Far East, amusement park.

"Amusement park, here we come!!"

Lixia excitedly took Su Shixiu's bank card, dragged Xi'er's arm, and rushed directly towards the amusement park!

Although the voice of the roar just now was quite loud, since the person who roared out was Lixia, who was usually relatively quiet, it was not incomprehensible.

It's rare to come out and play once, not to mention, with the company of the most cordial relatives, Lixia will definitely be happier.

As for Xi'er, who was pulled by her, it was that look full of bitterness.

When Lixia is happy, she can completely ignore the death of the society, but Xi'er can't do it.

"Hey, that's you! Also, let me go, Lisha! "

Xi'er tried her best to try to shake off the right arm that was being pulled, but the truth was that Xi'er's strength was not as great as Lisha's...

"Let's go, be happy!"

Following the smaller Cheshire, he excitedly led Grace and hurriedly caught up with Lixia and Ciel!

"Amusement park, lots of colors! Not...... Happy!

Grace: (>v<)

Watching the four children happily kill the amusement park, Su Shixiu and Blanca, who followed behind, couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

"Axiu, is it really appropriate for us to do this?"

"I personally think it's okay." Su Shixiu shrugged his shoulders and stared at the backs of those children with a gentle face, "Occasionally being free is also conducive to children to play their happy nature."

Blanca nodded in agreement, and then continued: "That's true. But, you know I'm not asking about this. "

Cheshire?" Su Shixiu tilted his head.

"yes." Blanca shrugged, "Is it worth it to rub such a free ticket for children?" , "

I really didn't expect that Su Shixiu, the richest in the entire Fire Moth, would actually deliberately let people evade tickets in order to take such a small advantage?!"

"It's worth it, after all, white are the most fragrant!"

Seeing Su Shixiu extending his thumb to himself, Blanca could only smile awkwardly.

Other people can understand Blanca, but you, the young master of the Shenzhou Su clan, would actually do such a thing?

It's just .

. "Moreover, the family is the largest shareholder of this amusement park."

Seeing Su Shixiu say these things with a smile, Blanca's speechless mood was instantly replaced by contempt.

Who in Versailles can be as ordinary as you?

Other people's fare evasion may be a moral issue, but their own shareholders evade tickets for their own amusement parks... It doesn't seem to be a problem either, huh?

So...... Forget it, so be it.

"Forget it. Go, go over there and sit and wait for the children! "

With such a warrior next to the human limit, not to mention that this is still the industry of the Shenzhou Su clan, someone will help take care of the children, and Blanca does not have to worry about the safety of the children at all.

Seeing that Su Shixiu acquiesced, Blanca took Su Shixiu to the rest area next to this amusement park.

He casually took two drinks from the waiter's hand and handed them to Su Shixiu, then picked up another cup and drank it himself.

"The coffee here tastes good!

"It's okay.

Su Shixiu commented silently, while tasting, he watched as the four little ones were brought to the carousel by the staff.

No need to take the children, just sit where they can see, both sides can see each other, and it is a good trip.

"Wait a minute... Can I not go on a roller coaster? Listening

to Blanca's somewhat delicate voice like a mosquito fly, Su Shixiu couldn't help but show a strange gaze.

This senior sister of her own is actually afraid of the roller coaster?!

Amazing, amazing, this is a great discovery!

"Why, scared?

Su Shixiu looked at Blanca with a smile.

Blanca lowered her head embarrassedly and nodded softly.

"A little, I used to accompany Grace on a roller coaster, and I usually watched from below...

"Haha, it's okay, then the bumper car or something, don't be absent!"

Su Shixiu understood that Blanca was not entirely afraid of riding the roller coaster, but more because of his own other reasons and could not ride the roller coaster.

If your senior sister rides a roller coaster, she will probably be frightened.

"Well, I know.

Blanca nodded slightly.

Seeing this, a smile appeared at the corner of Su Shixiu's mouth.

"Do you still want to sit then?

Su Shixiu asked again, but Blanca shook her head.

"...... This joke is not interesting.

Blanca looked apprehensive, resisting the urge to give Su Shixiu a roll of his eyes.

Su Shixiu smiled, and then put down the cup in his hand.

"Look, after the four of them ride the roller coaster, I'll accompany them to the pirate ship ride."

"That's fine. Xi'er and Lixia have long wanted to hang out with you once, and my family Grace has long missed you as an older brother!

Looking at Blanca's playful smile, Su Shixiu sighed helplessly.

"I have every reason to think that I may have taken advantage."

"Hmph! Please remove your 'maybe', my good 'smash'! "

“...... F**K! Die!

"Alas, you can't hit... I don't take a knife! "


Mebius Laboratory.

"Uh, the 'Key of God' plan?"

Looking at the stack of materials in his hand, Mebius threw it impatiently on the table, staring at the person in front of him with an unkind face.

"Right. Dr. Mebius, this is what we think at this stage is the best use of the core of the lawyer.

Mei nodded slightly, although her expression was very calm, but she was actually very apprehensive in her heart.

The "Key of God" plan is actually quite important, but this is not the reason why Mei can panic in her heart.

What worries her more is the plan she discussed with Vilvie's "conductor" and "scholar".

That plan can be said to be the most optimistic plan, but also the most pessimistic plan.

Even other plans that will be proposed in the future will not be as crazy as this one.

The crazy plan, only one person can be its executor, this is this grim plan.

This is the original plan and the final plan. This is an optimistic creation and a helpless choice.

This project is called "Hope".

She has always been afraid of being known by Mebius, because with Mebius's nature, she will definitely deny it at the first time.

Dr. Mebius, known for her hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, is always her students who care most about her.

Not to mention, Su Shixiu was still the existence she cared about the most among her current few students!

However, it is clear that Mebius does not seem to know about this plan, and she is simply unhappy with Mei's arrival and the promulgation of a new mission.

"The best way to use it ... Gee, trouble! Looking

at Mebius's look of disgust, Mebius's heart was shocked, and when she just wanted to say something, Mebius just sighed.

"Say, what do you need me to do?"

After all, the current Mei is her own upper class, and Mebius can't veto her.

The "Key of God" project is a theoretically feasible and realistic plan, and Mebius does not deny this plan.

Klein, who was working quietly on the side, was staring at the two big guys tremblingly, and he didn't dare to make a sound!

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