"Identity recognition is successful, welcome!" The

fighting room opened, Gu Cheng and Kevin walked in separately, the difference was that the former was majestic and high-spirited, and the latter went to the execution ground.

"Ah Cheng, let's stop here, okay.

"Naturally, Dean Kevin thought of me as someone, have you forgotten that I sponsored you when you couldn't eat in college, and you peeked at Mei taking a bath...", I chattered

"Stop, stop, I know!"

Kevin looked embarrassed, feeling sorry for knowing me.

In the end, Kevin was a warrior, and Kevin quickly got into the groove.

"Skyfire, unsheathed!" Kevin pulled out a pair of twin spears from his waist and transformed them into a flaming greatsword.

Immediately, Kevin kicked the ground with one leg, and a sweep struck, I held still, and also kicked the ground with one leg, and in an instant, three icicles that were enough to cover my body rose into the sky, blocking Kevin's sweep.

"Winter!" I didn't forget my purpose, a big sword with a whole body crystal came out of the void, I held it with my backhand, and it was the same sweep - a sweep with the function of meteoric ice, the flying snowflakes were very fragile, but Kevin on the opposite side felt great danger, "Gan!" Kevin reluctantly turned on the second power, the flames of the Heavenly Fire Sword were more condensed, and the flames that rushed to the sky swept across the field, and the famous Earth Slash rushed towards Gu Cheng.

"Winter, the third power"

I unlocked Winter's permission, and instantly extinguished the flames around me, the same middle... Different slashes were sent at Kevin, and the thuds canceled each other out.

[The third power is enough to match the second power of Skyfire, Monster.] Kevin sweated and waited for the smoke to clear.

"Why don't you have a long memory?" I used my Void function to leap behind Kevin.

Kevin hurriedly slashed behind him, I blocked it casually, my swordsmanship and Kevin are similar, but the strength is different and the speed is different, it can be understood that our skills are the same, but my attributes are a little higher than his.

Stab, slash, slash, Kevin tried to hold out a few more rounds, and I deliberately experimented with Winter's attributes.


I looked at Kevin with a wicked smile, "I'm sorry, my snake is in a hurry"

Without waiting for Kevin to respond, I knocked Kevin away with all my might, and then slapped Kevin on the shoulder with the blade of my sword.

Kevin felt like he had been hit by a knight of the temple and flew out in an instant. I put Winter away, summarized the data with the recorder on my wrist, and when I found that everything was normal, I sent Mei an OK emoji, and Mei responded with a smiley face and asked me to send Kevin to her.

"Hey, you're a tool again, don't send Apoña to you, the devil knows what you're going to do. I complained.

Looking at Kevin lying on the ground in the distance, he said with some amusement, "Don't pretend, Mei called you, if you pretend again, I'll tell her you're not going?" I said to him. Suddenly, Kevin stood up instantly, and he didn't know how he managed to move to the exit without the Void function.

"Is this love?" I complained, but I didn't know that I was one of them.


In a laboratory, May sat on Kevin's lap, her hands on the keyboard, and several monitors in front of her were working, one showing the collision of heavenly fire and winter and the impact of the elements, and the others were also jumping with incomprehensible values.

"I'll tell you, that guy doesn't want me anymore if he has Mebius, he's ruthless..."Kevin complained to May, who occasionally responded, still operating the keyboard.

In another laboratory, Mebius wrapped around Gu Cheng's back like a backpack, his hands around Gu Cheng's neck, and his crystal clear legs hooked his waist...

"Do you want to go to the park?" asked Gu Cheng with the snake on his back.

"I want to see the fountain, and of course, I want you to carry me on my back. The snake blew at Gu Cheng's ears, causing Gu Cheng to be hot. "You can go anywhere you want. Gu Cheng responded very gently, holding Mebius's sexy buttocks with one hand, and pinching Mebius's face with the other, soft and smooth.

Gu Cheng carried the snake on his back to the park closest to the base on the ground, and with the void function and the maglev motorcycle provided by Mei, he soon came to the park.

Look at the fragrant flowers and butterflies flying around. The sun was warm and comfortable, and I looked at Mebius in the sun, really, beautifully.

"Come, carry me in~" Snake Snake is actually very open, she is not afraid to show love in front of outsiders like Mei. I would not refuse her. Facing the light, I carried the girl into the park.

I was in a trance for a long time in the dark, and I don't know when the light became my luxury, and the girl on my back looked at the fountain in the center and was fascinated, as if there was something in it that interested her.

Gu Cheng cherished the time with the snake and snake, and looking at her cheerful expression, he was also very happy. It was as if she was a light to herself, dispelling all the darkness, and she was willing to pay any price for it.

Mebius kissed Gu Cheng's cheek and said very satisfied, "Mouse, thank you~", "Thank you for coming to me." "

Seeing the girl's gratitude to herself, my heart beat unconsciously, I easily blushed, and let the girl behind me laugh like a silver bell when she succeeded, attracting the surrounding crowd to stop and watch - Gu Cheng is very good-looking, the snake and snake are also very beautiful, and the combination of handsome men and beautiful women and such a warm scene will naturally attract attention.

Gu Cheng was very satisfied, if it was a dream, he only hoped that he would not wake up again.

Gu Cheng has been in this world for nearly twenty years - yes, he is not from this world, this world full of Honkai is a game called Honkai Impact III, and he is just one of thousands of players.


My name is Gu Cheng, Gu who takes care of me, and Cheng who is metal.

I remember waiting on the side of the road for the car to crash when I saw a small child crossing the road and a truck approaching not far away.

Myself, I am a salted fish without any ambitions, I am the second child in the family, my parents love the boss very much, and I no longer respond to the money I can't spend every month, the joy of a society, I said to myself, I am an extremely selfish person, but at that time, I don't know what kind of feelings I feel in my heart, or what my brain thinks, I ran to the child at a speed that I usually can't run, and pulled the child back hard, but I fell to the ground because of inertia.


I came to this world, and I died - not unacceptable. I sighed and looked around at the snow, I didn't know where I was, wandering around in confusion. The cold wind is biting, but it is not as desolate as my heart, and I am at a loss, and it is not as helpless as in my heart. I don't have any memories of the past, and in the past ten years, I have only been accompanied by a bunch of games called data, two-dimensional.

I fell into the snow, and the unwillingness in my heart made me crawl hard, maybe there was no result, maybe I just struggled, and I didn't want to die like this.

"Do you crave power?" a voice came from his head, he couldn't hear whether it was a man or a woman, and his confused self was already hallucinating?"

"Missing love, unwilling heart, confused future, and hatred for this world. The voice seemed to bewitch itself like a demonic one.

"I—" I stopped struggling, slowly rolled over and lay down in the snow, "Why?"

"Yes, why? Why can my brother enjoy the love of his parents, why do those high-ranking people look down on him, why can those sanctimonious hypocrites abuse others with impunity, while the victims have to be blamed by society

?" "Do you crave power?"

I stretched out my hand and held the sky fiercely, "I crave! "

An indescribable feeling filled my body, the cold and biting feeling turned into warmth, I could feel all the wind and snow around me, even... I can manipulate them.

"Then destroy the world as a lawyer. The

voice continued to bewitch, "As the Lawgiver of Meteoric Ice, this twisted world shouldn't exist.

"No!" I retorted, I resisted the power in my body, "No, it's not the whole world that's at fault!" "I've

come to understand that being hit by a car and dying is not an illusion, I am indeed dead, but it is a different world, a different world called Honkai.

"Are you resisting? why?" the voice asked, confused.

"I'm just going to be broken..."I compressed the power of the Honkai in my own way, scattering it all over my body, and from the outside, my skin was oozing blood, and my face was hideous.

"Interesting, so how can you resist?"

"How about a bet?", I said with great difficulty.

"Bet? Hahaha, you're the funniest human I've ever met, I'll give you this chance, say, what are you going to bet on?" the voice seemed to decide the fate of an ant.

"I bet, I'll control this power and banish you!" "

Hahaha, interesting, so interesting, let me see, your will." Suddenly

, my eyes fell into darkness, but I didn't know that all this was seen by a poisonous snake hiding in the void.

I can feel the collapse in my body gathered in my heart, and there is no so-called lawyer's core, my body is filled with the power of ice and wind and snow, I try to condense them, let them form a cycle in the body, I don't know why, but the body's instinct tells me that it should be like this.

When I opened my eyes, I was already in the house, and I don't know who saved me, but the dark room and the eerie atmosphere made me feel that I was in a bad situation when I was kidnapped.

"Are you awake, guinea pig?" a

dangerous snake appeared in front of my eyes, and I stared at her with wide eyes.

"Hello guinea pig, you are the only person who has controlled the Honkai energy by your own strength for so many years, and the only male lawyer who is not controlled by the Honkai, I really want to dissect you all, hehe~".

Looking at the crazy person in front of me, I didn't feel any fear, but felt pity for her, Mebius, with her outstanding hair color and dangerous temperament, I could easily guess, plus my previous experience in the snow, being able to get close to the snow and see Mebius, needless to say, this is the backup base of the Fire Chaser Moth, which is the laboratory used by this snake to handle the test subjects.

"Okay, I'd like to be your test subject. I tried to respond to the girl in front of me with what I thought was the gentlest smile.

Mebius was visibly stunned for a moment, she had never seen a test subject speak to herself like this, for this energetic test subject... But soon she reacted.

"Don't worry about happy guinea pig, I need to do some experiments with your body first, and if I get through it, I'll consider making you a test subject for my new experiments. Mebius suddenly approached me and said, feeling her hot and wet breath on my face, and I couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed. Mebius, apparently surprised, looked at the flush on my cheeks and poked.

The supple sensation flowed from my cheeks to my heart, and my muscles tightened. Mebius had obviously never experienced such a thing, and he was eager to "bully" me and "check" me wantonly.

Naturally, the outstanding young people from the twenty-first century have not received such treatment, which has aroused the curiosity of the snake....

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