"Lord Jiuxiao... It seems that there was also a good part that belonged to her. Su

Shixiu, who was kicked out of the chat room, did not feel any dissatisfaction, he could understand the pain, and he was carrying everything alone.

Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, she is both the savior of the last civilization and a loser with regrets.

Looking at the fiery red sunset outside the window, Su Shixiu showed a hint of a smile.

Fortunately, this world still has such a beautiful scenery, which can make those who continue to run forward no longer lose the direction and original intention of moving forward.

Putting aside these excessive thoughts in his mind, Su Shixiu put on a light gray suit, sorted out his dress, and rushed towards the place Alicia said.

Although the celebration banquet is held in the evening, if you arrive early, you may be able to occupy a good position.


Moth of fire, in the banquet hall.

Su Shixiu, who was sitting in the corner of the edge, while sipping the wine in the cup, observed the relatively rare crowd at the banquet, and also observed the behavior of others at the banquet by the way.


At this moment, a familiar voice entered Su Shixiu's ears.

Su Shixiu turned his head to look in the direction where the voice came from, saw Wei Wei in a dress, smiled and nodded.

Velvi sat down beside Su Shixiu familiarly, picked up the wine bottle on the table in front of her, and poured herself a small half glass of red wine.

"Our Minister of Engineering, why did you come here at this time?

"Aren't you too? Afterwards

, the two laughed at the same time.

"Well, I'll admit I'm bored waiting, you can't be too, right?

"Guessed right. They were all making a fuss, so I had to come.

The two looked at each other again and smiled, continuing to look at the others at the banquet.

"That's right. Vilvie, that weapon of mine... How far have you built it now?

Su Shixiu asked the question that he had been wondering about during this time.

"The Shadow of the Past, the Frost of Time?" Wilvie tilted her head suspiciously.

"Is the name of the sword?" Well...... It's a nice name.

After sighing, Su Shixiu nodded.

"The "expert" said that the drawings of that weapon have already been designed, and the manufacture can begin tomorrow."

Taking a sip of red wine, Velvi smiled, "It's just that before the final completion, you still need your strength to Axiu." "

The power of Heavenly Frost?"

"It turns out that your identity is called "Heavenly Frost"... Yes, add some of your own authority to raise the upper limit of this weapon.

Su Shixiu nodded, and then raised his glass to Weiwei.

"Wellvie, thank you for caring so much about me. As a token of gratitude, I toast you with a drink! "

Don't exaggerate so much, don't you have an old saying in Shenzhou called 'When friends are in trouble, ten parties help each other'?"

Although Wei Wei is a little shy, after all, the two of them are already familiar with each other, and naturally there are not so many rules and regulations.

After touching the wine glass with Su Shixiu, Wei Wei and Su Shixiu tasted a sip of red wine at the same time, which was considered Su Shixiu's toast.

"That's obviously 'one side is in difficulty, ten sides help each other'... Forget it, I don't necessarily remember clearly.

Su Shixiu smiled helplessly, no matter what his original ancient saying was, it didn't matter, enjoying the next rare leisure time was the best experience.

"Haha, Axiu studied so well in Shenzhou, I thought you could remember all the ancient sayings in Shenzhou."

"I'm not a superman, I remember a lot of things, and I will always get confused!"

Scratching his head, Su Shixiu's smile is always so soft and warm, and Su Shixiu is such a person, no matter who gets along with him, he will always let the people who get along with him feel such a relaxed and warm atmosphere.

It seems that only in front of him, no matter who can put down their disguise, with the truest "self" in their hearts, face this teenager who is so gentle with everything and everything.

Seeing Jun smiled, like spring breeze and rain; Listen to Jun's whisper, like a cloud of smoke over the years.

This kind of comfort is not only liked by the "self" Vilvie, but also other Vilvi.

"So that's the case, I thought that after Ah Xiu became a lawyer, his basic abilities would be much stronger than humans."

"How can it be so exaggerated." For Wei Wei's ridicule, Su Shixiu shrugged helplessly, "Strong is a little stronger, but you have to leave some time."

"Yes, I'm still looking forward to the day when Ash grows up." Just such an identity ... For you, it's a bit heavy. Su

Shixiu was silent, in this era, the lawyer is destined to become the enemy of mankind.

"But at least, I can still live as a "human being", witness the beauty of this world, and share our hopes for the future with everyone."

As Su Shixiu smiled again, Wei Wei's heart seemed to be touched by something.

As a "human being", to witness everyone's expectations for the future.

"Yes, Ash." The Law of Heavenly Frost" is special among all the Lawyers. And you, as the "apocalypse," are also special among all of us human beings.

These words fully express the absolute trust of Vilvi, who will bear the "spiral" in the future, for the teenager in front of him.

"Why trust me?"

"Why? I probably don't know very well either.

Vilvie shook her head, and then the confusion on her face was replaced by a smile: "But at least, your emotions towards everyone and everyone around you are so sincere and warm."

Su Shixiu was stunned, and suddenly felt warm in his heart.

If you treat others sincerely, you will naturally get the sincere treatment of others.

They can feel their own hearts, their own desire to get along with everyone, and their desire to witness a new and better future with everyone.

This intention has long been not the burden of Su Shixiu alone.

The "Lawyer of Heavenly Frost" is a special existence among all lawyers, he is a "god" who has good intentions for mankind, and he is also a "human being" who wants to open up the future with everyone.

She, Vilvie, whether it is the "self" Vilvie, who now controls the body, or all the other Vilvie, all recognize this gentle teenager from the bottom of her heart.

"I will believe that there is a future, a tomorrow full of sunshine and joy. At least, Su Shixiu, who is also a "human", has always had such hopes, hasn't he?

Su Shixiu nodded, and although the smile on his face was a little bitter, it was more gratifying and satisfied.

"Thank you for your trust."

"No, we're not friends!"

The two nodded, raised their glasses and touched them again, chatting about some pleasant daily life, replacing the slightly heavy topic just now.

However, they did not notice that on the second floor opposite, a camera captured this scene.

"Alas, the relationship between Axiu and Velvi is so good, even I am a little jealous ♪"

Alicia, who was dressed as a maid, pouted a little depressed, and then smiled again.

"Okay, let's continue to prepare for this happy celebration banquet. Let me think about how much more fun it would be to turn the monthly relaxation into a fire-chasing moth tradition. "


Just like that, Alicia hummed a song, returned to the back kitchen, and began to prepare drinks for everyone.

As for Su Shixiu and Weiwei, as time passed, there were more and more people in this banquet hall, and even the luxuriously decorated lamps above their heads gradually lit up.

“...... That's a great idea! Using the Divine Key made by the core of the Lawyer will definitely greatly enhance the combat ability of our warriors.

"Yes, but because it is transformed from the core of the lawyer, people who do not have the appropriate strength cannot exert the power of the key of God."

Vilvie nodded, Vilvie really had a headache about who to designate as the user of these Divine Keys.

It is no exaggeration to say that a lawyer using the Divine Key transformed by the core of the lawyer must be the most suitable candidate.

But Su Shixiu's ability to appear, most of them are similar to cold ice, but in fact stronger frost hua, the first and second god keys, not suitable for Su Shixiu at all.

"The key of God is created by the core of the lawyer..." After

hearing these words, Su Shixiu seemed to be lit up, and he suddenly thought of something, and he directly fell into thought.

Seeing Su Shixiu with this gesture, Wei Wei knowingly did not disturb his thinking, maybe he could give himself a better plan.

Don't see that Su Shixiu is a lawyer, and he has also become a warrior, and before that, he was also an experimental assistant with outstanding ability.

If it were someone else, how could anyone stay for more than a year under the horrific workload of the Mebius laboratory?

There are not many such people, but those who can do this step are basically talents.

Su Shixiu's combat power is undoubted, but he is not a person who can only fight without brains.

For example, the robbery brother who has not yet known (crossed out) a thousand calamities, after the people are affected by more powerful forces, although the whole person has become a lot crazy, but people are just crazy and not stupid.

"Vilvie, I'm also a lawyer. You say, can I use my lawyer authority to create a special key of God for myself? After

Su Shixiu proposed this plan, he directly stunned Wei Wei on the spot.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be impossible? But after all, it is not the core of the real lawyer, and the power will definitely be a little weaker..."

"But theoretically, it works, right?"

Sylvie nodded.

"Well, when my weapon is built, I can directly transform him into the Key of God!"

Wilvie: ...

Other people's weapons in the past are just weapons, why is yours the key of God?

What, you say you're a lawyer? Oh, then sorry to interrupt!

"By the way, what is that weapon called in the past?"

"The Shadow of the Past, the Frost of Time." Wilvie added thoughtfully.

"So, for your own weapons, do you expect it that way?"

An uncle's voice suddenly sounded beside him, startling the two who were chatting at the top.

Looking at the blue-haired uncle who came over, Su Shixiu was stunned, so who is this guy?

"Marks? Hello. Listening

to Wei Wei's name, Su Shixiu suddenly realized.

"You're a new member of our special squad, right? Hello, I am a member of the special squad, our captain's former examiner.

"Hello, Senpai."

Su Shixiu nodded politely, shook hands with the self-acquainted uncle, and then the three sat together.

"Trace, why didn't you see your Blanca and Grace?"

"Wait, Blanca?!"

Hearing Wei Wei mention this name, Su Shixiu's face instantly darkened a lot.

"That's my lover. Shi Xiu, what's wrong?

"What's wrong? Oh, it turned out to be my dear senior sister Blanca... I said that after pit me, how can the divine dragon see the head and the end! Looking

at Su Shixiu, whose smile was gradually terrifying, the second monk was puzzled.

"The assistant in your Blanca pit is him, the Axiu who you called the Great Wronged Seed before."


"Ahem, that, Shi Xiu, all this is a misunderstanding. Blanca pits yours, it's none of my business! "

Virvie: .

Su Shixiu: ......

Scar: Captain Ellie said, this kid is outrageously stronger than me, hit him on the muzzle, I probably don't want to live!

To tell the truth, Su Shixiu originally just wanted to complain, he is not such a stingy person, besides, Mr. Mebius is really good to himself... It's just a little too much.

Looking at the swiftness of the second to sell his wife, Su Shixiu even began to suspect, is this funny b in front of her really that well-behaved and cute Grace Xiu her father?

"Virvie, how old is his daughter?" Su Shixiu gestured under the table to sign language.

"It'll be a year old in a while, is it swollen?" Wilvie gestured in the same sign language.

"I'll go and give them some 'gifts' then!" Su Shixiu couldn't help but pout.

"Uh... Just be happy.

After giving a look, Wilvie shrugged her shoulders and looked helpless.

"Don't worry, I'm a very talkative person."

Su Shixiu smiled, and just wanted to ask Blanca how comfortable the period of time after giving birth to his daughter was after he pitted him, when a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Yo, why are you here who are not serious? And Vivie, you are finally willing to change into a formal dress? Well, there is actually a little brother of Axiu who is also here, what a liveliness!

On his shoulder, he suddenly reached out and patted himself with a hand, and Su Shixiu quickly turned his head to look over, revealing a stunned gaze.

"Humble? Are you going to drink here?

"Shi Xiu, you don't know how much the captain of the fifth squad loves wine! Sometimes when I want to drink some wine, I will go to Sister Beimihu to rub a few bottles! Su

Shixiu and Wei Wei looked at each other and couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Brother Shi Xiu, I'm sorry, the captain caused you trouble."

Those who followed the humble call were naturally Hua, who was also invited.

"It's okay, the celebration banquet is to relax, as long as everyone can relax, it's okay to drink some wine."

Su Shixiu was very open to this.

However, Hua made a difficulty.

Trace and Bei Mi chatted and went to fight wine, Su Shixiu sat in the sofa, and next to him was Wei Wei, and Hua did not know her.

After seeing Hua's embarrassment and embarrassment, Su Shixiu stood up and acted directly as an intermediary.

"Let me introduce you. Ah Hua, this is Vilvi, the head of engineering of the fire moth. Wei Wei, this is Hua, the rising star of the fifth squad, she has good development prospects and excellent strength, and can become the mainstay of us in the future. After

all, among this group of people, Hua's status is the lowest, a newcomer who has no background at first, and Su Shixiu introduced her like this, also so that Hua Anxin can get along with others on an equal footing.

Virvi naturally doesn't need to introduce so much, the head of the engineering department of the fire moth can explain everything, not to mention that she is also a celebrity of the fire moth, just like herself.

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