Fire Moth, Engineering Department, Guest Reception Room.

"Please wait a moment, Mr. Su Shixiu, please wait until I finish the work at hand, and the "self" will come out to see you."

Watching the "expert" Wei Wei crazy busy, Su Shixiu nodded, sat obediently on the sofa on the side, and did not dare to say a word, for fear of disturbing this serious scientific research madman.

Sure enough, his first impression of the weapons expert was correct, but that impression was only suitable for the "expert" Wilvie, and never for the "self" Wilvie.

Fortunately, Welvi's work was not so much, and it didn't take long to finish remarking the design drawings on the computer.

Su Shixiu knew that the "expert" was making weapons for himself, after all, the Chengying sword that he had condensed with Frost Hua was placed in the booth on the side.

"Okay, Mr. Su Shixiu, please wait for me to coordinate with the other Vilvi, and immediately call the "Benme" out."

Su Shixiu nodded, he glanced at Weiwei's workload a little, and couldn't help but be surprised.

The "expert" Vilvi alone, in the morning, took almost two hours to deal with the workload he could only handle at noon!!

Fortunately, Weiwei can't maintain such efficient work efficiency, after all, every Weiwei needs to come out to breathe.

Eight personalities, gee, if you don't understand these eight personalities, it may be really difficult to get along with Vilvie.

After a while, Vilvie walked to the back lounge, and when she came out, she changed into the white dress that the two of them wore when they first met.

"Hello, Axiu, the "expert" didn't scare you just now, did it?"

"Nope." Su Shixiu shook his head, "On the contrary, the workload and work efficiency of the 'expert' Weiwei is really worthy of being a famous genius!"

Wei Wei in front of her smiled gently, with a hint of pride, and in her body, the usually serious "expert" Wei Wei rarely recognized that Su Shixiu was good, perhaps because she was praised.

As for the other personalities of Vilwei, Su Shixiu has not seen it yet, and he can't give an evaluation.

"Huh? It seems that Ah Xiu knows my other personalities well!

"Not so, Sister Ellie said that Vilvi has multiple personalities, let me get along with you, she said that all your personalities are actually quite easy to get along with."

This sentence not only gave Su Shixiu a reason why she could understand her multiple personalities, but also patted all of Wilvie's, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

In this way, the other Vilvi personalities had not yet met Su Shixiu, and they already had the most basic favorable impression of him.

No matter who is praised, they will definitely feel very comfortable in their hearts.

However, in fact, Alicia was busy training Su Shixiu and never told him about it.

"This way." Wei Wei's face blushed without a trace, and then returned to normal: "Then Ah Xiu, are you looking for me for something?" "

Hmm... To be precise, to get all of you down to business. "


"Give, invitation for the evening."

Taking the invitation, Wei Wei read it curiously, and showed a look of sudden realization.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely come then. After all, it was the invitation that Ah Xiu sent me!

Su Shixiu didn't think so much, and after getting it done here, he nodded and stood up directly.

"I have other things to send, so I won't sit much. Welvi, we'll see you in the evening!

"Well, goodbye!"

Looking at the door that had been closed again, Wilvie was silent for a long moment before sighing.

"Alicia, Su Shixiu... There is more than one person who is willing to be kind to a weird person like me. Because

of this sincere friendliness, "Ben I Velvi", who should have been hiding in a small dark room often and could not come out, came out frequently.

"Anyway, I'm out, everyone, why don't you let me practice chopsticks first?" If it's ugly at night, it's embarrassing. Regarding

the possibility of making an ugly appearance in front of Su Shixiu, the other Vilvi unanimously remained silent, allowing the "self" Vilvi to practice slowly.

They, even if they were, did not want to be ugly in front of the second person who was friendly to them, because for every Velvi, Su Shixiu was different from Alicia.

He is very gentle, and he is one of the few opposite sexes who can be highly adaptable to Honkai.


Fire Moth, the fifth squad training ground.

It had been more than a week since he joined the Fire Moth, and although he had been in a coma for most of the week, this was the first time he had been out of the building where the Fire Moth had been.

When he came to this open-air training place, he saw an incredible scene of him.

Originally, the captain of the fifth squad, the red-haired royal sister who liked to drink, and Aunt Himeko (crossed out) teacher, I don't know where the person went.

And the person who guarded their training was actually Hua who had just joined the third day of the Fire Moth?!

"Everyone! Can you get up and train!

However, no one listened to Hua.

If the leader is the captain of the fifth squad, this effect can be better.

However, after all, Hua has only been here for two days, even if her performance is good, her majesty is not enough to suppress everyone, at least this fifth squad cannot suppress all of them.

Unlike Kevin, it was directly typed, hit to the top of the people, and worshiped by the people below.

"Hua, you are Geji! Do you deserve it? "

Newcomer get out of here! As far as your three-legged cat kung fu, you deserve this position?

"Yo yo, isn't this gorgeous? Haven't seen such a pull for a few days? Ghost down! "

During the period when this social order still existed, many people joined the fire-chasing moth, purely to mix and eat, let alone such low-level warriors.

And they usually believe in a truth, which is the law of the jungle commonly used in the army, which can also be called the law of the jungle.

Only if your strength is strong enough, and you can establish enough prestige, then naturally someone will listen to you, and vice versa.

Hua's face became more and more ugly, if she hadn't drunk too much and dumped all the burdens on her, would she be willing to suffer these grievances?

At this time, Hua was not yet the later Red Iris Immortal, but a girl who did not succeed in college, and as a result, because her hometown was destroyed, she was forced to become a warrior.

Her heart is not so strong, even if she usually behaves much stronger, but no matter what stage of the child, when she hears such mocking and vicious words, she will feel very aggrieved and even angry when she is directed at herself.

That kind of words can still be written, and even the words that cannot be written, shouting out for them, those words may not be able to stand even Su Shixiu!

Originally, he didn't want to care about this matter, lest he interfere with Hua's growth, thereby indirectly affecting the future and preventing the emergence of the next civilization from being destroyed.

But now how can he care so much, the road is uneven, pulling out the knife to help is the true nature, not to mention that this is a different kind of excessive bullying!

For these unreasonable and dirty members, Su Shixiu's face became gloomy, and he slowly walked towards that side.

Listening to the insults and ridicule of everyone in front of him, Hua's face became more and more ugly, and the fists in his hands were clenched tighter and tighter, if he didn't worry about the most basic bottom line, he might have directly used martial arts and hammered the head of this smelly guy!

Just when Hua's psychological defense line was almost broken, a teenager in casual clothes stood beside her.

"Huh? Are you..."

"We'll talk later."

Listening to the gentle tone of the other party, Hua Ghost almost nodded, and the resentment and anger in his heart dissipated a lot.

And Su Shixiu walked in front of them, the group of warriors were still sitting on the ground, they did whatever they wanted, and they didn't treat him as a human at all.

Su Shixiu sighed, he originally wanted to solve things with harmony, why should he do it?

But seeing the attitude of no one in the eyes of this group of people, perhaps none of them are worthy of being called warriors of the fire moth!

The collapse in the body can operate, and in an instant, Su Shixiu's eyes turned ice blue!

After a small amount of collapse energy condensed on his left foot, Su Shixiu raised his left foot and stepped on the ground fiercely!


There was a wave of shaking, and calm soon returned.

But on the training ground of the fifth squad, this group of soldiers was not so calm.

Near Su Shixiu's left foot, the ground made of cement has been torn apart from the inside out, and as for the soles of Su Shixiu's feet, it has completely turned into a lump of powder!

Looking at the cold ice that appeared under Su Shixiu's feet, everyone did not dare to be careless, quickly stood up, and quickly saluted the young man in front of him!

In the current Fire Moth, there are not many warriors who can use the Avalanche Energy, and like Su Shixiu, who can use it so delicately and create this powerful power, it is definitely the highest level of warriors!

"You, the recruits of the fifth squad?"

"Report! Be! Seeing

that the soldier in front of him answered his own question, Su Shixiu did not speak, but silently took out the communicator and dialed a phone.

Fortunately, it is not the veterans who are so rude, if the veterans behave like this, then Su Shixiu has to think about whether it is time to persuade grandpa and let him move the entire high-level to purge the fire moth from top to bottom.

After a while, fortunately, the phone was picked up.

"Hello? Is it Axiu that Ellie said? My sister and you don't seem to be that familiar yet, right?

Listening to the woman on the other end still a little drunken and hazy, Hua clenched her fists nervously, this time not out of anger, but because of worry.

Su Shixiu is so strong, but his own captain is still so scattered, this may be finished!

"Come to the fifth squad training ground. Miss Bei Mihu, look at what kind of crooked dates these recruits you recruited! "

If you want to change to the usual Su Shixiu, it is estimated that it may be embarrassing for a while, and then you will talk to others about something else, and soon the two will become preliminary friends."

However, in this situation in front of you, you put Su Shixiu in the mood to chat?

Just a group of people of this quality, how to fight against Honkai? How to save human civilization?

It is estimated that by then, it will not be broken, and he will finish the infighting first!

"All in line! Stand me in a military stance! When will your captain come, and when will you talk. Whoever dares to move, shoot on the spot!

As soon as they heard this, some people in the group panicked.

"Why are you..."

Without waiting for the low-mouthed recruit to finish speaking, a touch of frost flashed, directly freezing the soldier into an ice sculpture, and then the ice sculpture shattered instantly!

With the first one to have an accident, the others naturally did not dare to talk nonsense anymore, and quickly lined up and prepared to stand in a military posture.

Whether you obey or not, no one dares to joke before saving their own lives.

Seeing that Hua was about to go over, Su Shixiu stopped her.

"Sir? You..."

"Don't call me sir, I'm not that exaggerated."

Su Shixiu smiled slightly, and the ghost rubbed Hua's head, which was lower than him.

Seeing that Hua's cheeks were a little red, Su Shixiu lowered her hand and answered the doubts in her heart by the way:

"You're right, what did you do in the past?" Later, your captain will come, directly repeat the situation as it is, and I will cover you. Hearing

these words of support for himself, Hua nodded.

At this moment, Su Shixiu looked at the group of recruits, and the corners of his mouth outlined a curve.

"If someone is upset with me afterwards, you are welcome to report me! By the way, lest everyone not know me, let me report my identity!

"I am a warrior with the name of 'Apocalypse', Su Shixiu, the grandson of Su Guozhi, the representative of the Su clan in Shenzhou!"

The last sentence, which he specially emphasized, was not for the sake of filling the cup, but for the people who joined the Fire Moth, they all knew what the Shenzhou Su Clan meant.

Shenzhou Su clan, that is the high-level representative of Shenzhou who chases the fire moth, and the Su clan protects the short.

The point is that Su Shixiu just dealt with a recruit, which is completely reasonable, even if they really go to report it, there is nothing they can do.

Because the fact is that Su Shixiu is right.

"It turns out that you are Senior Su, Jiu Yang!"

Looking at such a serious Hua in front of her, Su Shixiu, who had just helped her shock the recruits, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

You don't seem to be that old, right?

"Uh, Ah Hua, if I hadn't skipped a grade, I would have been a sophomore this year, only a year older than you."


"I'm sorry, uh..." "

You call me Ashu, that's what they call me." My family is still quite big, and when I am tired of playing, I will go directly ... Ahem, sorry, I just went on stage. Hua

: Small eyes, big doubts.jpg

but fortunately she understood, naturally ignored the strange sentence behind.

"I'll still call you Brother Shi Xiu!"

Su Shixiu thought about it and nodded.

Yihua's nature, if you call yourself Brother Axiu... It is estimated that a Shenzhou person feels strange.

Brother Ash, Brother... It feels wonderful, but it's not a nice name.

"By the way, Ah Hua, this is also for you, it has your share."

Hua was stunned for a moment, then nodded, accepted the invitation card that Su Shixiu handed her, and prepared to read it after disbanding the training in the afternoon.

“...... Watch it now, the evening will begin, and then it will be too late.

Hua nodded, and with Su Shixiu's permission, she quickly read the contents of the invitation and figured out the general situation of the celebration banquet.

Well...... For Alicia to invite Hua, he didn't understand why at that time, it stands to reason that Hua at this time should not be easily noticed by them.

It's just that the reason that Alicia gave him at that time directly made him realize that something was wrong.

"Her fate, very strong, very special, may be the key to our civilization against collapse." Ash, as a lawyer, you should be very sensitive to this kind of induction, right? Therefore

, he was originally prepared to go to rest after only inviting three people, but he was forced to add another person, but fortunately, both of them were from the fifth squad, so Su Shixiu didn't say anything at that time.

The devil knows that he can drink so much, and he can even do such a thing as instructor absenteeism!

However, when he thought that she was one of the few people who controlled and skillfully used the Avalanche Energy, Su Shixiu really couldn't do anything about her, and the most lacking thing in the Fire Moth was talent.

After a while, Su Shixiu and Hua, who had a rough chat about some topics, saw a disheveled humble man hurriedly running towards this side.

Su Shixiu's face changed, and he quickly waved his hand to create an ice curtain, separating him from the group of recruits.

"Hua, give your captain a whole thing, there are such big girls, I don't know how to pay attention to the image."

Looking at the humble mihu who had already gone, Hua's brain pulled down three black lines that did not exist, and he could only hurriedly go over and straighten people's clothes.

After getting the news of the solution, Su Shixiu removed the ice curtain and looked at the group of recruits indifferently.

And under his gaze, none of these recruits dared to raise their heads, for fear of being targeted by this evil god, and if they were not careful, they would die, and the key was not yet a place to reason.

"Hua, tell your captain what's going on, try to be as detailed as possible, I'll add if it's incomplete."

Hua nodded, and only then began to talk about the situation of this group of recruits just now, and explained to his captain Humble Mihu.

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