.

I lay down and prepared to rest, but Mei's communication rang...

"Gu Cheng... One good news and two bad news, which would you like to hear?".

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