Later, it was not until Su Shixiu left for almost ten minutes that Klein dared to secretly pretend to have just woken up.

About the interaction between Dr. Mebius and Su Shixiu... It wasn't the first time she had met.

Coupled with her own knowledge of the doctor, she knew that Mebius really cared about Su Shixiu in private.

It's just that Dr. Mebius is really hard-mouthed, so hard that she sometimes worries for Mebius.

This time it's almost became... But Su Shixiu is also true, and he pretends to be stupid at a critical time!

Whether it was Dr. Mebius or Su Shixiu, Klein felt speechless for a while.

You two, it's really one by one... Sprinkle me with dog food at every turn, do you want a face?

Klein was furious in his heart!


Fire Moth Headquarters, simulation training room.

At this time, the scene in the simulation training room was impressively on the top of a high mountain, and the surrounding clouds were cloudy, and it was impossible to distinguish the real and illusory for a while.

Under the rising sun, on the high platform, there are two figures at this moment, looking at each other.

A boy with short gray and blue hair, with crystal blue eyes as blue as jade, with a trace of purple meaning hidden under the black of his eyes, calmly stared at his appearance.

And on his body, at this moment, he is wearing a long-lost light blue star armor, exuding a looming purple gold star map.

The light blue star armor, set against the background of the sunlight bed, shone with a faint star luster.

His left arm was raised, his left fist was clenched in front of his eyes, and his fist exuded an indifferent purple streamer.

Two colors, distinct but complementary.

"Although this is quite unaccustomed, at least it can make me familiar with this force in the process of sparring, and I can be regarded as able to teach as much as possible."

Hua, who was dressed in a gray high-tech combat suit on the opposite side, was staring at Su Shixiu in front of him with a serious expression at this moment, and his heart was full of curiosity and shock!

Su Shixiu in the human state is already the strongest human race so far, not to mention the current star armor dressing form, which looks obviously much stronger!

Although I don't know what happened to Su Shixiu's star armor, it is obviously not easy to mess with!

"Familiar with power?"

Hua does not know so.

"Right. This force, after all, is my new acquisition, and after months of fighting, all I pursue is speed to solve. For this reason, I have never seriously understood the capabilities of this star armor.

Su Shixiu looked at Hua.

"So that's the case, Brother Shi Xiu, then please advise more!

Hua nodded, then raised his hand, set up the starting pose of the ancient martial arts, and signaled Su Shixiu to prepare himself!

"Well, I'll keep the strength! So Ah Hua... It depends on who attacks the other first!

"Good! Nodding

tacitly, the two instantly burst out and met in the air!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sound of collision resounded throughout the mountain range, stirring up circles and circles of light blue ripples in the mountains and forests, echoing in the air!

And where the two are fighting, the air seems to be distorted and deformed, which looks extremely terrifying!

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

Under the extreme ancient martial arts, the speed of the two was extremely fast, and they had collided several times in the blink of an eye.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of muffled thunderous impacts sounded, and waves of powerful aftermath swept around, leaving deep marks on the surrounding trees.

Where the two of them stood, a huge crater appeared, and there was a faint blue data light stream flashing in the pit!

One move!

Another move!

Another punch bump!

Both of them took three steps back, but Su Shixiu was still floating steadily in the air, but he still looked unchanged, as if he didn't look the slightest bit tired.

And Hua was flushed, gasping for air, and almost fell to his knees!

The high-tech combat uniform on Hua's body can indeed help her stably carry out high-intensity and high-speed battles when she is short of strength.

However, Su Shixiu's strength is too strong, not to mention that he is still a lawyer, and the authority of "frost" can cut through time and space and move faster in time and space!

Not to mention, the Star Armor had too many bonuses to Su Shixiu, and every punch he threw received the Star Armor bonus and exerted even more powerful power!

Even if he has been constricting his strength, it is not easy for Hua Neng to persist to such a degree!

"Sure enough... Still nowhere near good enough!

After hearing these words, Su Shixiu immediately retracted his momentum and stopped a meter away from the ground, with a regretful face.

"But it's good to be able to do that.

Hua saw that Su Shixiu stopped, and immediately retracted.

After resting for a while, she stood up, and then stood beside Su Shixiu with the help of Su Shixiu.

Su Shixiu's star armor has a very large increase in strength and collapse energy, and the power he is using now is a few points greater than the strength he usually exerts with all his strength!

"However, this performance is still not perfect!"

Looking at the obviously lost Hua, Su Shixiu shrugged helplessly, then smiled slightly and put his hand on her shoulder.

"Ah Hua, look at me."


"What is my level of strength, you know?"

Hua was stunned for a moment, then nodded.

"If you know the gap, why push yourself so much? In between everything, it is necessary to pay attention to gradual progress, rush to achieve results, nothing more than to seek return.

Hua was stunned, and soon understood.

"Don't rush for quick gain, so it is, taught! It is worthy of being Brother Shi Xiu, and what he said always makes sense.

Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, and then saw a glance to the side, with a helpless expression.

And beside Su Shixiu, the phantom shadow of Penglai Temple Jiuxiao was standing!

After all, with Su Shixiu himself to control the new powers, it is impossible to achieve such accurate control of these forces, and this matter still has to rely on Jiuxiao to remind him.

Seeing that taking advantage of such a short period of effort, Hua's physical strength and overall state were obviously much better than before, and Su Shixiu ended his intention to continue chatting.

"So, shall we continue?"

Saying that, Su Shixiu took the initiative to take two steps back, slowly raised his arm, and clenched his fist.

"Good! Then I'll try Brother Shi Xiu's new power!"

Hua smiled and nodded, also clenching his fists, ready to fight.

Although Su Shixiu had not taught any skills in the discussion just now, his experience in battle was also a valuable asset.

Not to mention, there are some professors who adjust their mentality and reason, often straight to the point and deeply touching!

As Su Shixiu nodded, soon, Hua clenched his fists and rushed directly towards Su Shixiu!


The two figures once again instantly turned into two afterimages, shuttling through the high platform.

Bang bang!

Bang bang!

The sound of a punch colliding continues to enter the eardrum, making people's hearts beat violently.

The rippling light blue Avalanche energy ripple, even if Su Shixiu converged the performance of strength, it was still not to be underestimated!

The competition between ancient martial arts VS ancient martial arts can often make both sides learn a lot!

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