There is a slightly dim vision, the space inside the venue is very vast, and when you enter it, the whole design is from top to bottom, from high to low, and the center is the place where the singers are performed, and the audience seats are surrounded, and it looks like the ground has been hollowed out.

Looking around, pitch-black shelves support the auditorium, many unturned spotlights stay overhead, and all kinds of unknown facilities are neatly placed.

It can be seen that the environment here is very good.

I accidentally caught a glimpse of the four words Eden sponsorship, well, nothing wrong.

took Mebius to find a random position, probably lower in the middle.

Kevin and May chose the bottom row, which allowed them to get close to Eden.

Ellie pulled Ying and Sora followed, looking like she had escaped from Vilve. The three of them sat diagonally below us, and as they sat down, Sora waved at herself, and Ellie winked at Mebius.

"Take care of the child~", Mebius gently shook his little hand at Ellie, I didn't notice it just now, it turned out that Mebius was also wearing a pair of ice silk gloves, um... Very good.

Su was rarely sober, approached me and sat down, thinking about it for himself, it was not appropriate to do it now.

Swept her eyes, and sure enough, Kosmo combed her hair next to Gree, and her long blue hair fell gently, and Kosmo was combing it very seriously.

"Affectionate, isn't it?", Sue said.

"You are also Lolita?", Gu Cheng complained.

"...", Su was speechless for a moment, and then said, "Then when you first met Mebius, it didn't happen to be the time when she molted, why didn't you say it was Lolicon?" "

Eh, hey~ I'm not Lolicon, I'm simply lustful~", Gu Cheng smiled, and Su was numb in his heart.

The rest of the people scattered, except for Hephaestus, who also sat in the bottom row with Klein in his arms, and the rest of the people roughly chose the upper position.

Except, of course, a small episode.

"Miss, you don't look like you're here to listen to a song, are you going to perform something?", several men who were brightly dressed but had very obscene expressions surrounded Vervey who was inspecting his tools.

"Please don't bother me, whether the concert can start depends on whether I check for a problem. Vervey, who looked attentive, didn't look back, and continued to check various instruments and facilities around the venue.

"Little girl, don't be ignorant. Play with us, don't let the uncle do it.

Vervi stopped what she was doing and looked back at the three of them, a cold aura filling their bodies.

"I suggest you don't bother me, she might die if she comes out...", Verve's eyes turned purple.

"Let's just say, why are there so many people?", just then, Pardo walked over with a few security guards, and Vilvie breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing?Do you know that this is invited by Miss Eden.,The whole venue needs her to check.,What's more,After Miss Eden is over.,This one still has a performance.,Can you bear it if something happens?", said the security guard at the head, with strong arms and strong muscles looking very secure.

"I... Let's kid you... This is the go, this is the go.

Afterwards, the cat accompanied the expert to check the remaining equipment and returned to his seat.

"Cats were rescued in a timely manner. Su nodded in admiration, "I'm afraid I'll kill someone later." From a medical point of view, Vilvi is a schizophrenic, and from a legal point of view, psychotic homicide....

If it was found out that it was a moth chasing fire, something would not have happened to Vilwe, but it would have been inevitable to have a false slander.

"Cats are not weak when they fight. ", remembered something, Gu Cheng said.

Heh, who told you that if you open a store, you won't be able to fight the enemy? If you're not good at fighting, you can't beat the enemy?

This guy Su is purely a big front shake, and he is lazy, so he is always in the rear, you throw him in front of the lawyer, you see if he can fight head-on, in the early poor era of the Fire Moth, this blind man was not soft on grabbing food, a total of five people, he could grab six people.

Straight to the point.

After everything was set up, the lights went out and the searchlights were all on the stage at the bottom.

A well-dressed man with a rather elegant demeanor came to the stage, and from the words it seemed that the host had not run away.

"Distinguished guests, good evening, and welcome to Miss Eden's concert. The

host bowed, and then took the microphone in his hand, "As we all know, most of the popular songs of this century, especially in high society, Miss Eden's songs are always on the list, perhaps speaking, Miss Eden is the representative of the upper class."

"I won't talk nonsense about the introduction of Miss Eden, everyone knows something, and I'll introduce the specific process..."

"This concert is divided into three sessions, the first is a magic exchange, between the magician Readius from Europe and Miss Verve, the most popular magician of the century.

After all, the host still didn't follow the three words "greatest" on the line.

The audience talked a lot, and in summary, it was, "I have heard of Reatius, he is very famous in Europe, although the civilization is backward, but the magic performances are all supported by this master, and he is very famous." "Who is Vilwe? the most popular? I haven't heard of it.

"Then the second scene is "Ignorance of Flowers" brought by the dancer

Mansha," the audience exclaimed, and it seemed that this Mansha was very famous.

"The last one, which is the finale, is a new song brought by Miss Eden, and the host is here to sell a pass, so everyone is ready to look forward to it!"

The deafening exclamation and applause, even Mebius clapped his little hands, which shows how popular Eden is.

At the same time, Velvet also complained, "Cut, I don't know how to appreciate it at all, if I am second in terms of magic, and someone else is called first?"

"Well, now it's the wonderful performance of the master magician Rheatius from Europe and the most popular magician of the century, Vervi!", the host said and stepped on the elevator on the stage to go down.

There was nothing but lights on the stage, it was empty.

"Hello everyone, I'm Rheatius", some soft male voices came from the stage, but no one was in sight.

There was a bang, and a puff of smoke and dust flew up, and a humanoid shadow emerged from it.

"I'm glad to have so many people to support me!", the smoke cleared, and a magician-like man appeared, dressed like a vampire, with flaxen-colored curly hair, looking a little simple.

Vilvie stood up from the audience, and several searchlights flicked in, and Vilvie just walked on her long legs, causing a burst of boos.

As Vervey walked down the aisle, her body gradually disappearing, and suddenly, she turned into a sky full of feathers and disappeared completely.

Everyone exclaimed.

Me too, because... I thought she was going to cheat with Honkai.

"What is the principle of this?", I asked Sue.

"How do I know with my eyes closed?", Su retorted to me.

What do you mean is that you will know when you open your eyes? Aren't you the same if you open your eyes or not? I don't know if I still pretend, sooner or later I will beat you up, Gu Cheng thought to himself.

In an instant, all the lights went out, and only one searchlight hit the stage vertically, and it was given to Rheatius.

"Everyone, welcome, and the greatest magician of the century, Vilwe, will bring you a wonderful feast!"

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