On a plane bound for the African region.

"Isn't Ann La An, Ash, Trace and Kevin on a mission in the European region? Now that there is such a serious collapse disaster, the two of them are already rushing ♪ to this side!

Glancing out the window, Alicia smiled lightly: "Maybe, the four of us can still fight ♪ side by side~

" "Hope it's best." Also, I'm not nervous. With

a helpless glance at Alicia, Su Shixiu silently raised his left arm and steadied his bracelet.

And Cheshire just silently held up its head, quietly watching everything on the side, not actively participating or interjecting.

The only one who was more active was to subconsciously stay away from Alicia, and then get a little closer to Su Shixiu.

Cheshire observed.jpg

"Oh yes, oh oh, Ah Xiu is worthy of being Ah Xiu, while maintaining eternal cuteness, it can always make me feel at ease ♪~"

Su Shixiu: ......

"Axiu is as reassuring as ever. So, when will I be able to win your heart? Hmm ♪~"

Su Shixiu: ... (silently drawing the knife)

Cheshire: Cheshire shocked .jpg


Hehe.jpg At this time, in the headquarters of the Fire Moth, Kosmo was leaning depressedly against the tree, gazing at the rising sun, but his expression was extremely calm.

What was going on in his heart, it could be said, was clear only to him.

"Hey! Amon, guess who I am? Hearing

this familiar voice, Kosmon fell silent.

He didn't even need to open his eyes to know who was coming.

“...... Daisydobia, what's going on?

"Oh, Amor, can't you be funny? Just like Brother Shi Xiu, deliberately pretending to be stupid can still be liked by so many seniors!

Daistobia let go of her hands in disgust and reluctantly jumped in front of Kosmo.

Kosmo: "..."

He didn't speak, but there was a hint of apology on his expression.

"Forget it, there is no need to be so guilty, I won't blame you!"

Daistobia smiled, put her hand on Kosmo's shoulder, and her cheerful and lively voice suddenly softened:

"Amo, do you feel unwilling?"

Kos was stunned, and then stared at Daistobia with a confused expression, as if he was surprised at why she could know what was in her heart at this time.

"Curious how I knew?"

Kosmon nodded, and then quickly shook his head, however, Daistobia just smiled.

"Why? You're so stupid, your expression is written on your face, I'm not that stupid! Listening

to Daistobia's explanation, Kosmo's face was a little red, and it can be said that the whole person was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, no matter how unwilling you are, you won't have the opportunity to go to the battlefield now." The ability of the fifth lawyer, you should have heard Dr. Wilvie say, right?

"You know, it's currently presenting as a cold snap."

Kosmo rarely spoke.

"We don't have that kind of strength now, even if we devote ourselves to the battlefield in the African region, we can't help our predecessors anything, maybe it will drag them down!"

Looking at Daistobia's hand on his shoulder, Kosmor nodded gently, but did not speak.

He actually knew... It's not that he doesn't understand these truths, but it's precisely because he is unwilling!

"So why not try to get stronger? Until you become an official member of the special squad, until you have the strength that can be recognized by your predecessors, then you can step on the battlefield as you wish, right?

Looking at the silent Kosmon, Daistobia sighed helplessly and patted him on the shoulder firmly:

"Amo, you have to believe that you will succeed, you can do it." Only, not now, but next time, it can be done!


Kosmo still looked out the window with a tangled face, and his heart was full of confusion.

"Okay, don't think too much, the ship will naturally be straight when it comes to the bridge~" Seeing

that Kosmon still looked sad, Daistobia patted him on the shoulder and chuckled.

"...... All right!

Kosmor nodded, and followed Daistobia with a hint of a smile.

Seeing Cosmor smile, Daistobia couldn't help but show a more hearty smile.

At this moment, the relationship between the two of them seemed to have changed a little.

It is undeniable that since they are both reserves of the Fire Moth Special Squad, naturally they will have more time to spend together.

For a long time, the relationship between the two will definitely become closer and closer.

Just because, the girl's lively laughter and the sunny warm orange hair became a glimmer of light in the teenager's heart.

And for the girl, this teenager with short dark green hair who usually rarely speaks, always inadvertently reveals the delicacy and gentleness that belongs to the teenager.

The world doesn't believe in love at first sight, but what if it's two souls compatible?

Looking at Destobia, who was like a ray of sunshine, Kosmon quietly took out a harmonica from his arms, let out a long sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became softer.

"Xiaoya, I... I want to play a song.

"Okay! Amo, I'm looking forward to it! "

Every time Kosmo wants to play the harmonica for Daistobia, she is always a lot quieter and cheerful.

Between the melodious sound of the piano, in this almost autumnal summer, Kosmon and Daistobia have already given the answer to that question.

Will two people with souls really fall in love at first sight?

The answer is yes, as long as there are no accidents, there is bound to be a good story between them.

As long as you can still look into the distance, watch the sun rise again tomorrow...

Only, there is still a chance to witness the future....



When the plane landed and the hatch opened, Su Shixiu finally came back from his thoughts and looked at everyone around him.

Alicia had also sorted out her combat uniform, holding the bow and arrow called "Poetry of Love" in her mouth, ready to disembark.

Behind Cheshire, dozens of missile barrels had been constructed, and her hand was also gripping the frost-condensed longsword.

Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, took the initiative to stand up, waved his left hand sharply, and his palm spread outward!

The ice blue bracelet on his hand quickly turned into countless mechanical parts, and then suddenly expanded in the air!

The enlarged parts quickly reorganized, and in the palm of Su Shixiu's left hand, it turned into a crystal clear ice blue long sword!

Holding the hilt of the sword with his left hand, Su Shixiu glanced at the sword body that exuded a cold glow in his hand, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

Chengying Sword, also known as "Frost of Time", this is Su Shixiu's old friend!

Looking at the frost outside the cabin, Su Shixiu knew that the plane could no longer operate further ahead.

"Sister Ellie, please instruct!"

Alicia smiled slightly, raised the bow and arrow in her hand, and fired a crystal arrow in her hand, solving several dead soldiers wandering in front of her!

"Uh-huh ♪~ There's nothing to say, then, let's go!"

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