"Look at me, lawyer!" In

the air, a fiery red streamer chased the purple lightning.

Look closely, a funny scene.

Canesna just can't figure it out, every time she goes out, she has to look at the yellow calendar?

A thousand calamities are full of fire, chasing Kanesna with an arrogant face, and Kanesna herself is the end of the strong crossbow, and she tried her best to escape at the beginning, and as a result...

Hey! Breaking the limits of physiology alive!

Canesna was still accelerating, her skin was already cracked, and the high load of Honkai energy had caused many purple streaks to appear on her body.

"Don't chase it!", Canesna said tremblingly.

"Come on, do what you can, let me enjoy this hunt!", laughed Maniacally.

"Psychotic!", Canesna was so speechless, the first time she met one, she slashed at herself with a big sword, and finally met a good fighter, and a disgusting nun who played with electricity, and now there is a madman, and this organization is like some serious illness.


Kanesna swerved and rushed towards the Thousand Tribulations with a large amount of thunder.

"Hahaha!Come, let me see your strength!Lawyer!", Thousand Tribulations raised his fiery fist, and suddenly, it seemed as if a sun was smashing straight towards Kanesna.


Canesna was knocked into the air and fell to the ground.

In the air, Chikasa looked at his hands with a stunned expression.

"The lawgiver is so weak. How did Kevin hold back her for no seconds? and let her go?

Thousand Tribulations looked disdainful, and then smashed it to the ground, as if he were a meteorite, and the extreme speed caused layer after layer of sonic boom.

With a bang, the ground was blasted open, like a volcanic eruption, gushing out raging flames.

In the sea of fire, it can be faintly seen that the owner of the head is weakly towering in the other, and the thousand calamities are laughing wildly in the sky (tactical backwards).

"Kevin, you're really going back more and more, hahahaha!No, I'll taunt him when I go back, hahaha!", Thousand Tribulations was very happy, especially when he thought that he could hit Kevin's arrogance.

"By the way, what about Aponia? Gan! I'm crazy again, I don't have any priorities, hurry back!", Chikasa gave himself a slap in the face, and when he picked up Canesna, he went back in the direction he had been.


At the same time, Gu Cheng sat on a mountain of corpses composed of Honkai beasts, with a gloomy face, holding the cold winter in one hand and blocking his face with the other, as if he couldn't see the light.

All around, there were wolves, collapsed buildings, horrific human corpses, all kinds of mutilation.

The earth is blood-red, the buildings are dilapidated, the sky....

Is the sun real? Is the future possible?

People in every age are working for something that they might see hope for, even if they can't see it... Even if they do their best... But what will happen next? Everything is just an unsatisfactory protrusion in the long river of history....

The earth shook again, Gu Cheng raised his head, and a large number of Honkai beasts appeared around him again.

With different ranks, different body types, and different categories, all kinds of Honkai beasts surrounded Gu Cheng, as if they were a well-trained army.

"Kept me waiting for a long time... Miscellaneous people!" Gu

Cheng raised his sword, for him, there was no difference between a Honkai beast or a group of Honkai beasts, even if it was a city of Honkai beasts now.

Gu Cheng doesn't have a lawyer, and he doesn't need to borrow divine power from Scati, even Honkai can... It's just going to be enough.

Meat grinder, butcher ... Whoever sees this scene will probably see these two words.

Judging from Gu Cheng's one-sided situation, the number did not get any benefit from him, but instead restricted their own actions.

Gu Cheng doesn't have gorgeous skills, simple slashes, simple stabs. Rush past, slash, slash to the next one, slash...

Simple and machine, yet efficient.

After a while, hordes of corpses littered the ground again.

"Let me see if you executioners will be killed.

Gu Cheng didn't have any emotional changes, indifferent, or indifferent.

Gu Cheng suppressed a powerful anger in his heart.

"Honkai...", Gu Cheng squinted his eyes and looked at the sky.

Gu Cheng is late... When he came, this place had already been occupied, and the only survivors who remained did not carry it, bleeding profusely...

The Honkai Beast treats humans as ants and tramples on them.

Gu Cheng is here, waiting quietly.

Don't you like to torture and kill? Aren't you looking for territory? Aren't you

going to kill me in the end?

I, Gu Cheng, am here, capable... The

anger in his heart continued to burn, even if he didn't have Gu Cheng, who was not an active lawyer, his hair gradually turned blue, the imprint in his eyes was faintly visible, and the cold winter also appeared with bursts of light.

Gu Cheng casually took his hand, and the Frost Throne suddenly appeared, solemn and sacred, full of solemnity and coldness.

Gu Cheng sat down lightly, the rolling waves rolled up, and it snowed in this ruin.

"Come on...", Gu Cheng muttered.


The headquarters of the Moth of Fire.

Mei sat in front of a pile of machines, all kinds of data jumping, and the terrain of various countries and regions emerged.

"Hua's state has stabilized, it should have been partially eroded by the collapse, but it's okay, it's like... A blessing in disguise. May tinkered with something, taking out a slip and handing it to Aponia.

"When I went, two lawyers' deaths were already dead, and I was left—"

"I hope a thousand calamities don't get sick." May interrupted Aponia.

"No...", Apoña directly denied.

"No, he asked me to give him a precept a long time ago to use as an anchor, not to mention...", a blushing Apoña thought to himself.

May glanced strangely at the red-faced Aponia, and remained silent.

"The eastern battlefield has been stabilized, and the northern battlefield has been cleared. May, reporting the battle to the top.

"Roger, now the vanguard and the combined forces of various countries have been sent to...", the information transmission platform responded.

"Alright. Mei shook her numb arm, "There's Sue and Kevin in the middle, um... If you count it as a Pardo, there will be no accidents.

"With Sue here, Kevin will be fine. Apoña smiled.

Mei was noncommittal and nodded, "There's a little problem in the northwest...",

"Do you need me to help?", Apoña said softly.

Mei shook her head again, "The problem is... Gu Cheng. "You should know that it was just registered as a new city not long ago, and the people just moved in... In short, Gu Cheng refused to move there, and he would kill a Honkai beast when it appeared, and he couldn't contact him at all, as if he was enchanted.

"Wouldn't that be better? there would be no need to worry about collapse, and the Vanguard could be sent somewhere else.

"So to speak, but...", Mei glanced at the computer.

"Mebius can't control it, I thought about asking Gu Cheng to restrain her, but these two people...", Mei shook her head speechlessly.

"What's wrong with Mebius?", Apoña asked curiously.

"Australia's Honkai energy reaction has always been very heavy, this time the Honkai broke out, and many new Honkai beasts appeared, but she was curious, grabbed one and dismantled the other, the same as Gu Cheng... It's so worthy that the two of them can be together...", Mei clutched her head speechlessly.

Apoña chuckled softly.

"Forget it...", Mei still thought about it.

"Now all the units from the northwest to the northeast are under control, the situation in the center is also stable, the entire northern hemisphere is included in the plan, and now the north is stabilized and the south is gradually attacked. Mei commanded methodically with the radio.

"Roger. ", the radio responded.

"Aponia, I want to trouble you, you can start from the south, clear the wandering Honkai beasts, and then join Mebius. "


May nodded, "Is Kosmo there?", May contacted with the bracelet.

"I'm in...", the voice was cold and cold, except that it was still cold.

"You go to the northwest to check on Gu Cheng's condition, and after there is no problem, go to the south to support the front line, don't be too out of line. "

Cosmo understands... What about Grecelle?

" May almost collapsed at once, "If you can rest assured, take it with you!", she was really angry, Mei was speechless and funny.

After a while, May checked the battle again, until she found out...

"What kind of is this organization?", Mei seems to be stuck in the stage of thinking about life.

In the surveillance, Eden and Ellie don't know what to talk about, laughing loudly, and Sora and Ying are also generally very happy... But....

Are you polite to laugh and laugh around in front

of the corpse of a lawyer?!! and there is a thousand tribulations!

As if he was a teacher in an anatomy class, he pointed at the corpse of the lawyer with a wooden stick, ignoring hundreds of millions of details, and it was indeed not easy for a thousand calamities to be a senior and tell Sora and Ying about their knowledge.


Shouldn't you go to the east to clean up the battlefield? Why did you come back with a corpse?!!

and Ellie and Eden, don't you have a mission? Ellie, I admit it, why are you like this in Eden?

I thought Cosmo couldn't do it, but it turned out to be a bunch of problem teammates, and none of them were reliable except for Aponia?

May fell into self-doubt, maybe...

At that moment, the walkie-talkie went off.

"Mei, this is Sakura, Vilvey and I are on our way back from Egypt, and the nearby High Honkai Beasts have been cleared, but the local army does not have the ability to fight the Honkai..."

"This is the headquarters, the situation has been understood, I will send the combined vanguard army over, and after you are settled, you will go to the southwest battlefield to support. "

Sakura... Kazkaz... Harvest... to Kazkaz ...", as if something was wrong with the radio radio.

What's going on?May thought to herself.

Then there was the laughter of Vilve, who was out to play.

"Sister Sakura, look over there, that human-headed lion is so interesting..."

Don't pull my skirt... That... Let's go check it out..."

May disconnected the radio at the time.

"I take back my previous words..."

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