Shenzhou area, Tianqiong

City, Tianqiong Airport.

"Sir, I wish you a happy holiday!"

Nodded, watching the fighter rise into the air, until it quickly left the airport, Su Shixiu retracted his gaze.


Sakura on the side, but did not care about Su Shixiu next to him, and directly stretched out comfortably.

"Slept well?"

Sakura nodded and rubbed her eyes, looking a little dumbfounded.

Combined with her previous image, it gives people a feeling of contrast and cuteness.

The three little girls had already slipped into the distance, looking at this high-tech city that had developed to a large scale, and the excitement and excitement in their eyes could not be suppressed.

Fortunately, Lixia and Grace are not particularly crazy children, they are both very well-behaved, so that Suzu is also carried by them, and is still in the sight of Su Shixiu and Sakura.

"Have a drink?"

Raising the thermos cup she was holding, Sakura nodded, directly took the cup in Su Shixiu's hand, and drank warm tea without hesitation.

This wave of operation, watching Su Shixiu was stunned.

It seems that he is really sleepy and has not fully woken up.

Otherwise, if it were changed to normal, it is estimated that he would have quickly refused.

"Give. Yawn~"

Looking at her was still quite confused, Su Shixiu didn't say anything more, took it and put it in the backpack behind him.

"Go, they're running away."

"Oooh. Bell! You guys slow down!

After coming to her senses, Sakura did not realize the seriousness of the matter just now, and called out to her relatives by the way.

"Don't sister, this city is so spectacular, it's really good-looking!"

"Come on, come back quickly, don't put that shame on hold!"

The one who pulled the bell back was Lixia, who was even bigger than her.


Grace nodded approvingly.

"Huh?! Lean, you all bully me woo-woo!

"Sister Ling, if you cry, you have to bring tears!"

Suzu: ......

Then, she was sneaked away by Sakura.

"Don't run so fast, wait for me and you to repair brother. You are not familiar with the city, don't run and get lost.

"Oh, sister!"

Lixia and Grace, who were standing on the side, laughed mercilessly.

Su Shixiu also smiled.

"Let's go. Get off the elevator here, the car should arrive. Holding

Lixia and Grace's little hands, Su Shixiu deliberately slowed down.

The aim is nothing more than two things: to give the children time to appreciate the city, and to allow the youngest Grace to keep up with them.


Soon, a group of five people got into the maglev sports car that had arrived long ago.

"Guy smash, where to go?"

Listening to the driver's master speaking a very fluent hometown dialect, Su Shixiu's heart can be described as a mixture of tastes.

It is another day of return, but at this moment, things have long been different, and this place has long changed.

Yes, nothing is static....

"Yuyue District."

After thinking about it, Su Shixiu said the familiar name.

"Oh, that's the old town. Guy smash, it should be a local, right?

With a slight smile, Su Shixiu nodded gently.

"Good, this is bringing my daughter-in-law and children to meet my parents?"

Hearing this, Su Shixiu was stunned on the spot.

Even Sakura, who was sitting in the back to take care of her three children, blushed on the spot, but was not noticed by others.

"Yes, sister... Ah ahem, Mom and Dad are so nice to us! "

Bell !!"

Sakura backhanded a brain melon and smashed down.

Suzu covered her head in pain and looked at her sister with teary eyes.

Lixia and Grace sat together, secretly laughing again.

Su Shixiu sighed helplessly, and could only smile awkwardly:

"No, master, what are we..." "

Oh oh oh, I understand the guy smashing, it's very promising!"

Looking at the driver who was driving happily, Su Shixiu slowly buttoned out a question mark.

Not a master, what do you understand?

I didn't even understand, what do you understand?

But it seems that this embarrassing topic has already passed.

“...... Master. How did the current Yuyue District, or the entire Tianqiong City, develop during this time? After

thinking about it, even if Su Shixiu didn't want to talk, he always had to talk to the master.

Otherwise, with the degree of gossip of the Shenzhou driver master, it is estimated that he can pick up some more outrageous things!

"Now the Heavenly Dome City can be labeled as prosperous, rich, safe, and scientific! The

driver master said triumphantly:

"This is one of the four major economic lifelines of the entire Shenzhou, and since the high-level management began to start the development plan for this city, tens of billions of dollars have been invested every year!"

"Moreover, because of the geographical location, the entire Skydome City has also become a transit point for world trade. Now there are many people who want to come to this city. "

It can be seen that I really listened to the advice of my second uncle before."

"As for the Yuyue District, although I don't know why the old town didn't develop, it was also a rich area before the development. Many people look at the development prospects of Tianqiong City, even the Yuyue District has become infinite!

Nodding, Su Shixiu smiled softly:

"However, my family has a house over there."

The driver master was stunned, and then his eyes widened on the spot!

"Hey yo! That's amazing! It turns out that they are really decent locals, they are clumsy!

"No, no, master, didn't you also guess that I was a local?"

"Alas, you don't understand this! We are talking about locals, following the local life... Right! Natives, there are two differences!

Su Shixiu nodded understandingly.

So it is, it seems that this city has poured in a lot of fresh blood!

The topic became farther and farther away, and as the road progressed, the surrounding cities with an initial cyberpunk style gradually became the original forest villas.

Flowers and plants, it's really rare to see.

Soon, under the guidance of Su Shixiu, this maglev sports car came to the gate of a villa that was extremely luxurious in the previous era.

"Hey, isn't this the villa where the owner hasn't been there for a long time? Guy smash, shouldn't you be the mysterious rich man?

Su Shixiu smiled and nodded slightly.

Afterwards, taking care of the waiter in the villa, he quickly came to the car.

The passenger door was opened, and looking at the girl in the maid costume, Su Shixiu couldn't help but be stunned.

"Are you... Lingling?! Seeing

this girl, Su Shixiu was stunned.

How could it be her?

Even Sakura, who was behind her, poked her head out curiously and looked over.

Originally, her heart inexplicably tensed, but then the girl's call to Su Shixiu instantly made her feel a lot more at ease.

"Long time no see, my dear cousin?"

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