Soon, the three of them still boarded the plane, and according to the information that Su Shixiu had found before, the special squad of the Fire Moth roared towards the Mu Continent.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the Mu Continent branch.

"This is Mu Continent? Where are the academic seminars of the world's top talents held?

"Yes, Shi Xiu, it was here that your senior sister Blanca met Dr. Mebius and became her assistant."

Glancing at the marks that came over, Su Shixiu looked at the package behind him that was taller than his entire person, and couldn't help but mourn for this poor guy in his heart for a while.

"Ah Xiu, which school is it from?"

Su Shixiu, who was suddenly put around Alicia's neck, was stunned for a while before reacting.

"Mu Continent Research and Bioscience Academy."

"Uh-huh, let's go, Axiu, let's enjoy this romantic date" In this way, Su Shixiu, who didn't ♪

react at all, was directly pulled by Alicia's arm and ran forward, leaving a wail with a back trace.

"Captain! Shi Xiu! There's another guy here!! "


Mu Continent Research and Bioscience Academy.

"Hello, we are the people of the fire moth, and we have made an appointment for enrollment today."

After handing over the documents and verification materials to the doorman, Su Shixiu smiled and looked approachable and gentle.

"Uh-huh, that's it. By the way, do you need me to find someone to show you the way?

Su Shixiu shook her head, anyway, Alicia knew where it was.

"Well, young people, I hope you can pick a good seedling!"

"Thank you Grandpa, we won't bother you."

After greeting the doorman, the three of them went directly into the school.

"Sister Ellie, it's up to you next."

The special squad of three people, Su Shixiu has never been to Mu Continent at all, he is a local, and Alicia has also come several times.

"Uh-huh, just leave it to me. After all, cute beautiful girls, but can ♪ do anything! As

the captain, Alicia should have been the leader of this mission, and it was natural for her to talk to the principal.

Su Shixiu was only responsible for receiving students and handling the next things.

After waiting for a while, Alicia was able to negotiate with the headmaster.

"How about Sister Ellie?"

"Done!" Alicia gestured OK, "Except for the girl you fancy, he will help us find some more biology students, of course, the choice is yours."

Su Shixiu nodded, and Mebius basically handed this matter over to himself to be responsible for the whole process, and there was no matter of Alicia and Trace.

"By the way, Sister Ellie, don't we really need to manage the tube marks?"

"Huh? What's wrong

with the trace..." Following Su Shixiu's gesture, Alicia saw that I don't know when the trace threw the package behind it directly to Su Shixiu's side, and he himself went directly down to hook up with the college student.

"Axiu, I suddenly have a bold idea ♪!"

"Me too!"

Su Shixiu nodded, raised his hand and condensed a frost arrow, and handed it to Alicia.

Out of nowhere, Alicia summoned her bow and arrow: the Flying Flower Love Poem of the Past, loaded with this frost arrow given by Su Shixiu.

While Alicia was aiming, Su Shixiu picked up Alicia's camera and took pictures of the good things that were dried by the way.


In the blink of an eye, the arrow fell in front of the mark, instantly freezing his feet!

A confused look raised his head, and he saw Alicia who was smiling (threatening) and Su Shixiu who was taking pictures, and suddenly had a bad feeling.

"How's it going, Ash?"

Su Shixiu handed over the camera, and after Alicia looked at it, she couldn't help nodding.

"I hope to do my duty, and I am a father who is still so unorthodox." Alas, my poor Blanca and Grace, I really want to take care of them ♪ personally"

The corner of Su Shixiu's mouth twitched, what kind of substitute thought, the next sentence is your real thought!

Worthy of being a lesbian leader! People's wives and daughters do not let go, in this regard, Su Shixiu recognizes Alicia as the strongest!

"Distinguished guests of the Fire Moth, this is the student information you need, please see if there are any satisfied students?"

Noticing the old man and several young teachers who suddenly appeared behind him, Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment, while Alicia nodded to him, and Su Shixiu was aware.

"Thank you."

Su Shixiu took the wad of information and began to flip through it.

The major is stuck, not to mention the excellent students in this major, under this double requirement, there are not many qualified student materials.

After a cursory glance, Su Shixiu couldn't help sighing.

"Sister Ellie, that's her."

Alicia took the information that Su Shixiu took out and glanced at it in surprise.

"Or Klein?"

"It's more suitable for her." Su Shixiu shrugged.

"Okay. Mr. Principal, we have discussed with the fire moth and decided to recruit this student, I wonder if you can help us call her?

After receiving the information from Alicia's hand, the old man flipped through it, and then nodded.

"Klein, a good boy. I'll ask you to call her for you, and ask the guests to wait a while.

"Out of the way, hard work on you, Mr. Headmaster."

Su Shixiu nodded, and after handing over the extra information to the teachers who helped, he shook hands with the old man.

Even if there was such a tall backpack thrown by the side of the corridor, no one would look down on the two of them, because they represented the moth of fire.

After witnessing the departure of the people from the school, Alicia and Su Shixiu looked at each other and looked down again.

The marks were gone, and he was probably coming to join them now.

"Show it to Senior Sister?"

Alicia nodded, even if she didn't have that kind of mind when chatting with other students, but the impact of spreading it out was not good.

"Let's not talk about him. Axiu, you said that if Klein knew and actually just pitted her, what would she think?

"What else can you think? That's it. Anyway, I was also pitted by Senior Sister Blanca, and it's good that I didn't take revenge. "

Well, the inheritance of your master and apprentice lineage is really unique, in fact, I am curious, how did you live intact to this point?"

“...... It's too much, Sister Ellie, do you expect something less on me? Su Shixiu resisted the urge to roll his eyes.

"Well, almost forgot that there was someone behind you. Axiu, Mebius is also so cute, didn't you leave something on her?


Su Shixiu just wanted to answer subconsciously, but suddenly reacted, this question is not right!

"Sister Ellie, what do you mean by this question?"

"Then what does Ashu mean? Hmm, ♪ "

Su Shixiu: ......

"Well, you won, at most, the teacher's attitude towards me has changed a lot."

Su Shixiu shrugged, no matter how to answer this kind of question, he would suffer a loss, so avoiding it was the best answer.

"Hahaha... The attitude towards you has become a lot better... Ashu, do you see these things?

Unexpectedly, his answer directly made Alicia laugh.

"Uh, what else?" Su Shixiu really didn't understand.

"Hahaha, it's nothing, it's a pity, it's a pity, it's worthy of your master and apprentice, one is simple and ignorant, the other is not aware of his own mind, you two really amuse me hahaha..." On

Su Shixiu's brain, he pulled down three black lines that did not exist.

What the hell is the mind? What ignorance is not ignorant? What the hell are you talking about?

For the behavior of the Riddler of Alicia, Su Shixiu only felt very annoyed!

The Riddler rolls out of the Moth of Fire!!

"Ahem, Captain, Shi Xiu!"

After a while, the mark ran up.

"Stop running, it's almost time to finish the task."

Listening to Alicia's words, he let go of his intention to relax and leaned against the wall on the side, of course, next to Su Shixiu.

"Shi Xiu, what is wrong with Captain Ellie, what is so happy?"

"How do I know?"

Su Shixiu shrugged, seeing that he couldn't ask anything, he knew that he couldn't ask anything if he asked Alicia, so he had to give up.

Just as Mark was about to talk to Su Shixiu about something, the old principal returned, this time with a girl with green hair.

"Klein, these are the guests of the Fire Moth, you go inside with them and talk."

"Yes, Headmaster."

Klein nodded and came to the three.

"Trace, look at the good things, otherwise I'll try you to ask ♪"

Mark quickly stood in place and nodded, after all, he was caught stabbing the basket just now, but he didn't dare to do things anymore.

Su Shixiu shrugged helplessly, looked at Klein, and stretched out his left hand.

"Hello, classmate Klein, I am Su Shixiu, and I am the main person in charge of this special investment promotion."

"Hello, Mr. Su!"

After the two briefly said hello, they quickly let go of their hands and looked at each other briefly.

Su Shixiu is such a person, it is easy to make people feel good about him, Klein just met Su Shixiu for the first time, and he already had a good first impression of him.

Of course, it's just the first impression, and after being pitted later, that's another matter.

After all, the main person in charge of this matter is still Su Shixiu, Alicia and Xin are basically, following next to them as a listener, and the real main conversation is Su Shixiu and Klein.

Soon, the four of them entered the office, and the old principal did not come over.

"Classmate Klein, please take a look at the conditions we gave first, if you have any doubts, you can ask questions, of course, if you have any dissatisfaction, you can also negotiate."

Klein nodded and took the recruitment information from Su Shixiu about the assistant of the Mebius laboratory, as well as the detailed introduction of the Mebius laboratory.

There is not much content on the information, basically it is a concise summary of the key points, and Klein also understood a rough idea.

"The conditions are good. That, Mr. Su Shixiu should be regarded as my senior.

Su Shixiu nodded, although we are not the same school, but we can also say so, after all, his degree has been successfully admitted to graduate school.

"Oh, senior, I don't have much opinion, and the remuneration is rich enough. It's just that this working hour is up for debate, what is the situation? The

corners of Su Shixiu's mouth twitched slightly, and his face flickered without changing color: "It is the director of the laboratory who decides the working time, that is, Dr. Mebius." The working hours may be a little longer, but at least humane. Klein

nodded, no matter what, she could not have imagined that Su Shixiu's "humanization" was actually a completely reverse humanization time.

"It doesn't matter if the time is long, such a generous remuneration, the working time is not long, I still don't worry."

Well, it's a girl with a sense of responsibility.

"So you promised?"

"Sort of. So, can you take me to the lab, senior?

Su Shixiu nodded, this was not a big deal for him.

Soon, Klein picked up a pen and signed the agreement in front of him.

This is not a formal employment agreement, just a confidentiality agreement.

The Mebius laboratory is located in the current headquarters of the fire-chasing moth, and the fire-chasing moth headquarters is located in the extreme east, but not everyone can enter it casually.

"In the next period, please ask the senior to guide me!"

"Okay, Senior Klein."

Su Shixiu nodded, shook hands with the girl in front of him again, and then gestured to Alicia again.

"Okay, it's over!"

"So can you stop me carrying this bag?" I haven't seen how much information you use, Captain! "

Huh? "

Ahem, captain, my back!"

Seeing Klein looking at them curiously, Su Shixiu came to her side with a smile.

"This pink fairy lady is Alicia, the leader of the special squad of the Fire Moth, and that blue-haired uncle is a trace, and he is a member of the special squad like me, and everyone is very good."

Klein nodded, and Alicia quickly found the principal, and after handling Klein's bunch of formalities, she handed over the new package to Mark, and since they left the school together.

Fortunately, the airport is not far from this school, and the helicopter of the fire moth is parked at the airport, and the speed of the group of four people to get there is quite fast.

After getting on the plane, everyone started talking, and even Klein, who had just come between them, began to get acquainted with them.

It's just that she still asks Su Shixiu more questions.

As mentioned in the information just now, Su Shixiu originally served as an intern assistant for the previous assistant Blanca for a period of time, but later transferred to the current special team, and Blanca was temporarily unable to return after giving birth to her daughter, so she could only be forced to recruit.

Although it is written in the data, in fact, Blanca has long not wanted to come back, and Su Shixiu has almost the same thoughts.

It's okay to be a guest in the lab, let him work there... Plus three meals a day are instant noodles... If it really continues like this, then Su Shixiu might as well directly brave the wave and challenge his limits to give Mebius that!

Although it may die, the so-called peony flower dies, and ghosts are also merry.

It's just that Su Shixiu may not have thought at all, if he really dares to do that, not only will there be no accident, but maybe he can also mention a relative.

In this way, a curious and inquiring Klein, a serious fooling Su Shixiu, and Alicia and Trace, who were eating melons next to him, sat on the plane back and returned towards the fire-chasing moth in the Far East.

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