However, at this moment, Master Su Shixiu, who was being righteously nagged by many people, was still driving the flying sword at full speed with the highest horsepower, galloping the way to the battlefield.

"Whew, it's a bit of a struggle."

Looking at the phantom sword that cut these phantom collapsed beasts, it became more and more laborious to cut down, and Su Shi repaired it to turn it into a bracelet and attach it to his wrist again.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and a time-space gate shining with cold light appeared beside Su Shixiu.

Reach out, a handle is like shaved ice... Ahem, the Tang knife that was like ice crystals was held into the palm of Su Shixiu's hand.

With the moment he started, this knife was enveloped in endless ice-blue fireworks in an instant!

With the authority of "frost" attached, even if it is casually swung down, in the slice of time and space that is cut, the flow rate of time is instantly slowed down a lot, and even the movement speed of molecules in space has slowed down sharply.

"By the way, it seems that the training in the dream is not very rusty."

The cold light of the blade instantly sharpened and brightened.

Raising the Tang Dao, the cold light in Su Shixiu's eyes flowed, and four wings looming behind him.

"It's not very conspicuous, such a half-lawyer form, let's speed it up."

As if the snow-white wings did not exist, he gently fanned it, and with Su Shixiu's body, he flew forward for a long distance!

After controlling the star sword and circling around him, Su Shixiu instantly raised his speed!

"Gotta be faster!"

"The Australian region ... I hope Xi'er will be fine. "

My brother is coming..."


After smashing the Phantom Collapse Beast in front of him, Kevin looked at the "white snow" that shrouded the tower in front of him and sighed helplessly.

"The doctor said that these are phosphorus and other substances, so high-speed flying that it is enough to instantly cut my body into meat foam..."

Kevin was stunned for a moment, then raised his big sword, nodded at her, and prepared to help her stay by her side.

And Cheshire took a step forward, and those missile tubes, laser cannons and the like constructed behind it instantly came to naught.

And in the eyes of Cheshire, the dazzling ice blue streamer, with rich collapse energy, instantly shone!

As his hands were full of the authority of "frost", Cheshire gritted his teeth, and the cold light on his hands became a little thicker again!

"Give it to me, stop!"

In the blink of an eye, the cold light on his hand began with the "white snow" in front of him, shrouding all the "white snow" flying in the sky!

Endless frost and snow, from the ground, burst out from the hands of Cheshire, instantly swept the sky "snow" that shrouded the tallest tower in Australia!

The frost instantly condensed, preventing the "white snow" from flying, causing them to turn into towering frost tornadoes, which were static and did not really rotate.

"Kevin !!"

"Oh? So soon, here it comes! In

response, Kevin took up the key of the third god, and the thunder light instantly enveloped the blade!

The cross-shaped thunder light slashed down, and the frost tornado in front of him, but in the blink of an eye, it was covered by endless purple thunder light!

As the thunder light intensified, the thunder light above the frost flashed instantly, shattering this layer of frost in the blink of an eye!

Without the traction of that force, the "white snow" flying in the sky instantly fell from the air.

At this moment, it was as if it was really snowing.

These "snows" are really white, clean and flawless, and not stained with a trace of dust, rendering countless static and beautiful atmospheres in this apocalyptic city.

However, the surface city has been destroyed to the point of ruin, and the clouds in the sky are already blood-red to the point that they seem to be about to fall blood.

Even those snow-white "white snow" are all rendered by this layer of light, with a touch of terrifying and even frightening redness.

At the same time, the purple space-time portal, the portal connecting the Quantum Sea, was exposed to the eyes of Cheshire and Kevin, under the tower.

With the eyes of the two, they naturally also saw the figure sitting on the top of the tower, which resembled a girl.

At the same time, quite a few phantom beasts appeared.

After being shrouded in blood-red light, they obviously became much more difficult to deal with.

Kevin's face instantly became grim, but when he raised the Third God Key and was about to unload the big sword behind his back, Cheshire set up the constructed armament.

"Kevin, the lawyer, you deal with it."

"Cheshire?! If I go, then you..."

"Alone, I may not be pro... Brother and your opponents, but against a group, that's my specialty!

Looking at the swarm of drones floating around Cheshire, Kevin silently sighed in his heart.

"Good. Cheshire, be sure to pay attention to safety, contact me in danger! Cheshire

nodded, and then Kevin ran to the tower!

Of course, there must be many Phantom Avalanche Beasts who wanted to stop Kevin, but they were all blown up by the quantum missiles constructed in Cheshire!

With the cover of Cheshire's fight, Kevin can be said to be almost effortless, jumping up and grabbing the metal beams of the tower!

After a forward flip jumped up, Kevin activated the exoskeleton armor assist mode of combat armor, and instantly climbed to the top of the tower step by step!

After watching Kevin go up undisturbed, Cheshire breathed a sigh of relief.

"Actually, my strength may not need to worry more!"

Thinking of this, after Cheshire looked at the group of phantom collapse beasts that surrounded her in front of her, and turned into new, more powerful and huge enhanced quantum creatures, Cheshire did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

"Come on, this is my power!"

"I'm never a burden around my dear one!"

In an instant, the real frost fell from the sky and enveloped Cheshire's whole body!

Shrouded in endless wind and frost, Cheshire felt the power that increased wildly in his body, and his thoughts became clearer and more decisive.

Countless frost blooms became real snowflakes, completely shrouding Cheshire's body.

Then, with a dazzling flash, Cheshire's figure disappeared.

In its place was an equally huge ice-blue Avalanche Beast!

This is one of the current judgment-level Collapse Beasts, a companion Collapse Beast that belongs to Su Shixiu, the Law of Heavenly Frost, and has a powerful attack power in a unicorn posture!

Its name is, Ling Zhao!

With its roar, endless wind and snow fell on the entire capital, and soon covered everything on the ground, like a field.

In this city where ordinary humans cannot get close and even satellites cannot see the specific location, Cheshire has finally liberated all its power again after a long absence!

At this time, Kevin, with great effort, finally climbed to the top of the tower.

"Whew~ it's really tiring!"

After coming up, Kevin instantly unloaded the big sword and held it, and the other hand also clenched the third god key.

Just when he was wondering why the climb up was so smooth and unhindered, he suddenly felt a dark wind blowing behind him!

For this reason, Kevin almost subconsciously squatted down and could not avoid this dangerous and dangerous blow!

After a tumble and flashing to the side, Kevin raised his great sword and the Third God Key, looking like he was waiting for it.

However, when his gaze saw the person who attacked him, his eyes widened in an instant.

"How... Possible?! At

the place where Kevin was standing just now, there was a young girl standing at this moment, a long blood-red dress with long dark red hair that seemed to have been bleached and dyed blood.

Her blood-red eyes were looking at her, and there was even a smile at the corner of her mouth.

"Hello, Brother Kevin, are you very satisfied with my appearance?"

And the smile on Kevin's face, and the ease with which it was inevitable to solve this collapse, were all gone at this moment.

"Satisfied, how is it possible?"

"Sixth Lawyer, why are you?"

Looking at the shocked Kevin, the girl shrugged, seemingly struggling to hold back a smile.

"Why can't it be me?"

"Yes, everyone can become a lawyer."

At this moment, Kevin's fighting spirit seemed to dissipate a lot in an instant.

"But why you, Ciel!!"

"By what, you became a sixth lawyer?!"

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