"Wait, teacher!"

Watching Mebius's fading back gradually speed up, Su Shixiu had no choice but to call her.

Mebius snorted in his heart, and just wanted to subconsciously speed up his pace, but suddenly slowed down.

Recalling Su Shixiu's state during that time, she still relented.

"Are you willing to come over from that pink hair?"

From Mebius's words, Su Shixiu could not hear any emotion.

What the heck?

Glancing at Mebius in surprise, Su Shixiu did not understand the reason.

"Sensei, Sakura doesn't seem to have much intersection with you, does she?"

"She's pink."

Su Shixiu: ......

"She's Sakura, not love..." "

Pink hair reminds me of that bastard!"

Su Shixiu was speechless for the second time.

Wouldn't it? Why bother with the grudge between the two of you?

Sakura is not Alicia again, hey!

However, Mebius is well aware of this fact.

Just seeing Su Shixiu so close to that guy, she would subconsciously become inexplicably irritable.


Su Shixiu shook his head and looked at the box lunch in Mebius's hand, and couldn't help but be curious.

Is this not eating yet?

However, Mebius handed the box lunch to Su Shixiu.

Su Shixiu: The old man .jpg the subway mobile phone

, "This..." "

You have been practicing for a noon."

It's equivalent to not eating yourself, so bring yourself food, right?

Su Shixiu heard the subtext in his words.

"But, teacher, you shouldn't have ..."

"Klein cooked."

Su Shixiu was stunned for a moment.


With her busyness, how can she have time to cook?

Did you say....

"Instant noodles again?!"

The disgust on Mebius' face froze instantly, and then laughed a few times very reluctantly.

"Ah, cough, haha, yes..." originally

thought that Su Shixiu would definitely say something about her again because of this matter.

However, Su Shixiu just glanced at her and didn't say anything.

At this time, Mebius will not be able to do it.

This is a little different from Su Shixiu, who she knows.

Sure enough, has it changed a bit?

Just when Mebius was about to think about it, Su Shixiu took the box lunch in Mebius's hand.

"Thanks, teacher."

Mebius opened his mouth, but looking at Su Shixiu now, he didn't know what to say.

Lifting the box lunch, Su Shixiu turned around directly.

Just when Mebius thought that Su Shixiu was leaving, there was a sudden gentleness in the voice that no longer had so much emotion:

"Instant noodles, eat less." Teacher, you are still busy, go back first.

Looking at Su Shixiu, who had walked away, Mebius couldn't help sighing.

Is this the person who has lost the most important loved ones?

The current Su Shixiu was still familiar to her.

It's just that now he has become a lot stranger.

There are really many, many fewer words.

For a while, even Mebius was a little unused to it.

"Losing someone important ... If I lose it too, how will I behave? However

, for Mebius, who is the most irreplaceable person in his heart?

Remembering her once gentle smile, and then remembering his face that rarely had expression, the depression in Mebius's heart became even heavier.

"Forget it, it's really troublesome. These things... Why should I worry? It doesn't matter to me again!

"Yes, it doesn't matter..." "

As long as you can pursue the infinity of life, let's talk about it... That way you can have a chance..." Deliberately

hard-mouthed, but soft-hearted, Mebius couldn't hide himself.

It wasn't until Su Shixiu's back disappeared at the end of the corridor that she left.

If she has the opportunity, she should come to see Su Shixiu more.

Klein's words... It's a big deal, just raise your salary.



After taking Lixia back, Su Shixiu rarely made her a meal himself.

Looking at the fragrance that Lixia ate in the living room, Su Shixiu sat in the dining room, looked at the box lunch in front of him, and finally opened it.

"Fried sauce noodles..."

is his favorite meal.

Moreover, inside the lid of the bento, there is also a sentence:

"I want to open something." Life cannot be resurrected, do not live as Xi'er does not want to see. There

were very few words, but they would indeed be the words that Mebius could give himself.

She never takes the initiative to say it, but even such a behind-the-scenes warning is very good.

"yes... I, the brother, can't let Xi'er disappoint me.

Sighing, the last stone in his heart seemed to be much lighter.

The exhortation of this sentence is the most pertinent sentence for me and Su Shixiu.

Even if the original version of these words came from the mouth of Su Shixiu.

Looking at Lixia outside, Su Shixiu's heart was much more comfortable.

Yes, at least he himself, is not completely alone.

Picked up the chopsticks, picked up a noodle stick, and put it in his mouth.

Feeling this taste, Su Shixiu couldn't help but smile:

"Isn't there a chili pepper?" But there is less salt, and there seems to be too much vinegar... But still edible.

Looking at Mebius's message, Su Shixiu sighed:

"Actually, it doesn't matter if there is chili pepper or not... For me now.

"But it doesn't taste bad."

"After all, the teacher did it himself."

Around him, there is also care from others.

With their concern, even the heart of the young man has suffered so hard, but as long as there is no heartbreak, it can make up for it.

Because Su Shixiu has a group of very good and gentle partners who are very good to him.

It is also because of their existence that Su Shixiu has grown to the point where he is now.

And it is precisely because of their encouragement that Su Shixiu can always maintain his original intention and continue to be a better and better person.

Their existence, that is, the reason why Su Shixiu is willing to fight, is also the root of his becoming stronger.

"If they hadn't felt warmth, who would want to unswervingly move closer to someone like that?"

And the purpose of his battle is always the same.

"Give them a glimpse of the hope of tomorrow's future."

This is the "Apocalypse" inscription that Su Shixiu carries.

Maybe the process is difficult, there may be countless setbacks and tribulations along the way, but those are nothing.

Those were just tests that made Su Shixiu stronger.

And whose road will be smooth sailing?

At least, for Su Shixiu, it is enough to be able to go on like this, inherit the warmth from everyone, and fight with their will.

Because that's what I want to do.

Because you have to do it yourself.

Perhaps as a lawyer, he was afraid that he would not be able to do this.

But as a human being, he firmly believes that he can do it.

Because, he is Su Shixiu.

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