In any case, it is really a good treat for a person, especially someone who has worked all day, to have a home-cooked hot meal in peace after a busy day.

Without him, just because this constant hot meal, although ordinary and simple, but it is that simple taste, always people can't help but miss.

Just that feeling is enough to soothe the tiredness of a long day's work.

Moreover, it is also the most ordinary home-cooked hot meal.

Such an ordinary but ordinary home-cooked hot meal is the happiest moment for many people.

Because just such a gathering, tasting the familiar taste and warmth in the mouth, you can not help but smile.

The warmth of home, that's probably it.

True Cause: Home is never a house to live in, but the sum of love.

A simple meal, although Mebius kept saying some bad things about Su Shixiu, Su Shixiu just kept smiling and did not refute anything.

For Mebius, the more fierce the words, the more concerned she always hides a concern that she herself does not want to admit.

It is clear that he does not care about anyone, but in fact, he cares about people who are really good to him.

It's just that...... If at that time, the teacher could occasionally soften his mouth, maybe Su Shixiu, who was not mentally prepared at that time, might really fall, right?

Of course, everything is just... If.

No one knows how everything will turn out.

Perhaps, maybe the current relationship is the most pleasant way to get along between the two?

Maybe there might be better, but at least for now... is the most comfortable relationship.

Because it may not be known.

For a young man who is still young, youth is to fight occasionally and do what he wants to do.

It's just that Su Shixiu doesn't have that mind anymore.

If he had been in college at that time, he might have really thought about his future and who he was with.

But in fact, at that time, he thought more about how to live, and tried his best to survive in the face of the coming catastrophe.

But now, with the strength of him, after going through countless stories, his heart has already strengthened his ultimate belief.

That was Su Shixiu's original belief:

to turn this imperfect story into what we wanted.

At least, every moment now is beautiful for Su Shixiu.

Isn't it?

Watching Mebius enjoying the meal happily, the corners of his mouth couldn't stop showing a smile, Su Shixiu's heart was already very satisfied.

As long as the desire is simple, people will be easily content.

As long as contentment is easy, people can be filled with happiness.

So happiness... Really simple.

It's just such a small warm daily life, enough to make people feel happy and beautiful.

"You don't eat?"

Mebius suddenly noticed that Su Shixiu seemed to have hardly moved his chopsticks from the beginning.

"Nope. Teacher, you eat first, I'm not too hungry.

Su Shixiu shook his head lightly and symbolically picked up a few mouthfuls of food to dispel Mebius's worries about himself.

Mebius frowned, but after seeing that Su Shixiu also moved his chopsticks, he didn't say anything more.

As for whether Su Shixiu was really not hungry, it didn't matter.

For Mebius, she preferred to look at Su Shixiu in front of her, who had been watching herself.

That gaze was as tender as water, and it was always inevitable that Mebius felt at ease.

Because no one has ever seen her like this sincerely for a long time.

Pure, flawless, clear, gentle, caring, caring....

Of course, this is not a fan chart.

Human eyes are often windows to the soul.

And in the window that can look directly into the heart, people who can resonate with the emotions of others can always easily see a lot of things.

The emotions hidden in the hearts of others, no matter how good that person's disguise, cannot deceive his own eyes.

The eye is a portrayal of the deep heart of a person.

This sentence is not false at all.

If someone else looked directly at Mebius, she would be disgusted and even want to avoid that gaze.

After all, being looked at impolitely by others is not a pleasant feeling.

However, for other people who are willing to treat themselves sincerely, Mebius does not hate it.

Alicia, Blanca, little Grace, and Klein, these all count.

Of course, there should also be Su Shixiu's status among them.

However, his position in Mebius's heart has always been the most special, and sometimes even she is not clear!

To be honest, Su Shixiu never felt how strong and kind he was, but he just unknowingly influenced many people.

Maybe others influenced him, but why didn't he influence others?

Mebius... Long ago in the past years, his existence quietly changed something.

At least, Mebius is still hard-mouthed.

However, that was only when someone was there.

When she is alone, she does not deliberately hide her thoughts that she cannot detect.

When she was alone in a daze, Mebius would always subconsciously pick up the little green snake pendant and look at it alone for a long time, with a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth that she dared not imagine.

What is missing? Perhaps, this is probably the answer!

What does it feel like to miss someone? This question has never been definitively discoursed.

But at the very least, hidden actions, and our ever-unknown subconscious, will always tell each other our own answers.

"If, this moment becomes eternal. Isn't it a good thing to let this wonderful time continue indefinitely? Suddenly

stopping the chopsticks in his hand, Mebius quietly glanced at Su Shixiu, and suddenly had an epiphany in his heart.

"Let these good times continue indefinitely." Perhaps, this is the reason why my student, who does not give me peace of mind, has been fighting so hard to this day? Putting

down his chopsticks, Mebius silently made a decision in his heart!

In the past, she was fighting alone for the future of mankind in ways that she was not understood.

But now, she is suddenly willing to add a small personal wish on top of this great cause.

"Teacher, don't eat?"

"Hmm... Full. Although I don't want to admit it, it's not bad! "


Looking at Su Shixiu, who smiled happily because of his praise, Mebius was even more firm in his decision!

"Let Axiu show such a smile from now on!"

When Su Shixiu began to take the initiative to put away the dishes and chopsticks, Mebius suddenly remembered the content of the previous chat with Alicia and couldn't help sighing.

"Alicia is right! Look into your heart... Sure enough, it is much more comfortable..." "

Did Sister Ellie say anything to the teacher?"

Unfortunately, Su Shixiu did not hear the words behind the exclamation mark, because Mebius's murmuring voice became smaller and smaller.

"Nothing. When you're done, hurry back to accompany you two, I can be busy alone!

Mebius waved his hand impatiently, signaling Su Shixiu to get out of the way quickly.

"Oh. Okay, teacher, remember to rest early! Picking

up the bowl and chopsticks, Su Shixiu walked to the laboratory with a smile.

Looking at the closed door of the laboratory, Mebius smiled slightly, almost subconsciously, and uttered the words:

"I try my best." Axiu... I hope that no matter what happens, I will still be by your side."

"Blah blah! Damn it! How could I possibly say such a thing? "

Ashu's words... Never mind! Since you are willing to take the initiative to play the fool, then I will see if I can accompany you to that day.

Back at his desk, Mebius picked up the little green snake pendant and smiled gently:

"My lovely Ashu... You are destined to not escape the palm of my hand. "

Snakes, but they won't let go of their prey so easily~"

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